Thermo Scientific Heraeus MicroCL 21R 微量离心机

Thermo Scientific Heraeus MicroCL 21R 微量离心机

Thermo Scientific Heraeus MicroCL 21R 微量离心机

  • 商品品牌: Thermo赛默飞世尔
    商品编号:MicroCL 21R
  • 商品价格: 请与我们联系
  • Thermo Scientific Heraeus MicroCL 21R 微量离心机-Thermo赛默飞世尔-MicroCL 21R

    • 主机最高转速:10001~20000rpm
    • 品牌属性:进口
    • 类型:高速离心机
    进口微量离心机 低速离心机 热电离心机 Thermo离心机 高速离心机

    Thermo Scientific Heraeus MicroCL 21R 微量离心机

    Thermo Scientific IEC MicroCL 17 & 21 系列离心机结合了高效性、通用性、安全性及方便性等特点。

    结构紧凑、使用方便. 具有 17,000 x g 和21,000 x g 型号可选, 提供广泛选择的转头,用于各种离心应用,如核酸提取,蛋白纯化等。

    新型的24 x 2 mL ‘ClickSeal?’ 生物安全转头通过 CAMR认证。


    广泛选择的转头, 两种 17,000 和 21,000 x g 型号选择,满足从简单到复杂的离心过程的需要 .快减速/快加速能力 (≈12 seconds) 用更少的时间离心更多的样品


    IEC MicroCL 17 & 21 提供各种大通量的转头,满足各种离心管/板离心的需要。

    标准24-位转头可容纳所有 1.5及2.0 mL微量离心管,包括过滤管

    新的18-位双排转头可同时容纳 2.0 mL 和 0.5 mL微量管,不需要适配器

    特殊的大通量转头,用于离心 0.5 mL ,0.2 mL PCR 管以及血比容毛细管


    独特的 ClickSeal™防生物污染转头盖 在安装中可自动“卡紧” ,提供安全性及方便性的离心操作



    平滑, 轻体积的设计节省实验室空间,易于清洗及维护



    Part Number



    MicroCL 17 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and biocontainment lid, 120V 60Hz


    MicroCL 17 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and biocontainment lid, 230V 50/60Hz


    MicroCL 17 with hematocrit rotor, 120V 60Hz


    MicroCL 17 with hematocrit rotor, 230V 50/60Hz


    MicroCL 17R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and biocontainment lid, 120V 60Hz


    MicroCL 17R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and biocontainment lid, 230V 50/60Hz


    MicroCL 21 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and lid; 120V 60Hz


    MicroCL 21 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and lid; 230V 50/60Hz


    MicroCL 21R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and lid; 120V 60Hz


    MicroCL 21R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and lid; 230V 50/60Hz


    • 主机最高转速:10001~20000rpm
    • 品牌属性:进口
    • 类型:高速离心机
    商品名称 Thermo Scientific Heraeus MicroCL 21R 微量离心机-MicroCL 21R-Thermo赛默飞世尔
    型号 MicroCL 21R
    类别 实验室常用设备|||混合分离|||离心机|||ThermoScientificHeraeusMicroCL21R微量离心机
    品牌 Thermo赛默飞世尔
    品牌简介 Thermo赛默飞世尔
    关键字 进口微量离心机 低速离心机 热电离心机 Thermo离心机 高速离心机,离心机,微量,方便性,离心管,通量,通用性

    Thermo Scientific Heraeus MicroCL 21R 微量离心机

    Thermo Scientific Forma 900系列超低温冰箱 994

    Thermo Scientific Forma 900系列超低温冰箱 994

    Thermo Scientific Forma 900系列超低温冰箱 994

  • 商品品牌: Thermo热电
  • 商品价格: 请与我们联系
  • Thermo Scientific Forma 900系列超低温冰箱 994-Thermo热电-994

    • 产品类型:低温冰箱
    • 温度 :-86℃
    • 容积:301~500L
    • 外观形状 :立式
    • 品牌属性:进口

    Thermo Scientific Forma 900系列超低温冰箱 994

    赛默飞世尔科技 Forma 900 系列-86°C立式超低温冰箱专为您的样品提供可靠的日常超低温保护;提供单门或双门模型。










    赛默飞世尔科技 Forma 900 系列 -86°C 立式超低温冰箱提供一系列功能,其中包括:





    最先进的制冷系统:提高温度控制性能,增加 BTUH 储冷能力,以获得更稳定的样品保护温度。

    5”(127mm) 原位发泡聚氨酯保温材料:降低功耗,保持设定温度,结合三联点门密封条,以在打开箱门时提供更持久的保温时间。


    1”(25mm) 检修口:可连接外部探头或仪器。






    简化安装和移动:配备新型易滚 2 英寸锁定脚轮。


    可选配 CO2 或 LN2 备份系统:可选配 CO2 或 LN2 安全后备制冷系统,以便在发生电源或机械故障时提供附加样品保护。

    可选图表温度记录仪:可选配内置图表温度记录仪,可安装在 900系列的齐眼线高度。




    • 产品类型:低温冰箱
    • 温度 :-86℃
    • 容积:301~500L
    • 外观形状 :立式
    • 品牌属性:进口
    商品名称 Thermo Scientific Forma 900系列超低温冰箱 994-994-Thermo热电
    型号 994
    类别 实验室常用设备|||实验箱体|||低温冰箱|||ThermoScientificForma900系列超低温冰箱994
    品牌 Thermo热电
    品牌简介 Thermo热电
    关键字 热电/进口/立式/医用冷藏箱/医用低温箱/-86℃低温冰箱/-86℃医用冰箱,超低温,冰箱,样品,系列,温度,记录仪

    Thermo Scientific Forma 900系列超低温冰箱 994

    Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 21 微量离心机

    Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 21 微量离心机

    Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 21 微量离心机

  • 商品品牌: Thermo赛默飞世尔
    商品编号:Sorvall Legend Micro 21
  • 商品价格: 请与我们联系
  • Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 21 微量离心机-Thermo赛默飞世尔-Sorvall Legend Micro 21

    • 主机最高转速:10001~20000rpm
    • 品牌属性:进口
    • 类型:高速离心机
    进口微量离心机 低速离心机 热电离心机 Thermo离心机 高速离心机

    Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 21 微量离心机

    Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 17 & 21 系列离心机提供更出众的处理能力, 有通风型和制冷型两种产品规格,各有 17,000 x g和 21,000 x g 两种型号。



    Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 17 & 21 系列离心机结合出众的功能、大的样品处理量提供快速、高效的微量离心管离心。

    广泛选择的转头, 两种 17,000 和 21,000 x g 型号选择,满足从简单到复杂的离心过程的需要。

    快减速/快加速能力 (≈12 seconds) 用更少的时间离心更多的样品。


    Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 17 & 21 系列离心机提供各种大通量的转头,满足各种离心管/板离心的需要。

    标准24-位转头可容纳所有 1.5及2.0 mL微量离心管,包括过滤管

    新的18-位双排转头可同时容纳 2.0 mL 和 0.5 mL微量管,不需要适配器

    特殊的大通量转头,用于离心 0.5 mL ,0.2 mL PCR 管以及血比容毛细管.

    有通风型及制冷型两种规格,Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 17 & 21可用于几乎所有的微量离心应用。


    Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 17 & 21 为所有人及所有实验室安全、方便地离心微量样品而设计。

    独特的 ClickSeal?防生物污染转头盖 在安装中可自动“卡紧” ,确保您的样品在离心过程中处于密封状态。



    平滑, 轻体积的设计节省实验室空间,易于清洗及维护。



    Part Number



    Sorvall Legend Micro 17 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and biocontainment lid, 120V 60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 17R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and biocontainment lid, 120V 60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 17 with hematocrit rotor, 120V 60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 21 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and lid; 120V 60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 21R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and lid; 120V 60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 21 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and dual 18 x 0.5mL/18 x2.0mL rotor; 120V 60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 21R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and dual 18 x 0.5mL/18 x2.0mL rotor; 120V 60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 17 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and biocontainment lid, 230V 50/60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 17 with hematocrit rotor, 230V 50/60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 21 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and lid; 230V 50/60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 17R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and biocontainment lid, 230V 50/60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 21R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and lid; 230V 50/60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 21 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and dual 18 x 0.5mL/18 x2.0mL rotor; 230V 60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 21R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and dual 18 x 0.5mL/18 x2.0mL rotor; 120V 60Hz


    • 主机最高转速:10001~20000rpm
    • 品牌属性:进口
    • 类型:高速离心机
    商品名称 Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 21 微量离心机-Sorvall Legend Micro 21-Thermo赛默飞世尔
    型号 Sorvall Legend Micro 21
    类别 实验室常用设备|||混合分离|||离心机|||ThermoScientificSorvallLegendMicro21微量离心机
    品牌 Thermo赛默飞世尔
    品牌简介 Thermo赛默飞世尔
    关键字 进口微量离心机 低速离心机 热电离心机 Thermo离心机 高速离心机,离心机,微量,离心管,样品,通量,出众

    Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 21 微量离心机

    Thermo Scientific Heraeus MicroCL 21R 微量离心机

    Thermo Scientific Heraeus MicroCL 21R 微量离心机

    Thermo Scientific Heraeus MicroCL 21R 微量离心机

  • 商品品牌: Thermo赛默飞世尔
    商品编号:MicroCL 21R
  • 商品价格: 请与我们联系
  • Thermo Scientific Heraeus MicroCL 21R 微量离心机-Thermo赛默飞世尔-MicroCL 21R

    • 主机最高转速:10001~20000rpm
    • 品牌属性:进口
    • 类型:高速离心机
    进口微量离心机 低速离心机 热电离心机 Thermo离心机 高速离心机

    Thermo Scientific Heraeus MicroCL 21R 微量离心机

    Thermo Scientific IEC MicroCL 17 & 21 系列离心机结合了高效性、通用性、安全性及方便性等特点。

    结构紧凑、使用方便. 具有 17,000 x g 和21,000 x g 型号可选, 提供广泛选择的转头,用于各种离心应用,如核酸提取,蛋白纯化等。

    新型的24 x 2 mL ‘ClickSeal?’ 生物安全转头通过 CAMR认证。


    广泛选择的转头, 两种 17,000 和 21,000 x g 型号选择,满足从简单到复杂的离心过程的需要 .快减速/快加速能力 (≈12 seconds) 用更少的时间离心更多的样品


    IEC MicroCL 17 & 21 提供各种大通量的转头,满足各种离心管/板离心的需要。

    标准24-位转头可容纳所有 1.5及2.0 mL微量离心管,包括过滤管

    新的18-位双排转头可同时容纳 2.0 mL 和 0.5 mL微量管,不需要适配器

    特殊的大通量转头,用于离心 0.5 mL ,0.2 mL PCR 管以及血比容毛细管


    独特的 ClickSeal™防生物污染转头盖 在安装中可自动“卡紧” ,提供安全性及方便性的离心操作



    平滑, 轻体积的设计节省实验室空间,易于清洗及维护



    Part Number



    MicroCL 17 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and biocontainment lid, 120V 60Hz


    MicroCL 17 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and biocontainment lid, 230V 50/60Hz


    MicroCL 17 with hematocrit rotor, 120V 60Hz


    MicroCL 17 with hematocrit rotor, 230V 50/60Hz


    MicroCL 17R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and biocontainment lid, 120V 60Hz


    MicroCL 17R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and biocontainment lid, 230V 50/60Hz


    MicroCL 21 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and lid; 120V 60Hz


    MicroCL 21 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and lid; 230V 50/60Hz


    MicroCL 21R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and lid; 120V 60Hz


    MicroCL 21R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and lid; 230V 50/60Hz


    • 主机最高转速:10001~20000rpm
    • 品牌属性:进口
    • 类型:高速离心机
    商品名称 Thermo Scientific Heraeus MicroCL 21R 微量离心机-MicroCL 21R-Thermo赛默飞世尔
    型号 MicroCL 21R
    类别 实验室常用设备|||混合分离|||离心机|||ThermoScientificHeraeusMicroCL21R微量离心机
    品牌 Thermo赛默飞世尔
    品牌简介 Thermo赛默飞世尔
    关键字 进口微量离心机 低速离心机 热电离心机 Thermo离心机 高速离心机,离心机,微量,方便性,离心管,通量,通用性

    Thermo Scientific Heraeus MicroCL 21R 微量离心机

    Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 17R 微量离心机

    Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 17R 微量离心机

    Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 17R 微量离心机

  • 商品品牌: Thermo赛默飞世尔
    商品编号:Sorvall Legend Micro 17R
  • 商品价格: 请与我们联系
  • Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 17R 微量离心机-Thermo赛默飞世尔-Sorvall Legend Micro 17R

    • 主机最高转速:10001~20000rpm
    • 品牌属性:进口
    • 类型:高速离心机
    进口微量离心机 低速离心机 热电离心机 Thermo离心机 高速离心机

    Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 17R 微量离心机

    Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 17 & 21 系列离心机提供更出众的处理能力, 有通风型和制冷型两种产品规格,各有 17,000 x g和 21,000 x g 两种型号。



    Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 17 & 21 系列离心机结合出众的功能、大的样品处理量提供快速、高效的微量离心管离心。

    广泛选择的转头, 两种 17,000 和 21,000 x g 型号选择,满足从简单到复杂的离心过程的需要。

    快减速/快加速能力 (≈12 seconds) 用更少的时间离心更多的样品。


    Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 17 & 21 系列离心机提供各种大通量的转头,满足各种离心管/板离心的需要。

    标准24-位转头可容纳所有 1.5及2.0 mL微量离心管,包括过滤管

    新的18-位双排转头可同时容纳 2.0 mL 和 0.5 mL微量管,不需要适配器

    特殊的大通量转头,用于离心 0.5 mL ,0.2 mL PCR 管以及血比容毛细管.

    有通风型及制冷型两种规格,Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 17 & 21可用于几乎所有的微量离心应用。


    Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 17 & 21 为所有人及所有实验室安全、方便地离心微量样品而设计。

    独特的 ClickSeal?防生物污染转头盖 在安装中可自动“卡紧” ,确保您的样品在离心过程中处于密封状态。



    平滑, 轻体积的设计节省实验室空间,易于清洗及维护。



    Part Number



    Sorvall Legend Micro 17 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and biocontainment lid, 120V 60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 17R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and biocontainment lid, 120V 60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 17 with hematocrit rotor, 120V 60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 21 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and lid; 120V 60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 21R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and lid; 120V 60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 21 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and dual 18 x 0.5mL/18 x2.0mL rotor; 120V 60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 21R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and dual 18 x 0.5mL/18 x2.0mL rotor; 120V 60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 17 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and biocontainment lid, 230V 50/60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 17 with hematocrit rotor, 230V 50/60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 21 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and lid; 230V 50/60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 17R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and biocontainment lid, 230V 50/60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 21R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and lid; 230V 50/60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 21 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and dual 18 x 0.5mL/18 x2.0mL rotor; 230V 60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 21R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and dual 18 x 0.5mL/18 x2.0mL rotor; 120V 60Hz


    • 主机最高转速:10001~20000rpm
    • 品牌属性:进口
    • 类型:高速离心机
    商品名称 Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 17R 微量离心机-Sorvall Legend Micro 17R-Thermo赛默飞世尔
    型号 Sorvall Legend Micro 17R
    类别 实验室常用设备|||混合分离|||离心机|||ThermoScientificSorvallLegendMicro17R微量离心机
    品牌 Thermo赛默飞世尔
    品牌简介 Thermo赛默飞世尔
    关键字 进口微量离心机 低速离心机 热电离心机 Thermo离心机 高速离心机,离心机,微量,离心管,样品,通量,出众

    Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 17R 微量离心机

    Thermo ebioscience产品目录2022年 价格优惠-Thermo Fisher

    Thermo Fisher

    THOME ebioscience产品目录2022年 价格优惠
    Thermo ebioscience产品目录2022年 价格优惠-Thermo Fisher
    货号 产品名称 包装 品牌
    42-4301-82 Rat IgG1 K Isotype Control eFluor? 615 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    42-4317-80 Streptavidin eFluor? 615 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    42-4317-82 Streptavidin eFluor? 615 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    42-4321-80 Rat IgG2a K Isotype Control eFluor? 615 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    42-4321-82 Rat IgG2a K Isotype Control eFluor? 615 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    42-4502-80 Anti-alpha Tubulin eFluor? 615 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    42-4502-82 Anti-alpha Tubulin eFluor? 615 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    42-4714-80 Mouse IgG1 K Isotype Control eFluor? 615 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    42-4714-82 Mouse IgG1 K Isotype Control eFluor? 615 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    42-4724-80 Mouse IgG2a, K Isotype Control eFluor? 615 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    42-4724-82 Mouse IgG2a, K Isotype Control eFluor? 615 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    42-4732-80 Mouse IgG2b K Isotype Control eFluor? 615 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    42-4732-82 Mouse IgG2b K Isotype Control eFluor? 615 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    42-4812-80 Anti-Rat IgG1 eFluor? 615 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    42-4812-82 Anti-Rat IgG1 eFluor? 615 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    42-4814-80 Anti-Rat IgG1 eFluor? 615 (Discontinued. Please refer to Cat. No. 42-4812) 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    42-4814-82 Anti-Rat IgG1 eFluor? 615 (Discontinued. Please refer to Cat. No. 42-4812) 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    42-4815-80 Anti-Rat IgG2b eFluor? 615 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    42-4815-82 Anti-Rat IgG2b eFluor? 615 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    42-4817-80 Anti-Rat IgG2a eFluor? 615 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    42-4817-82 Anti-Rat IgG2a eFluor? 615 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    42-4888-80 Armenian Hamster IgG Isotype Control eFluor? 615 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    42-4888-82 Armenian Hamster IgG Isotype Control eFluor? 615 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    42-5698-80 Anti-Mouse/Rat Ki-67 eFluor? 615 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    42-5698-82 Anti-Mouse/Rat Ki-67 eFluor? 615 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    42-5699-80 Anti-Human Ki-67 eFluor? 615 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    42-5699-82 Anti-Human Ki-67 eFluor? 615 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    42-5773-80 Anti-Mouse/Rat Foxp3 eFluor? 615 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    42-5773-82 Anti-Mouse/Rat Foxp3 eFluor? 615 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    42-5790-82 Anti-Mouse IgM eFluor? 615 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    42-6525-80 Anti-Human Synaptophysin eFluor? 615 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    42-6525-82 Anti-Human Synaptophysin eFluor? 615 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    42-8889-80 Anti-Human Granzyme B eFluor? 615 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    42-8889-82 Anti-Human Granzyme B eFluor? 615 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    42-9003-80 Anti-Pan Cytokeratin (AE1/AE3) eFluor? 615 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    42-9003-82 Anti-Pan Cytokeratin (AE1/AE3) eFluor? 615 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    42-9005-80 Anti-Human Cytokeratin 7 eFluor? 615 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    42-9005-82 Anti-Human Cytokeratin 7 eFluor? 615 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    42-9892-80 Anti-Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP) eFluor? 615 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    42-9892-82 Anti-Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP) eFluor? 615 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    42-9893-80 Anti-Human CD227 (Mucin 1) eFluor? 615 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    42-9893-82 Anti-Human CD227 (Mucin 1) eFluor? 615 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    42-9897-80 Anti-Vimentin eFluor? 615 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    42-9897-82 Anti-Vimentin eFluor? 615 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    42-9898-80 Anti-Human Cytokeratin 19 eFluor? 615 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    42-9898-82 Anti-Human Cytokeratin 19 eFluor? 615 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    42-9900-80 Anti-HMGB1 eFluor? 615 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    42-9900-82 Anti-HMGB1 eFluor? 615 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    42-9910-82 Anti-Human PCNA eFluor? 615 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    44-2404-21 Nunc MaxiSorp? flat-bottom 96 well plate 96 tests 96 tests ebioscience
    44-2504-21 Corning Costar 9018 96 well plate 1 plate 1 plate eBioscience
    45-0031-80 Anti-Mouse CD3e PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-0031-82 Anti-Mouse CD3e PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-0036-41 Anti-Human CD3 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    45-0036-42 Anti-Human CD3 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    45-0037-41 Anti-Human CD3 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    45-0037-42 Anti-Human CD3 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    45-0042-80 Anti-Mouse CD4 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-0042-82 Anti-Mouse CD4 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-0048-41 Anti-Human CD4 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    45-0048-42 Anti-Human CD4 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    45-0049-41 Anti-Human CD4 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    45-0049-42 Anti-Human CD4 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    45-0051-80 Anti-Mouse CD5 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-0051-82 Anti-Mouse CD5 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-0058-41 Anti-Human CD5 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    45-0058-42 Anti-Human CD5 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    45-0081-80 Anti-Mouse CD8a PerCP-Cy5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-0081-82 Anti-Mouse CD8a PerCP-Cy5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-0088-41 Anti-Human CD8a PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    45-0088-42 Anti-Human CD8a PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    45-0112-80 Anti-Mouse CD11b PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-0112-82 Anti-Mouse CD11b PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-0114-80 Anti-Mouse CD11c PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-0114-82 Anti-Mouse CD11c PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-0141-80 Anti-Mouse CD14 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-0141-82 Anti-Mouse CD14 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-0149-41 Anti-Human CD14 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    45-0149-42 Anti-Human CD14 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    45-0161-80 Anti-Mouse CD16/CD32 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-0161-82 Anti-Mouse CD16/CD32 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-0193-80 Anti-Mouse CD19 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-0193-82 Anti-Mouse CD19 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-0198-41 Anti-Human CD19 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    45-0198-42 Anti-Human CD19 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    45-0199-41 Anti-Human CD19 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    45-0199-42 Anti-Human CD19 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    45-0209-42 Anti-Human CD20 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    45-0238-41 Anti-Human CD23 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    45-0238-42 Anti-Human CD23 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    45-0242-80 Anti-Mouse CD24 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-0242-82 Anti-Mouse CD24 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-0251-80 Anti-Mouse CD25 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-0251-82 Anti-Mouse CD25 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-0259-41 Anti-Human CD25 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    45-0259-42 Anti-Human CD25 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    45-0261-80 Anti-Mouse CD26 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-0261-82 Anti-Mouse CD26 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-0281-80 Anti-Mouse CD28 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-0281-82 Anti-Mouse CD28 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-0289-41 Anti-Human CD28 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    45-0289-42 Anti-Human CD28 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    45-0338-41 Anti-Human CD33 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    45-0338-42 Anti-Human CD33 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    45-0441-80 Anti-Human/Mouse CD44 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-0441-82 Anti-Human/Mouse CD44 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-0451-80 Anti-Mouse CD45 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-0451-82 Anti-Mouse CD45 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-0452-80 Anti-Human/Mouse CD45R (B220) PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-0452-82 Anti-Human/Mouse CD45R (B220) PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-0453-80 Anti-Mouse CD45.1 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-0453-82 Anti-Mouse CD45.1 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-0454-80 Anti-Mouse CD45.2 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-0454-82 Anti-Mouse CD45.2 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-0458-41 Anti-Human CD45RA PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    45-0458-42 Anti-Human CD45RA PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    45-0459-41 Anti-Human CD45 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    45-0459-42 Anti-Human CD45 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    45-0621-80 Anti-Mouse CD62L (L-Selectin) PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-0621-82 Anti-Mouse CD62L (L-Selectin) PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-0691-80 Anti-Mouse CD69 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-0691-82 Anti-Mouse CD69 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-0792-41 Anti-CD79a PerCP-Cy5.5 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    45-0792-42 Anti-CD79a PerCP-Cy5.5 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    45-0900-80 Anti-Mouse/Rat CD90.1 (Thy-1.1) PerCP-Cy5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-0900-82 Anti-Mouse/Rat CD90.1 (Thy-1.1) PerCP-Cy5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-0909-41 Anti-Human CD90 (Thy-1) PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    45-0909-42 Anti-Human CD90 (Thy-1) PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    45-1239-41 Anti-Human CD123 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    45-1239-42 Anti-Human CD123 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    45-1271-80 Anti-Mouse CD127 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-1271-82 Anti-Mouse CD127 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-1278-41 Anti-Human CD127 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    45-1278-42 Anti-Human CD127 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    45-1589-41 Anti-Human CD158a PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    45-1589-42 Anti-Human CD158a PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    45-1619-41 Anti-Human CD161 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    45-1619-42 Anti-Human CD161 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    45-1831-80 Anti-Mouse CD183 (CXCR3) PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-1831-82 Anti-Mouse CD183 (CXCR3) PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-1971-80 Anti-Mouse CD197 (CCR7) PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-1971-82 Anti-Mouse CD197 (CCR7) PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-2099-41 Anti-Human CD209 (DC-SIGN) PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    45-2099-42 Anti-Human CD209 (DC-SIGN) PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    45-4031-80 Rat IgG2b K Isotype Control PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-4301-80 Rat IgG1 K Isotype Control PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-4317-80 Streptavidin PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-4317-82 Streptavidin PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-4321-80 Rat IgG2a K Isotype Control PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-4714-80 Mouse IgG1 K Isotype Control PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-4714-82 Mouse IgG1 K Isotype Control PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-4724-80 Mouse IgG2a K Isotype Control PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-4724-82 Mouse IgG2a K Isotype Control PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-4732-80 Mouse IgG2b K Isotype Control PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-4732-82 Mouse IgG2b K Isotype Control PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-4776-41 Anti-Human Foxp3 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    45-4776-42 Anti-Human Foxp3 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    45-4801-80 Anti-Mouse F4/80 Antigen PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-4801-82 Anti-Mouse F4/80 Antigen PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-4888-80 Armenian Hamster IgG Isotype Control PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-5179-42 Anti-Human CD85g (ILT7) PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    45-5773-80 Anti-Mouse/Rat Foxp3 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-5773-82 Anti-Mouse/Rat Foxp3 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-5825-80 Anti-Human/Mouse T-bet PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-5825-82 Anti-Human/Mouse T-bet PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-5892-80 Anti-Mouse CD93 (AA4.1) PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-5892-82 Anti-Mouse CD93 (AA4.1) PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-5921-80 Anti-Mouse TER-119 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-5921-82 Anti-Mouse TER-119 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-5931-80 Anti-Mouse Ly-6G (Gr-1) PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-5932-80 Anti-Mouse Ly-6C PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-5932-82 Anti-Mouse Ly-6C PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-5941-80 Anti-Mouse NK1.1 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-5941-82 Anti-Mouse NK1.1 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-5961-80 Anti-Mouse TCR beta PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-5961-82 Anti-Mouse TCR beta PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-5981-80 Anti-Mouse Ly-6A/E (Sca-1) PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-5981-82 Anti-Mouse Ly-6A/E (Sca-1) PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-7021-80 Anti-Mouse IL-2 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-7021-82 Anti-Mouse IL-2 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-7101-80 Anti-Mouse IL-10 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-7101-82 Anti-Mouse IL-10 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-7123-80 Anti-Mouse IL-12/IL-23 p40 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-7123-82 Anti-Mouse IL-12/IL-23 p40 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-7177-80 Anti-Mouse/Rat IL-17A PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-7177-82 Anti-Mouse/Rat IL-17A PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-7179-41 Anti-Human IL-17A PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    45-7179-42 Anti-Human IL-17A PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    45-7311-80 Anti-Mouse IFN gamma PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    45-7311-82 Anti-Mouse IFN gamma PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    45-7319-41 Anti-Human IFN gamma PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    45-7319-42 Anti-Human IFN gamma PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    45-7349-41 Anti-Human TNF alpha PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    45-7349-42 Anti-Human TNF alpha PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    45-9459-41 Anti-Human CD45 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    45-9459-42 Anti-Human CD45 PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    45-9956-41 Anti-Human HLA-DR PerCP-Cyanine5.5 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    45-9956-42 Anti-Human HLA-DR PerCP-Cyanine5.5 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0011-80 Anti-Mouse CD1d PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0011-82 Anti-Mouse CD1d PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0015-41 Anti-Human CD1c PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0015-42 Anti-Human CD1c PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0016-41 Anti-Human CD1d PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0016-42 Anti-Human CD1d PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0019-41 Anti-Human CD1a PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0019-42 Anti-Human CD1a PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0029-41 Anti-Human/Non-Human Primate CD2 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0029-42 Anti-Human/Non-Human Primate CD2 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0030-80 Anti-Rat CD3 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0030-82 Anti-Rat CD3 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0032-80 Anti-Mouse CD3 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0032-82 Anti-Mouse CD3 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0033-80 Anti-Mouse CD3e PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0033-82 Anti-Mouse CD3e PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0036-41 Anti-Human CD3 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0036-42 Anti-Human CD3 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0037-41 Anti-Human CD3 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0037-42 Anti-Human CD3 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0040-80 Anti-Rat CD4 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0040-82 Anti-Rat CD4 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0041-80 Anti-Mouse CD4 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0041-82 Anti-Mouse CD4 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0042-80 Anti-Mouse CD4 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0042-82 Anti-Mouse CD4 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0047-41 Anti-Human CD4 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0047-42 Anti-Human CD4 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0059-41 Anti-Human CD5 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0059-42 Anti-Human CD5 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0078-41 Anti-Human CD7 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0078-42 Anti-Human CD7 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0081-80 Anti-Mouse CD8a PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0081-82 Anti-Mouse CD8a PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0083-80 Anti-Mouse CD8b PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0083-82 Anti-Mouse CD8b PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0084-80 Anti-Rat CD8a PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0084-82 Anti-Rat CD8a PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0087-41 Anti-Human CD8a PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0087-42 Anti-Human CD8a PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0108-41 Anti-Human CD10 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0108-42 Anti-Human CD10 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0110-80 Anti-Rat CD11b/c PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0110-82 Anti-Rat CD11b/c PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0111-80 Anti-Mouse CD11a PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0111-82 Anti-Mouse CD11a PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0113-41 Anti-Human CD11b (activation epitope) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0113-42 Anti-Human CD11b (activation epitope) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0116-41 Anti-Human CD11c PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0116-42 Anti-Human CD11c PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0118-41 Anti-Human CD11b PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0118-42 Anti-Human CD11b PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0138-41 Anti-Human CD13 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0138-42 Anti-Human CD13 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0141-80 Anti-Mouse CD14 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0141-82 Anti-Mouse CD14 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0149-41 Anti-Human CD14 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0149-42 Anti-Human CD14 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0158-41 Anti-Human CD15 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0158-42 Anti-Human CD15 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0159-41 Anti-Human CD15 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0159-42 Anti-Human CD15 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0161-80 Anti-Mouse CD16/CD32 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0161-82 Anti-Mouse CD16/CD32 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0166-41 Anti-Human/Non-Human Primate CD16 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0166-42 Anti-Human/Non-Human Primate CD16 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0168-41 Anti-Human CD16 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0168-42 Anti-Human CD16 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0197-41 Anti-Human CD19 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0197-42 Anti-Human CD19 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0198-41 Anti-Human CD19 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0198-42 Anti-Human CD19 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0212-80 Anti-Mouse CD21/CD35 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0212-82 Anti-Mouse CD21/CD35 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0219-41 Anti-Human CD21 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0219-42 Anti-Human CD21 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0229-41 Anti-Human CD22 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0229-42 Anti-Human CD22 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0232-80 Anti-Mouse CD23 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0232-82 Anti-Mouse CD23 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0242-80 Anti-Mouse CD24 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0242-82 Anti-Mouse CD24 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0247-41 Anti-Human CD24 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0247-42 Anti-Human CD24 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0257-41 Anti-Human/Non-Human Primate CD25 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0257-42 Anti-Human/Non-Human Primate CD25 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0271-80 Anti-CD27 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0271-82 Anti-CD27 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0279-41 Anti-Human CD27 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0279-42 Anti-Human CD27 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0291-80 Anti-Mouse/Rat CD29 (Integrin beta 1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0291-82 Anti-Mouse/Rat CD29 (Integrin beta 1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0299-41 Anti-Human CD29 (Integrin beta 1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0299-42 Anti-Human CD29 (Integrin beta 1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0311-80 Anti-Mouse CD31 (PECAM-1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0311-82 Anti-Mouse CD31 (PECAM-1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0319-41 Anti-Human CD31 (PECAM-1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0319-42 Anti-Human CD31 (PECAM-1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0329-41 Anti-Human CD32 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0329-42 Anti-Human CD32 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0333-80 Anti-Mouse Siglec H PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0333-82 Anti-Mouse Siglec H PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0349-41 Anti-Human CD34 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0349-42 Anti-Human CD34 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0361-80 Anti-Mouse CD36 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0361-82 Anti-Mouse CD36 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0369-41 Anti-Human CD36 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0369-42 Anti-Human CD36 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0381-80 Anti-Mouse CD38 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0381-82 Anti-Mouse CD38 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0388-41 Anti-Human CD38 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0388-42 Anti-Human CD38 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0390-80 Anti-Rat CD25 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0390-82 Anti-Rat CD25 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0391-80 Anti-Mouse CD39 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0391-82 Anti-Mouse CD39 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0399-41 Anti-Human CD39 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0399-42 Anti-Human CD39 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0401-80 Anti-Mouse CD40 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0401-82 Anti-Mouse CD40 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0409-41 Anti-Human CD40 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0409-42 Anti-Human CD40 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0411-80 Anti-Mouse CD41 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0411-82 Anti-Mouse CD41 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0419-41 Anti-Human CD41a PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0419-42 Anti-Human CD41a PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0421-80 Anti-Mouse/Rat CD42d PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0421-82 Anti-Mouse/Rat CD42d PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0438-41 Anti-Human/Non-Human Primate CD43 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0438-42 Anti-Human/Non-Human Primate CD43 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0452-80 Anti-Human/Mouse CD45R (B220) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0452-82 Anti-Human/Mouse CD45R (B220) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0457-41 Anti-Human CD45RO PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0457-42 Anti-Human CD45RO PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0459-41 Anti-Human CD45 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0459-42 Anti-Human CD45 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0463-80 Anti-Rat MHC Class II PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0463-82 Anti-Rat MHC Class II PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0468-41 Anti-Human/Non-Human Primate CD45RA PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0468-42 Anti-Human/Non-Human Primate CD45RA PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0469-41 Anti-Human CD46 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0469-42 Anti-Human CD46 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0479-41 Anti-Human CD47 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0479-42 Anti-Human CD47 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0481-80 Anti-Mouse CD48 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0481-82 Anti-Mouse CD48 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0492-80 Anti-Mouse CD49d (Integrin alpha 4) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0492-82 Anti-Mouse CD49d (Integrin alpha 4) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0495-80 Anti-Human/Mouse CD49f (Integrin alpha 6) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0495-82 Anti-Human/Mouse CD49f (Integrin alpha 6) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0540-80 Anti-Rat CD54 (ICAM-1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0540-82 Anti-Rat CD54 (ICAM-1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0549-41 Anti-Human CD54 (ICAM-1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0549-42 Anti-Human CD54 (ICAM-1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0567-41 Anti-Human CD56 (NCAM) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0567-42 Anti-Human CD56 (NCAM) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0591-80 Anti-Rat CD59 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0591-82 Anti-Rat CD59 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0626-80 Anti-Human/Mouse CD62P (P-selectin) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0626-82 Anti-Human/Mouse CD62P (P-selectin) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0629-41 Anti-Human CD62L (L-Selectin) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0629-42 Anti-Human CD62L (L-Selectin) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0649-41 Anti-Human CD64 (Fc gamma Receptor 1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0649-42 Anti-Human CD64 (Fc gamma Receptor 1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0699-41 Anti-Human CD69 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0699-42 Anti-Human CD69 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0701-80 Anti-Mouse CD70 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0701-82 Anti-Mouse CD70 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0711-80 Anti-Mouse CD71 (Transferrin Receptor) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0711-82 Anti-Mouse CD71 (Transferrin Receptor) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0731-80 Anti-Mouse CD73 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0731-82 Anti-Mouse CD73 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0739-41 Anti-Human CD73 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0739-42 Anti-Human CD73 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0793-41 Anti-Human CD79b PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0793-42 Anti-Human CD79b PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0809-41 Anti-Human CD80 (B7-1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0809-42 Anti-Human CD80 (B7-1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0819-41 Anti-Human CD81 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0819-42 Anti-Human CD81 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0839-41 Anti-Human CD83 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0839-42 Anti-Human CD83 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0869-41 Anti-Human CD86 (B7-2) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0869-42 Anti-Human CD86 (B7-2) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0903-80 Anti-Mouse CD90.2 (Thy-1.2) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0903-82 Anti-Mouse CD90.2 (Thy-1.2) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0909-41 Anti-Human CD90 (Thy-1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-0909-42 Anti-Human CD90 (Thy-1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-0951-80 Anti-Mouse CD95 (APO-1/Fas) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-0951-82 Anti-Mouse CD95 (APO-1/Fas) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-0959-42 Anti-Human CD95 (APO-1/Fas) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-1037-41 Anti-Human CD103 (Integrin alpha E) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-1037-42 Anti-Human CD103 (Integrin alpha E) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-1071-80 Anti-Mouse CD107a (LAMP-1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-1071-82 Anti-Mouse CD107a (LAMP-1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-1149-41 Anti-Human CD114 (G-CSFR) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-1149-42 Anti-Human CD114 (G-CSFR) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-1152-80 Anti-Mouse CD115 (c-fms) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-1152-82 Anti-Mouse CD115 (c-fms) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-1171-80 Anti-Mouse CD117 (c-Kit) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-1171-82 Anti-Mouse CD117 (c-Kit) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-1178-41 Anti-Human CD117 (c-Kit) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-1178-42 Anti-Human CD117 (c-Kit) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-1222-80 Anti-Mouse CD122 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-1222-82 Anti-Mouse CD122 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-1229-41 Anti-Human CD122 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-1229-42 Anti-Human CD122 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-1269-41 Anti-Human CD126 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-1269-42 Anti-Human CD126 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-1273-80 Anti-Mouse CD127 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-1273-82 Anti-Mouse CD127 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-1331-80 Anti-Mouse CD133 (Prominin I) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-1331-82 Anti-Mouse CD133 (Prominin I) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-1341-80 Anti-Mouse CD134 (OX40) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-1341-82 Anti-Mouse CD134 (OX40) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-1351-80 Anti-Mouse CD135 (Flt3) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-1351-82 Anti-Mouse CD135 (Flt3) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-1371-80 Anti-Mouse CD137 (4-1BB) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-1371-82 Anti-Mouse CD137 (4-1BB) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-1379-41 Anti-Human CD137 (4-1BB) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-1379-42 Anti-Human CD137 (4-1BB) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-1441-80 Anti-Mouse CD144 (VE-Cadherin) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-1441-82 Anti-Mouse CD144 (VE-Cadherin) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-1502-80 Anti-Mouse CD150 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-1502-82 Anti-Mouse CD150 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-1529-41 Anti-Human CD152 (CTLA-4) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-1529-42 Anti-Human CD152 (CTLA-4) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-1541-80 Anti-Mouse CD154 (CD40 Ligand) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-1541-82 Anti-Mouse CD154 (CD40 Ligand) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-1548-41 Anti-Human CD154 (CD40 Ligand) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-1548-42 Anti-Human CD154 (CD40 Ligand) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-1610-80 Anti-Rat CD161 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-1610-82 Anti-Rat CD161 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-1629-41 Anti-Human CD162 (PSGL-1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-1629-42 Anti-Human CD162 (PSGL-1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-1668-41 Anti-Human CD166 (ALCAM) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-1668-42 Anti-Human CD166 (ALCAM) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-1721-80 Anti-Mouse CD172a (SIRP alpha) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-1721-82 Anti-Mouse CD172a (SIRP alpha) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-1729-41 Anti-Human CD172a (SIRP alpha) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-1729-42 Anti-Human CD172a (SIRP alpha) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-1829-41 Anti-Human CD182 (CXCR2) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-1829-42 Anti-Human CD182 (CXCR2) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-1951-80 Anti-Mouse CD195 (CCR5) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-1951-82 Anti-Mouse CD195 (CCR5) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-1956-41 Anti-Human CD195 (CCR5) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-1956-42 Anti-Human CD195 (CCR5) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-1969-41 Anti-Human CD196 (CCR6) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-1969-42 Anti-Human CD196 (CCR6) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-1979-41 Anti-Human CD197 (CCR7) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-1979-42 Anti-Human CD197 (CCR7) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-1991-80 Anti-Mouse CD199 (CCR9) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-1991-82 Anti-Mouse CD199 (CCR9) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-2012-80 Anti-Mouse CD201 (EPCR) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-2012-82 Anti-Mouse CD201 (EPCR) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-2051-80 Anti-Mouse CD205 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-2051-82 Anti-Mouse CD205 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-2069-41 Anti-Human CD206 (MMR) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-2069-42 Anti-Human CD206 (MMR) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-2231-80 Anti-Mouse CD223 (Lag-3) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-2231-82 Anti-Mouse CD223 (Lag-3) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-2439-41 Anti-Human CD243 (ABCB1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-2439-42 Anti-Human CD243 (ABCB1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-2440-80 Anti-Mouse CD244.1 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-2440-82 Anti-Mouse CD244.1 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-2799-41 Anti-Human CD279 (PD-1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-2799-42 Anti-Human CD279 (PD-1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-3079-41 Anti-Human CD307d (FcRL4) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-3079-42 Anti-Human CD307d (FcRL4) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-3109-41 Anti-Human TIM3 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-3109-42 Anti-Human TIM3 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-3172-80 Anti-Mouse CD317 (BST2, PDCA-1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-3172-82 Anti-Mouse CD317 (BST2, PDCA-1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-3249-80 Anti-CD324 (E-Cadherin) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-3249-82 Anti-CD324 (E-Cadherin) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-3259-41 Anti-Human CD325 (N-Cadherin) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-3259-42 Anti-Human CD325 (N-Cadherin) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-3351-80 Anti-Mouse CD335 (NKp46) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-3351-82 Anti-Mouse CD335 (NKp46) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-3359-41 Anti-Human CD335 (NKp46) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-3359-42 Anti-Human CD335 (NKp46) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-3369-41 Anti-Human CD336 (NKp44) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-3369-42 Anti-Human CD336 (NKp44) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-4010-80 F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-4010-82 F(ab’)2 Anti-Mouse IgG PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-4015-82 Anti-Mouse IgG1 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-4031-80 Rat IgG2b K Isotype Control PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-4031-82 Rat IgG2b K Isotype Control PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-4301-80 Rat IgG1 K Isotype Control PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-4317-80 Streptavidin PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-4317-82 Streptavidin PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-4321-80 Rat IgG2a K Isotype Control PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-4321-82 Rat IgG2a K Isotype Control PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-4341-80 Rat IgM Isotype Control PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-4341-82 Rat IgM Isotype Control PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-4714-80 Mouse IgG1 K Isotype Control PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-4714-82 Mouse IgG1 K Isotype Control PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-4724-80 Mouse IgG2a K Isotype Control PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-4724-82 Mouse IgG2a K Isotype Control PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-4732-80 Mouse IgG2b K Isotype Control PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-4732-82 Mouse IgG2b K Isotype Control PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-4817-80 Anti-Rat IgG2a PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-4817-82 Anti-Rat IgG2a PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-4875-80 Anti-Mouse EOMES PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-4875-82 Anti-Mouse EOMES PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-4877-41 Anti-Human EOMES PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-4877-42 Anti-Human EOMES PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-4888-80 Armenian Hamster IgG Isotype Control PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-4888-82 Armenian Hamster IgG Isotype Control PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-4914-80 Golden Syrian Hamster IgG Isotype Control PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5001-41 Anti-Human/Mouse phospho-Tyrosine PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5001-42 Anti-Human/Mouse phospho-Tyrosine PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5050-41 Anti-Canine CD5 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-5050-42 Anti-Canine CD5 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-5071-41 Anti-BrdU PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-5071-42 Anti-BrdU PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-5080-41 Anti-Canine CD8a PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-5080-42 Anti-Canine CD8a PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-5110-80 Anti-Rat CD11a PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5110-82 Anti-Rat CD11a PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5149-41 Anti-Human CD85d (ILT4) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-5149-42 Anti-Human CD85d (ILT4) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-5200-80 Anti-Mouse CD200 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5200-82 Anti-Mouse CD200 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5201-82 Anti-Mouse CD200 Receptor PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5320-80 Anti-Mouse MHC Class II I-Ab PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5320-82 Anti-Mouse MHC Class II I-Ab PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5321-80 Anti-Mouse MHC Class II (I-A/I-E) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5321-82 Anti-Mouse MHC Class II (I-A/I-E) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5324-80 Anti-Mouse MHC Class II (I-Ak alpha) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5324-82 Anti-Mouse MHC Class II (I-Ak alpha) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5499-41 Anti-Human TSLP Receptor PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-5499-42 Anti-Human TSLP Receptor PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-5698-80 Anti-Mouse/Rat Ki-67 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5698-82 Anti-Mouse/Rat Ki-67 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5699-41 Anti-Human Ki-67 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-5699-42 Anti-Human Ki-67 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-5711-80 Anti-Mouse gamma delta TCR PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5711-82 Anti-Mouse gamma delta TCR PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5743-80 Anti-Mouse OVA257-264 (SIINFEKL) peptide bound to H-2Kb PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5743-82 Anti-Mouse OVA257-264 (SIINFEKL) peptide bound to H-2Kb PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5781-80 Anti-Mouse Ly-49G2 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5781-82 Anti-Mouse Ly-49G2 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5790-80 Anti-Mouse IgM PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5790-82 Anti-Mouse IgM PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5791-80 Anti-Mouse CD326 (EpCAM) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5791-82 Anti-Mouse CD326 (EpCAM) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5793-41 Anti-Human V beta 23 TCR PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-5793-42 Anti-Human V beta 23 TCR PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-5795-80 Anti-Mouse V beta 6 TCR PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5795-82 Anti-Mouse V beta 6 TCR PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5796-80 Anti-Mouse V beta 5.1/5.2 TCR PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5796-82 Anti-Mouse V beta 5.1/5.2 TCR PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5797-80 Anti-Mouse V beta 13 TCR PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5798-80 Anti-Mouse V beta 12 TCR PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5798-82 Anti-Mouse V beta 12 TCR PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5799-80 Anti-Mouse V alpha 3.2 TCR PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5799-82 Anti-Mouse V alpha 3.2 TCR PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5806-41 Anti-Human V alpha 24 J alpha 18 TCR PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-5806-42 Anti-Human V alpha 24 J alpha 18 TCR PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-5808-80 Anti-Mouse DO11.10 TCR PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5808-82 Anti-Mouse DO11.10 TCR PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5812-80 Anti-Mouse V alpha 2 TCR PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5812-82 Anti-Mouse V alpha 2 TCR PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5813-80 Anti-Mouse V beta 8.1/V beta 8.2 TCR PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5813-82 Anti-Mouse V beta 8.1/V beta 8.2 TCR PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5827-80 Anti-Mouse V beta 11 TCR PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5828-80 Anti-Mouse TCR V gamma 2 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5828-82 Anti-Mouse TCR V gamma 2 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5833-80 Anti-Mouse Siglec-G PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5833-82 Anti-Mouse Siglec-G PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5848-80 Anti-Mouse Ly-49E/F PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5848-82 Anti-Mouse Ly-49E/F PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5859-80 Anti-Mouse Dectin-1 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5859-82 Anti-Mouse Dectin-1 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5866-80 Anti-Mouse TIM-4 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5866-82 Anti-Mouse TIM-4 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5874-80 Anti-Mouse CD357 (GITR) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5874-82 Anti-Mouse CD357 (GITR) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5875-41 Anti-Human CD357 (AITR/GITR) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-5875-42 Anti-Human CD357 (AITR/GITR) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-5878-41 Anti-Human CD314 (NKG2D) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-5878-42 Anti-Human CD314 (NKG2D) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-5882-80 Anti-Mouse CD314 (NKG2D) PerCP-eFluor® 710 25ug eBioscience
    46-5882-82 Anti-Mouse CD314 (NKG2D) PerCP-eFluor® 710 100ug eBioscience
    46-5887-80 Anti-Mouse Integrin alpha 4 beta 7 (LPAM-1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5887-82 Anti-Mouse Integrin alpha 4 beta 7 (LPAM-1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5888-41 Anti-Human CD273 (B7-DC) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-5888-42 Anti-Human CD273 (B7-DC) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-5893-80 Anti-Mouse KLRG1 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5893-82 Anti-Mouse KLRG1 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5896-82 Anti-Mouse NKG2A/C/E PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5898-80 Anti-Mouse Fc epsilon Receptor I alpha (FceR1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5898-82 Anti-Mouse Fc epsilon Receptor I alpha (FceR1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5899-41 Anti-Human Fc epsilon Receptor I alpha (FceR1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-5899-42 Anti-Human Fc epsilon Receptor I alpha (FceR1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-5901-80 Anti-Mouse CD137 Ligand (4-1BB Ligand) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5901-82 Anti-Mouse CD137 Ligand (4-1BB Ligand) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5911-80 Anti-Mouse CD178 (Fas Ligand) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5911-82 Anti-Mouse CD178 (Fas Ligand) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5919-80 Anti-Mouse PD-1H PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5919-82 Anti-Mouse PD-1H PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5933-80 Anti-Mouse MHC Class II (I-Ak) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5933-82 Anti-Mouse MHC Class II (I-Ak) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5957-80 Anti-Mouse MHC Class I (H-2Kd) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5957-82 Anti-Mouse MHC Class I (H-2Kd) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5958-80 Anti-Mouse MHC Class I (H-2Kb) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5958-82 Anti-Mouse MHC Class I (H-2Kb) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5971-80 Anti-Mouse CD49b (Integrin alpha 2) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5971-82 Anti-Mouse CD49b (Integrin alpha 2) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5975-80 Anti-Mouse Clec9A PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5975-82 Anti-Mouse Clec9A PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5978-80 Anti-Mouse PIR-A/B PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5978-82 Anti-Mouse PIR-A/B PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5982-80 Anti-Mouse CD274 (B7-H1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5982-82 Anti-Mouse CD274 (B7-H1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5983-41 Anti-Human CD274 (B7-H1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-5983-42 Anti-Human CD274 (B7-H1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-5993-80 Anti-Mouse IgD PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5993-82 Anti-Mouse IgD PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-5998-80 Anti-Mouse MHC Class I (H-2Kd/H-2Dd) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-5998-82 Anti-Mouse MHC Class I (H-2Kd/H-2Dd) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-6099-41 Anti-Human CX3CR1 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-6099-42 Anti-Human CX3CR1 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-6498-80 Anti-GFP PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-6555-41 Anti-Human c-ErbB3/HER3 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-6555-42 Anti-Human c-ErbB3/HER3 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-6801-80 Anti-Mouse IkB zeta PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-6801-82 Anti-Mouse IkB zeta PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-6981-80 Anti-Mouse ROR gamma (t) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-6981-82 Anti-Mouse ROR gamma (t) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-6986-41 Anti-Human IgE PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-6986-42 Anti-Human IgE PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-7029-41 Anti-Human IL-2 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-7029-42 Anti-Human IL-2 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-7041-80 Anti-Mouse IL-4 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-7041-82 Anti-Mouse IL-4 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-7069-41 Anti-Human IL-6 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-7069-42 Anti-Human IL-6 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-7098-41 Anti-Human IL-9 PE PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-7098-42 Anti-Human IL-9 PE PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-7114-80 Anti-Mouse IL-1 beta Pro-form PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-7114-82 Anti-Mouse IL-1 beta Pro-form PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-7133-80 Anti-Mouse IL-13 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-7133-82 Anti-Mouse IL-13 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-7149-80 Anti-Mouse IL-15 Receptor alpha PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-7149-82 Anti-Mouse IL-15 Receptor alpha PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-7169-41 Anti-Human IL-17F PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-7169-42 Anti-Human IL-17F PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-7180 Anti-Mouse CD185 (CXCR5) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-7182 Anti-Mouse CD185 (CXCR5) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-7221-80 Anti-Mouse IL-22 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-7221-82 Anti-Mouse IL-22 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-7222-80 Anti-Human/Mouse IL-22 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-7222-82 Anti-Human/Mouse IL-22 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-7229-41 Anti-Human IL-22 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-7229-42 Anti-Human IL-22 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-7235-41 Anti-Human IL-12/IL-23 p40 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-7235-42 Anti-Human IL-12/IL-23 p40 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-7280 Anti-Mouse IL-27 p28 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-7282 Anti-Mouse IL-27 p28 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-7321-80 Anti-Mouse TNF alpha PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-7321-82 Anti-Mouse TNF alpha PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-7358-41 Anti-Human IL-27 EBI3 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-7358-42 Anti-Human IL-27 EBI3 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-7471-80 Anti-Mouse IL-17F PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-7471-82 Anti-Mouse IL-17F PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-7539-41 Anti-Human CCL3 (MIP-1 alpha) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-7539-42 Anti-Human CCL3 (MIP-1 alpha) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-7540-41 Anti-Human CCL4 (MIP-1 beta) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-7540-42 Anti-Human CCL4 (MIP-1 beta) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-7911-80 Anti-Human/Mouse TL1A PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-7911-82 Anti-Human/Mouse TL1A PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-8088-41 Anti-Human IL-8 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-8088-42 Anti-Human IL-8 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-8813-41 Anti-Human/Mouse SSEA-1 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-8813-42 Anti-Human/Mouse SSEA-1 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-8843-41 Anti-Human SSEA-4 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-8843-42 Anti-Human SSEA-4 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-8863-80 Anti-Human TRA-1-60 (Podocalyxin) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-8863-82 Anti-Human TRA-1-60 (Podocalyxin) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-8897-41 Anti-Human Granzyme K PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-8897-42 Anti-Human Granzyme K PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-8898-80 Anti-Mouse Granzyme B PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-8898-82 Anti-Mouse Granzyme B PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-9109-41 Anti-Human/Mouse phospho-ERK1/2 (T202/Y204) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-9109-42 Anti-Human/Mouse phospho-ERK1/2 (T202/Y204) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-9141 Anti-Human CD185 (CXCR5) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-9142 Anti-Human CD185 (CXCR5) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-9200-41 Anti-Human CD200 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-9200-42 Anti-Human CD200 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-9201-41 Anti-Human CD200 Receptor PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-9201-42 Anti-Human CD200 Receptor PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-9326-41 Anti-Human CD326 (EpCAM) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-9326-42 Anti-Human CD326 (EpCAM) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-9335-80 Anti-Mouse ST2 (IL-33R) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-9335-82 Anti-Mouse ST2 (IL-33R) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-9381-42 Anti-Human Podoplanin PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-9500-41 Anti-Human TIGIT PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-9500-42 Anti-Human TIGIT PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-9501-80 Anti-Mouse TIGIT PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-9501-82 Anti-Mouse TIGIT PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-9818-41 Anti-Human CD303a PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-9818-42 Anti-Human CD303a PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-9821-80 Anti-Mouse LAP (Latency Associated Peptide) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-9821-82 Anti-Mouse LAP (Latency Associated Peptide) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-9829-41 Anti-Human LAP (Latency Associated Peptide) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-9829-42 Anti-Human LAP (Latency Associated Peptide) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-9852-80 Anti-Human/Mouse IRF8 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-9852-82 Anti-Human/Mouse IRF8 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-9854-41 Anti-Human AHR PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-9854-42 Anti-Human AHR PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-9855-41 Anti-Human/Mouse c-Maf PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-9855-42 Anti-Human/Mouse c-Maf PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-9856-41 Anti-Dectin-1 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-9856-42 Anti-Dectin-1 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-9858-80 Anti-Human/Mouse IRF4 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-9858-82 Anti-Human/Mouse IRF4 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-9860-41 Anti-Human BATF PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-9860-42 Anti-Human BATF PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-9865-41 Anti-Human/Mouse phospho-H2AX (S139) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-9865-42 Anti-Human/Mouse phospho-H2AX (S139) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-9868-41 Anti-Human IgD PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-9868-42 Anti-Human IgD PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-9876-41 Anti-Human HLA-A2 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-9876-42 Anti-Human HLA-A2 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-9880-41 Anti-Human Bcl-6 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-9880-42 Anti-Human Bcl-6 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-9882-41 Anti-Human GARP PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-9882-42 Anti-Human GARP PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-9883-41 Anti-Helios PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-9883-42 Anti-Helios PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-9891-80 Anti-Mouse GARP PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-9891-82 Anti-Mouse GARP PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-9940-80 Anti-Mouse CD278 (ICOS) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-9940-82 Anti-Mouse CD278 (ICOS) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-9948-41 Anti-Human CD278 (ICOS) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-9948-42 Anti-Human CD278 (ICOS) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-9952-41 Anti-Human HLA-DR PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-9952-42 Anti-Human HLA-DR PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-9957-41 Anti-Human HLA-G PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-9957-42 Anti-Human HLA-G PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-9959-41 Anti-Human gamma delta TCR PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-9959-42 Anti-Human gamma delta TCR PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-9966-41 Anti-Human/Mouse Gata-3 PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-9966-42 Anti-Human/Mouse Gata-3 PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-9969-41 Anti-Human CD279 (PD-1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-9969-42 Anti-Human CD279 (PD-1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-9972-80 Anti-Mouse CD273 (B7-DC) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-9972-82 Anti-Mouse CD273 (B7-DC) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-9981-80 Anti-Mouse CD279 (PD-1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-9981-82 Anti-Mouse CD279 (PD-1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-9983-42 Anti-Human HLA-ABC PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-9980 Anti-Mouse CD279 (PD-1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-9982 Anti-Mouse CD279 (PD-1) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-9986-41 Anti-Human alpha beta TCR PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-9986-42 Anti-Human alpha beta TCR PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-9987-41 Anti-Human CD235a (Glycophorin A) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-9987-42 Anti-Human CD235a (Glycophorin A) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-9991-80 Anti-Mouse CD184 (CXCR4) PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    46-9991-82 Anti-Mouse CD184 (CXCR4) PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    46-9994-41 Anti-Human Perforin PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-9994-42 Anti-Human Perforin PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    46-9998-41 Anti-Human IgM PerCP-eFluor? 710 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    46-9998-42 Anti-Human IgM PerCP-eFluor? 710 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    47-0031-80 Anti-Mouse CD3e APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-0031-82 Anti-Mouse CD3e APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-0032-80 Anti-Mouse CD3 APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-0032-82 Anti-Mouse CD3 APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-0036-41 Anti-Human CD3 APC-eFluor? 780 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    47-0036-42 Anti-Human CD3 APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    47-0038-41 Anti-Human CD3 APC-eFluor? 780 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    47-0038-42 Anti-Human CD3 APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    47-0041-80 Anti-Mouse CD4 APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-0041-82 Anti-Mouse CD4 APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-0042-80 Anti-Mouse CD4 APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-0042-82 Anti-Mouse CD4 APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-0047-41 Anti-Human CD4 APC-eFluor? 780 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    47-0047-42 Anti-Human CD4 APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    47-0048-41 Anti-Human CD4 APC-eFluor? 780 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    47-0048-42 Anti-Human CD4 APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    47-0049-41 Anti-Human CD4 APC-eFluor? 780 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    47-0049-42 Anti-Human CD4 APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    47-0051-80 Anti-Mouse CD5 APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-0051-82 Anti-Mouse CD5 APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-0079-41 Anti-Human CD7 APC-eFluor? 780 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    47-0079-42 Anti-Human CD7 APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    47-0081-80 Anti-Mouse CD8a APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-0081-82 Anti-Mouse CD8a APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-0087-41 Anti-Human CD8a APC-eFluor? 780 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    47-0087-42 Anti-Human CD8a APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    47-0088-41 Anti-Human CD8a APC-eFluor? 780 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    47-0088-42 Anti-Human CD8a APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    47-0112-80 Anti-Mouse CD11b APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-0112-82 Anti-Mouse CD11b APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-0114-80 Anti-Mouse CD11c APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-0114-82 Anti-Mouse CD11c APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience

    Thermo Scientific Heraeus MicroCL 17 微量离心机

    Thermo Scientific Heraeus MicroCL 17 微量离心机

    Thermo Scientific Heraeus MicroCL 17 微量离心机

  • 商品品牌: Thermo赛默飞世尔
    商品编号:MicroCL 17
  • 商品价格: 请与我们联系
  • Thermo Scientific Heraeus MicroCL 17 微量离心机-Thermo赛默飞世尔-MicroCL 17

    • 主机最高转速:10001~20000rpm
    • 品牌属性:进口
    • 类型:高速离心机
    进口微量离心机 低速离心机 热电离心机 Thermo离心机 高速离心机

    Thermo Scientific Heraeus MicroCL 17 微量离心机

    Thermo Scientific IEC MicroCL 17 & 21 系列离心机结合了高效性、通用性、安全性及方便性等特点。

    结构紧凑、使用方便. 具有 17,000 x g 和21,000 x g 型号可选, 提供广泛选择的转头,用于各种离心应用,如核酸提取,蛋白纯化等。

    新型的24 x 2 mL ‘ClickSeal?’ 生物安全转头通过 CAMR认证。


    广泛选择的转头, 两种 17,000 和 21,000 x g 型号选择,满足从简单到复杂的离心过程的需要 .快减速/快加速能力 (≈12 seconds) 用更少的时间离心更多的样品


    IEC MicroCL 17 & 21 提供各种大通量的转头,满足各种离心管/板离心的需要。

    标准24-位转头可容纳所有 1.5及2.0 mL微量离心管,包括过滤管

    新的18-位双排转头可同时容纳 2.0 mL 和 0.5 mL微量管,不需要适配器

    特殊的大通量转头,用于离心 0.5 mL ,0.2 mL PCR 管以及血比容毛细管


    独特的 ClickSeal™防生物污染转头盖 在安装中可自动“卡紧” ,提供安全性及方便性的离心操作



    平滑, 轻体积的设计节省实验室空间,易于清洗及维护



    Part Number



    MicroCL 17 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and biocontainment lid, 120V 60Hz


    MicroCL 17 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and biocontainment lid, 230V 50/60Hz


    MicroCL 17 with hematocrit rotor, 120V 60Hz


    MicroCL 17 with hematocrit rotor, 230V 50/60Hz


    MicroCL 17R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and biocontainment lid, 120V 60Hz


    MicroCL 17R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and biocontainment lid, 230V 50/60Hz


    MicroCL 21 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and lid; 120V 60Hz


    MicroCL 21 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and lid; 230V 50/60Hz


    MicroCL 21R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and lid; 120V 60Hz


    MicroCL 21R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and lid; 230V 50/60Hz


    • 主机最高转速:10001~20000rpm
    • 品牌属性:进口
    • 类型:高速离心机
    商品名称 Thermo Scientific Heraeus MicroCL 17 微量离心机-MicroCL 17-Thermo赛默飞世尔
    型号 MicroCL 17
    类别 实验室常用设备|||混合分离|||离心机|||ThermoScientificHeraeusMicroCL17微量离心机
    品牌 Thermo赛默飞世尔
    品牌简介 Thermo赛默飞世尔
    关键字 进口微量离心机 低速离心机 热电离心机 Thermo离心机 高速离心机,离心机,微量,方便性,离心管,通量,通用性

    Thermo Scientific Heraeus MicroCL 17 微量离心机

    Thermo Scientific Forma 900系列超低温冰箱 905

    Thermo Scientific Forma 900系列超低温冰箱 905

    Thermo Scientific Forma 900系列超低温冰箱 905

  • 商品品牌: Thermo热电
  • 商品价格: 请与我们联系
  • Thermo Scientific Forma 900系列超低温冰箱 905-Thermo热电-905

    • 产品类型:低温冰箱
    • 温度 :-86℃
    • 容积:301~500L
    • 外观形状 :立式
    • 品牌属性:进口

    Thermo Scientific Forma 900系列超低温冰箱 905

    赛默飞世尔科技 Forma 900 系列-86°C立式超低温冰箱专为您的样品提供可靠的日常超低温保护;提供单门或双门模型。










    赛默飞世尔科技 Forma 900 系列 -86°C 立式超低温冰箱提供一系列功能,其中包括:





    最先进的制冷系统:提高温度控制性能,增加 BTUH 储冷能力,以获得更稳定的样品保护温度。

    5”(127mm) 原位发泡聚氨酯保温材料:降低功耗,保持设定温度,结合三联点门密封条,以在打开箱门时提供更持久的保温时间。


    1”(25mm) 检修口:可连接外部探头或仪器。






    简化安装和移动:配备新型易滚 2 英寸锁定脚轮。


    可选配 CO2 或 LN2 备份系统:可选配 CO2 或 LN2 安全后备制冷系统,以便在发生电源或机械故障时提供附加样品保护。

    可选图表温度记录仪:可选配内置图表温度记录仪,可安装在 900系列的齐眼线高度。




    • 产品类型:低温冰箱
    • 温度 :-86℃
    • 容积:301~500L
    • 外观形状 :立式
    • 品牌属性:进口
    商品名称 Thermo Scientific Forma 900系列超低温冰箱 905-905-Thermo热电
    型号 905
    类别 实验室常用设备|||实验箱体|||低温冰箱|||ThermoScientificForma900系列超低温冰箱905
    品牌 Thermo热电
    品牌简介 Thermo热电
    关键字 热电/进口/立式/医用冷藏箱/医用低温箱/-86℃低温冰箱/-86℃医用冰箱,超低温,冰箱,样品,系列,温度,记录仪

    Thermo Scientific Forma 900系列超低温冰箱 905

    Thermo ebioscience产品目录2022年 价格优惠-Thermo Fisher

    Thermo Fisher

    THOME ebioscience产品目录2022年 价格优惠
    Thermo ebioscience产品目录2022年 价格优惠-Thermo Fisher
    货号 产品名称 包装 品牌
    BMS164 Anti-Human CD162 (PSGL-1) Purified 100 ug 100 ug eBioscience
    BMS165 anti-human Plectin 50 ug 50 ug eBioscience
    BMS165BT anti-human Plectin/Biotin 100 tests 100 tests eBioscience
    BMS166 Anti-Human Cathepsin L Purified 100 ug 100 ug eBioscience
    BMS166BT Anti-Human Cathepsin L Biotin 100 tests 100 tests eBioscience
    BMS166FI Anti-Human Cathepsin L FITC 100 tests 100 tests eBioscience
    BMS168 anti-human FAP 100 ug 100 ug eBioscience
    BMS169 anti-human EndoGlyx-1 100 ug 100 ug eBioscience
    BMS170 anti-human MadCAM-1 100 ug 100 ug eBioscience
    BMS171 Anti-Human CD326 (EpCAM) 100 ug 100 ug eBioscience
    BMS172 Anti-Mouse CD154 (CD40 Ligand) Purified 100 ug 100 ug eBioscience
    BMS173 anti-human EMAP II 100 ug 100 ug eBioscience
    BMS174 anti-mouse EMAP II 100 ug 100 ug eBioscience
    BMS175 anti-rat TNF-alpha 100 ug 100 ug eBioscience
    BMS176 anti-rat IFN-gamma 100 ug 100 ug eBioscience
    BMS178 anti-mouse IL-6 100 ug 100 ug eBioscience
    BMS179 anti-mouse IL-5 100 ug 100 ug eBioscience
    BMS180 anti-mouse IL-2 100 ug 100 ug eBioscience
    BMS181 anti-mouse IL-1alpha 100 ug 100 ug eBioscience
    BMS182 anti-mouse IFN-gamma 100 ug 100 ug eBioscience
    BMS195 Anti-Human Cytochrome C Purified 100 ug 100 ug eBioscience
    BMS196 Anti-Human VEGF-R1/FLT-1 Purified 100 ug 100 ug eBioscience
    BMS197 anti-human CD40 100 ug 100 ug eBioscience
    BMS198 Anti-Human CD95 (APO-1/Fas) Purified 100 ug 100 ug eBioscience
    BMS199/2 Anti-Human CD178 (Fas Ligand) Purified 100 ug 100 ug eBioscience
    BMS2001INST Human G-CSF Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS2001INSTCE Human G-CSF Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS2003INST Human Iso-Insulin Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS2004 Human TRAIL Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2004TEN Human TRAIL Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2006INST Human TWEAK Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS2007INST Human BAFF Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS2008 Human APRIL Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2008TEN Human APRIL Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS201 Human sICAM-1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2012INST Human Caspase-3 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS2013 Human IL-12/IL-23 p40 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2013MST Human IL-12/IL-23 p40 Matched Antibody Pairs 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2013TEN Human IL-12/IL-23 p40 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2014/2 Human MMP-3 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2014/2TEN Human MMP-3 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2016/2 Human MMP-9 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2016/2CE Human MMP-9 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2016/2TEN Human MMP-9 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2016/2TENCE Human MMP-9 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2017 Human IL-17A Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2017HS Human IL-17A High Sensitivity ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2017TEN Human IL-17A Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2018 Human TIMP-1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2018CE Human TIMP-1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2018TEN Human TIMP-1 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2018TENCE Human TIMP-1 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2019 Human VEGF-R2/KDR Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2019TEN Human VEGF-R2/KDR Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS201CE Human sICAM-1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS201INST Human sICAM-1 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS201INSTCE Human sICAM-1 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS201MST Human sICAM-1 Matched Antibody Pairs 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS201TEN Human sICAM-1 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS201TENCE Human sICAM-1 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS202 Human TNF-beta Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2020INST Human Osteocalcin Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS2021INST Human Osteoprotegerin Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS2023/3 Human IL-23 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2023/3TEN Human IL-23 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2024 Human Caspase-8 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2024TEN Human Caspase-8 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2025 Human Caspase-9 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2025TEN Human Caspase-9 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2027 Human Granzyme B Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2027TEN Human Granzyme B Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2028 Human Fibronectin Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2028TEN Human Fibronectin Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2029INST Human MIP-1alpha Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS202CE Human TNF-beta Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS202INST Human TNF-beta Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS202INSTCE Human TNF-beta Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS202TEN Human TNF-beta Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS202TENCE Human TNF-beta Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS203 Human sTNF-R (60kDa) Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2030INST Human MIP-1beta Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS2030INSTTEN Human MIP-1beta Instant ELISA 10 x 128 tests 10 x 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS2032 Human Adiponectin Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2032TEN Human Adiponectin Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2033 Human PAI-1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2033TEN Human PAI-1 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2034 Human total TNF-a Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2034CE Human TNF-alpha total Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2034MST Human total TNF alpha Matched Antibody Pairs 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2034TEN Human total TNF-a Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2034TENCE Human TNF-alpha total Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2035 Human EPO Platinum ELISA (short incubation) 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2035TEN Human EPO Platinum ELISA (short incubation) 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2037/2 Human IL-17F Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2037/2TEN Human IL-17F Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2038INST Human MPO Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS2039INST Human Leptin Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS203CE Human sTNF-R (60kDa) Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS203INST Human sTNF-R (60kDa) Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS203INSTCE Human sTNF-R (60kDa) Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS203TEN Human sTNF-R (60kDa) Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS203TENCE Human sTNF-R (60kDa) Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS204/3 Human IL-8 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS204/3CE Human IL-8 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS204/3INST Human IL-8 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS204/3INSTCE Human IL-8 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS204/3MST Human IL-8/NAP-1 Matched Antibody Pairs 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS204/3TEN Human IL-8 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS204/3TENCE Human IL-8 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2040 Human Resistin Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2040TEN Human Resistin Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2041 Human IL-31 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2041TEN Human IL-31 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2042 Human TIE-2 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2042TEN Human TIE-2 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2043 Human IL-21 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2043TEN Human IL-21 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2047 Human IL-22 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2047TEN Human IL-22 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2048 Human IL-33 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2048TEN Human IL-33 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2049 Human IL-29 (IFN-lambda1) Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2049TEN Human IL-29 (IFN-lambda1) Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS205 Human sE-selectin Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS205CE Human sE-selectin Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS205INST Human sE-selectin Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS205INSTCE Human sE-selectin Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS205TEN Human sE-selectin Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS205TENCE Human sE-selectin Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS206 Human sL-selectin Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2064 Human VEGF-R3/FLT-4 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2064TEN Human VEGF-R3/FLT-4 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2065 Human LAP (TGF-beta1) Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2065TEN Human LAP (TGF-beta1) Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2066 Human Osteopontin Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2066TEN Human Osteopontin Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2069INST Human HGF Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS206CE Human sL-selectin Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS206INST Human sL-selectin Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS206INSTCE Human sL-selectin Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS206TEN Human sL-selectin Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS206TENCE Human sL-selectin Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS207 Human sHER-2 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2070INST Human EGF Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS2071 Human PDGF-BB Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2071TEN Human PDGF-BB Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS207CE Human sHER-2 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS207INST Human sHER-2 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS207INSTCE Human sHER-2 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS207TEN Human sHER-2 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS207TENCE Human sHER-2 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2080 Human IL-1RA Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2080TEN Human IL-1RA Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2081 Human IL-9 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2081TEN Human IL-9 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2082 Human IL-17AF Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2082TEN Human IL-17AF Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2085 Human IL-27 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2085TEN Human IL-27 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2086 Human HSP27 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2086FIVE Human HSP27 Platinum ELISA 5 x 96 tests 5 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2086TEN Human HSP27 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2086TWO Human HSP27 Platinum ELISA 2 x 96 tests 2 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2089 Human C3a Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2089FIVE Human C3a Platinum ELISA 5 x 96 tests 5 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2089TEN Human C3a Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2089TWO Human C3a Platinum ELISA 2 x 96 tests 2 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS209/2 Human sCD44std Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS209/2CE Human sCD44std Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS209/2TEN Human sCD44std Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS209/2TENCE Human sCD44std Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2090 Human HSP90 alpha Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2090TEN Human HSP90 alpha Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2091 Human IgG total Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2091TEN Human IgG total Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2092 Human IgG1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2092FIVE Human IgG1 Platinum ELISA 5 x 96 tests 5 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2092TEN Human IgG1 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2092TWO Human IgG1 Platinum ELISA 2 x 96 tests 2 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2093 Human IgG2 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2093FIVE Human IgG2 Platinum ELISA 5 x 96 tests 5 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2093TEN Human IgG2 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2093TWO Human IgG2 Platinum ELISA 2 x 96 tests 2 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2094 Human IgG3 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2094FIVE Human IgG3 Platinum ELISA 5 x 96 tests 5 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2094TEN Human IgG3 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2094TWO Human IgG3 Platinum ELISA 2 x 96 tests 2 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2095 Human IgG4 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2095FIVE Human IgG4 Platinum ELISA 5 x 96 tests 5 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2095TEN Human IgG4 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2095TWO Human IgG4 Platinum ELISA 2 x 96 tests 2 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2096 Human IgA Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2096CE Human IgA Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2096TEN Human IgA Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2096TENCE Human IgA Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2097 Human IgE Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2097CE Human IgE Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2097TEN Human IgE Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2097TENCE Human IgE Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2098 Human IgM Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2098CE Human IgM Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2098FIVECE Human IgM Platinum ELISA 5 x 96 tests 5 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2098TEN Human IgM Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2098TENCE Human IgM Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2098TWOCE Human IgM Platinum ELISA 2 x 96 tests 2 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2099 Human C1q Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2099FIVE Human C1q Platinum ELISA 5 x 96 tests 5 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2099TEN Human C1q Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2099TWO Human C1q Platinum ELISA 2 x 96 tests 2 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS209INST Human sCD44std Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS210 Human sCD44var (v6) Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS2105INST Human sCD105 (Endoglin) Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS210INST Human sCD44var (v6) Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS210TEN Human sCD44var (v6) Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS211 Human sTNF-R (80kDa) Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS211CE Human sTNF-R (80kDa) Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS211TEN Human sTNF-R (80kDa) Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS211TENCE Human sTNF-R (80kDa) Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS212/2 Human sIL-2R Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS212/2CE Human sIL-2R Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS212/2TEN Human sIL-2R Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS212/2TENCE Human sIL-2R Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS212INST Human sIL-2R Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS212INSTCE Human sIL-2R Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS213/2 Human IL-6 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS213/2CE Human IL-6 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS213/2MST Human IL-6 Matched Antibody Pairs 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS213/2TEN Human IL-6 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS213/2TENCE Human IL-6 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS213HS Human IL-6 High Sensitivity ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS213INST Human IL-6 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS213INSTCE Human IL-6 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS214 Human sIL-6R Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS214INST Human sIL-6R Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS214INSTCE Human sIL-6R Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS214TEN Human sIL-6R Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS215/2 Human IL-10 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS215/2CE Human IL-10 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS215/2TEN Human IL-10 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS215/2TENCE Human IL-10 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS215HS Human IL-10 High Sensitivity ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS215INST Human IL-10 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS215INSTCE Human IL-10 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS216 Human IFN-alpha Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS216CE Human IFN-alpha Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS216INST Human IFN-alpha Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS216INSTCE Human IFN-alpha Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS216MST Human IFN alpha Matched Antibody Pairs 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS216TEN Human IFN-alpha Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS216TENCE Human IFN-alpha Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS217 Human anti-IFN-alpha Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS217TEN Human anti-IFN-alpha Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS218 Human sICAM-3 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS218INST Human sICAM-3 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS218TEN Human sICAM-3 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS219/4 Human sP-selectin Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS219/4CE Human sP-selectin Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS219/4TEN Human sP-selectin Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS219/4TENCE Human sP-selectin Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS220 Human sCD44var (v5) Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS220INST Human CD44var (v5) Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS220TEN Human sCD44var (v5) Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS221/2 Human IL-2 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS221/2CE Human IL-2 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS221/2FIVE Human IL-2 Platinum ELISA 5 x 96 tests 5 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS221/2TEN Human IL-2 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS221/2TENCE Human IL-2 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS221/2TWO Human IL-2 Platinum ELISA 2 x 96 tests 2 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS221HS Human IL-2 High Sensitivity ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS221INST Human IL-2 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS221INSTCE Human IL-2 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS222 Human Cu/ZnSOD Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS222CE Human Cu/ZnSOD Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS222MST Human Cu/ZnSOD Matched Antibody Pairs 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS222TEN Human Cu/ZnSOD Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS222TENCE Human Cu/ZnSOD Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS223/4 Human TNF-alpha Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS223/4CE Human TNF-alpha Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS223/4TEN Human TNF-alpha Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS223/4TENCE Human TNF-alpha Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS223HS Human TNF-alpha High Sensitivity ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS223INST Human TNF-alpha Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS223INSTCE Human TNF-alpha Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS224/2 Human IL-1beta Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS224/2CE Human IL-1beta Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS224/2TEN Human IL-1beta Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS224/2TENCE Human IL-1beta Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS224HS Human IL-1beta High Sensitivity ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS224INST Human IL-1 beta Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS224INSTCE Human IL-1beta Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS225/2 Human IL-4 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS225/2CE Human IL-4 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS225/2TEN Human IL-4 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS225/2TENCE Human IL-4 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS225HS Human IL-4 High Sensitivity ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS225INST Human IL-4 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS225INSTCE Human IL-4 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS227/2 Human sCD23 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS227/2CE Human sCD23 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS227/2TEN Human sCD23 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS227/2TENCE Human sCD23 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS228 Human IFN-gamma Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS228CE Human IFN-gamma Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS228HS Human IFN-gamma High Sensitivity ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS228TEN Human IFN-gamma Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS228TENCE Human IFN-gamma Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS229 Human sPECAM-1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS229INST Human sPECAM-1 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS229TEN Human sPECAM-1 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS231/3 Human IL-13 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS231/3CE Human IL-13 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS231/3MST Human IL-13 Matched Antibody Pairs 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS231/3TEN Human IL-13 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS231/3TENCE Human IL-13 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS231INST Human IL-13 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS232 Human sVCAM-1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS232CE Human sVCAM-1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS232TEN Human sVCAM-1 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS232TENCE Human sVCAM-1 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS233 Human IFN-omega Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS233CE Human IFN-omega Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS233MST Human IFN omega Matched Antibody Pairs 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS233TEN Human IFN-omega Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS233TENCE Human IFN-omega Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS234 Human s90K/Mac-2BP Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS235 Human sCD26 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS235CE Human sCD26 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS235TEN Human sCD26 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS235TENCE Human sCD26 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS236 Human sICAM-2 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS237INST Human IL-7 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS238 Human IL-12 (p70) Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS238CE Human IL-12 (p70) Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS238HS Human IL-12p70 High Sensitivity ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS238TEN Human IL-12 (p70) Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS238TENCE Human IL-12 (p70) Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS239 Human sCD40L Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS239CE Human sCD40L Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS239INST Human sCD40L Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS239INSTCE Human sCD40L Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS239MST Human sCD40L Matched Antibody Pairs 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS239TEN Human sCD40L Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS239TENCE Human sCD40L Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS240 Human sCD30 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS240CE Human sCD30 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS240INST Human sCD30 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS240INSTCE Human sCD30 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS240TEN Human sCD30 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS240TENCE Human sCD30 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS241 Human sICAM-1 Platinum ELISA (extra sensitive) 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS241TEN Human sICAM-1 Platinum ELISA (extra sensitive) 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS242 Human LIF Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS242TEN Human LIF Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS243/2 Human IL-1alpha Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS243/2CE Human IL-1alpha Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS243/2TEN Human IL-1alpha Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS243/2TENCE Human IL-1alpha Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS244/3 Human Bcl-2 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS244/3TEN Human Bcl-2 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS245 Human sAPO-1/Fas Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS245CE Human sAPO-1/Fas Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS245TEN Human sAPO-1/Fas Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS245TENCE Human sAPO-1/Fas Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS247 Human anti-Annexin V Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS247TEN Human anti-Annexin V Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS249/4 Human TGF-beta1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS249/4CE Human TGF-beta1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS249/4FIVE Human TGF-beta1 Platinum ELISA 5 x 96 tests 5 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS249/4TEN Human TGF-beta1 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS249/4TENCE Human TGF-beta1 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS252 Human Annexin V Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS252TEN Human Annexin V Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS253 Human sVE-cadherin Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS253INST Human VE-Cadherin Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS253MST Human sVE-cadherin Matched Antibody Pairs 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS253TEN Human sVE-cadherin Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS254 Human TGF-beta 2 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS255 Human sPSGL-1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS255TEN Human sPSGL-1 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS256 Human p53 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS256TEN Human p53 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS257 Human Cathepsin L Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS257TEN Human Cathepsin L Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS258/2 Human t-PA Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS258/2TEN Human t-PA Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS259 Human sVAP-1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS259TEN Human sVAP-1 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS260/2 Human sFas Ligand Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS260/2CE Human sFas Ligand Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS260/2TEN Human sFas Ligand Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS260/2TENCE Human sFas Ligand Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS263 Human Cytochrome c Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS263MST Human Cytochrome c Matched Antibody Pairs 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS263TEN Human Cytochrome c Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS265 Human sCD40 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS265TEN Human sCD40 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS267/2 Human IL-18 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS267/2CE Human IL-18 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS267/2MST Human IL-18 Matched Antibody Pairs 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS267/2TEN Human IL-18 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS267/2TENCE Human IL-18 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS267INST Human IL-18 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS267INSTCE Human IL-18 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS268/3 Human sVEGF-R1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS268/3TEN Human sVEGF-R1 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS269 Human PMN-Elastase Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS269CE Human PMN-Elastase Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS276 Human sCD152/CTLA-4 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS276TEN Human sCD152/CTLA-4 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS277/2 Human VEGF-A Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS277/2CE Human VEGF-A Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS277/2TEN Human VEGF-A Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS277/2TENCE Human VEGF-A Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS278 Human IL-5 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS278CE Human IL-5 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS278INST Human IL-5 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS278INSTCE Human IL-5 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS278TEN Human IL-5 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS278TENCE Human IL-5 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS279/2 Human Galectin-3 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS279/2CE Human Galectin-3 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS279/2TEN Human Galectin-3 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS279/2TENCE Human Galectin-3 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS281 Human MCP-1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS281CE Human MCP-1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS281INST Human MCP-1 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS281INSTCE Human MCP-1 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS281TEN Human MCP-1 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS281TENCE Human MCP-1 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS283 Human GM-CSF Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS283INST Human GM-CSF Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS283INSTCE Human GM-CSF Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS283TEN Human GM-CSF Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS284INST Human IP-10 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS285INST Human MIG Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS286INST Human sCD27 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS287/2INST Human RANTES Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS288INST Human C-reactive Protein Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS288INSTCE Human CRP Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS289 Human sCD137 (s4-1BB) Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS289TEN Human sCD137 (s4-1BB) Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS290 Human sCD28 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS290TEN Human sCD28 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS291INST Human sCD80 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS293 Human sCD40L Platinum ELISA (extra sensitive) 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS293CE Human sCD40L Platinum ELISA (extra sensitive) 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS293TEN Human sCD40L Platinum ELISA (extra sensitive) 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS293TENCE Human sCD40L Platinum ELISA (extra sensitive) 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS296 Human sCD134 (OX40) Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS296TEN Human sCD134 (OX40) Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS297/2 Human VEGF-C Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS297/2TEN Human VEGF-C Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS298 Human sCD153 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS298TEN Human sCD153 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS301 Recombinant Human TNF-alpha 10 ug 10 ug eBioscience
    BMS302 Recombinant Human TNF-beta 10 ug 10 ug eBioscience
    BMS303 Recombinant Human IFN-gamma 110 ug 110 ug eBioscience
    BMS304 Recombinant Human IFN-omega 25 ug 25 ug eBioscience
    BMS305 Recombinant Human IFN-alpha2c 16.5 ug 16.5 ug eBioscience
    BMS306/1MG Annexin V Unlabeled Recombinant Protein 1 mg 1 mg eBioscience
    BMS306/300UG Annexin V Unlabeled Recombinant Protein 300 ug 300 ug eBioscience
    BMS306/30UG Annexin V Unlabeled Recombinant Protein 30 ug 30 ug eBioscience
    BMS306APC/100 Annexin V-APC Recombinant Protein 100 tests 100 tests eBioscience
    BMS306APC/20 Annexin V-APC Recombinant Protein 20 tests 20 tests eBioscience
    BMS306BT/20 Annexin V-Biotin Recombinant Protein 20 tests 20 tests eBioscience
    BMS306FI/100 Annexin V-FITC Recombinant Protein 100 tests 100 tests eBioscience
    BMS306FI/20 Annexin V-FITC Recombinant Protein 20 tests 20 tests eBioscience
    BMS306FI/300 Annexin V-FITC Recombinant Protein 300 tests 300 tests eBioscience
    BMS306PE/100 Annexin V-Phycoerythrin (PE) Recombinant Protein 100 tests 100 tests eBioscience
    BMS306PE/20 Annexin V-Phycoerythrin (PE) Recombinant Protein 20 tests 20 tests eBioscience
    BMS308/2 Recombinant Human sCD40 Ligand 50 ug 50 ug eBioscience
    BMS313 Recombinant Human ICAM-1 50 ug 50 ug eBioscience
    BMS314 Recombinant Human sAPO-1/Fas 50 ug 50 ug eBioscience
    BMS318 Recombinant Human CD44 Std 100 ug 100 ug eBioscience
    BMS319 Recombinant Human IL-15 10 ug 10 ug eBioscience
    BMS320 Recombinant Human EGF 500 ug 500 ug eBioscience
    BMS322 Recombinant Human G-CSF 10 ug 10 ug eBioscience
    BMS323 Recombinant Mouse G-CSF 10 ug 10 ug eBioscience
    BMS324 Recombinant Human GM-CSF 20 ug 20 ug eBioscience
    BMS325 Recombinant Mouse GM-CSF 20 ug 20 ug eBioscience
    BMS326 Recombinant Mouse IFN gamma 100 ug 100 ug eBioscience
    BMS328 Recombinant Human IL-1alpha 10 ug 10 ug eBioscience
    BMS331 Recombinant Human IL-1beta 10 ug 10 ug eBioscience
    BMS332 Recombinant Mouse IL-1beta 10 ug 10 ug eBioscience
    BMS334 Recombinant Human IL-2 50 ug 50 ug eBioscience
    BMS337 Recombinant Human IL-4 10 ug 10 ug eBioscience
    BMS338 Recombinant Mouse IL-4 10 ug 10 ug eBioscience
    BMS339 Recombinant Rat IL-4 10 ug 10 ug eBioscience
    BMS341 Recombinant Human IL-6 20 ug 20 ug eBioscience
    BMS346/2 Recombinant Human IL-10 10 ug 10 ug eBioscience
    BMS347 Recombinant Mouse IL-10 10 ug 10 ug eBioscience
    BMS351 Recombinant Human IL-13 10 ug 10 ug eBioscience
    BMS356 Recombinant Human TRAIL/APO-2L 50 ug 50 ug eBioscience
    BMS359 Recombinant Mouse VEGF 10 ug 10 ug eBioscience
    BMS360 Recombinant Human VEGF-R1 10 ug 10 ug eBioscience
    BMS362 Recombinant Human sHER-2 50 ug 50 ug eBioscience
    BMS402 Substrate Solution I 450 mL 450 mL eBioscience
    BMS403 Substrate Solution II 450 mL 450 mL eBioscience
    BMS412 Support Pack Standard 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS414 Support Pack Plus 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS497FF Vacuum Manifold ea ea eBioscience
    BMS500BB Binding Buffer for Annexin V 50 mL 50 mL eBioscience
    BMS500BT/100 Annexin V-Biotin Apoptosis Detection Kit 100 tests 100 tests eBioscience
    BMS500BT/20 Annexin V-Biotin Apoptosis Detection Kit 20 tests 20 tests eBioscience
    BMS500BT/300 Annexin V-Biotin Apoptosis Detection Kit 300 tests 300 tests eBioscience
    BMS500FI/100 Annexin V-FITC Apoptosis Detection Kit 100 tests 100 tests eBioscience
    BMS500FI/100CE Annexin V-FITC Apoptosis Detection Kit 100 tests 100 tests eBioscience
    BMS500FI/20 Annexin V-FITC Apoptosis Detection Kit 20 tests 20 tests eBioscience
    BMS500FI/20CE Annexin V-FITC Apoptosis Detection Kit 20 tests 20 tests eBioscience
    BMS500FI/300 Annexin V-FITC Apoptosis Detection Kit 300 tests 300 tests eBioscience
    BMS500FI/300CE Annexin V-FITC Apoptosis Detection Kit 300 tests 300 tests eBioscience
    BMS500PI Propidium Iodide 1.5 mL 1.5 mL eBioscience
    BMS6001 Mouse IL-17A Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6001TEN Mouse IL-17A Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6002 Mouse IL-1beta Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6002INST Mouse IL-1beta Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS6002TEN Mouse IL-1beta Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6002TWO Mouse IL-1beta Platinum ELISA 2 x 96 tests 2 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6003INST Mouse sTNF-R II Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS6004 Mouse IL-12 p70 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6004TEN Mouse IL-12 p70 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6005 Mouse MCP-1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6005TEN Mouse MCP-1 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6006INST Mouse MCP-3 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS6007INST Mouse MCP-5 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS6008 Mouse Eotaxin Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6008TEN Mouse Eotaxin Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6009INST Mouse RANTES Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS601 Mouse IL-2 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6010 Mouse sCD40L Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6010TEN Mouse sCD40L Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6015 Mouse IL-13 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6015FIVE Mouse IL-13 Platinum ELISA 5 x 96 tests 5 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6015TEN Mouse IL-13 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6015TWO Mouse IL-13 Platinum ELISA 2 x 96 tests 2 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6017 Mouse IL-23 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6017TEN Mouse IL-23 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6018 Mouse IP-10 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6018MST Mouse IP-10 Matched Antibody Pairs 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6018TEN Mouse IP-10 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS601HS Mouse IL-2 High Sensitivity Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS601TEN Mouse IL-2 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6020 Mouse IL-17F Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6020TEN Mouse IL-17F Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6021 Mouse IL-21 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6021TEN Mouse IL-21 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6022 Mouse IL-22 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6022TEN Mouse IL-22 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6023 Mouse IL-15/IL-15R Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6023TEN Mouse IL-15/IL-15R Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6024 Mouse IL-27 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6024TEN Mouse IL-27 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6025 Mouse IL-33 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6025TEN Mouse IL-33 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6026 Mouse IL-17AF Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6026TEN Mouse IL-17AF Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6027 Mouse IFN alpha Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6027TEN Mouse IFN alpha Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6028 Mouse IL-28 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6028TEN Mouse IL-28 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6029 Mouse Granzyme B Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS6029TEN Mouse Granzyme B Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS603/2 Mouse IL-6 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS603/2TEN Mouse IL-6 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS603HS Mouse IL-6 High Sensitivity ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS606 Mouse IFN-gamma Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS606FIVE Mouse IFN-gamma Platinum ELISA 5 x 96 tests 5 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS606INST Mouse IFN-gamma Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS606TEN Mouse IFN-gamma Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS606TWO Mouse IFN-gamma Platinum ELISA 2 x 96 tests 2 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS607/2INST Mouse TNF-alpha Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS607/3 Mouse TNF-alpha Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS607/3FIVE Mouse TNF-alpha Platinum ELISA 5 x 96 tests 5 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS607/3TEN Mouse TNF-alpha Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS607/3TWO Mouse TNF-alpha Platinum ELISA 2 x 96 tests 2 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS607HS Mouse TNF-alpha High Sensitivity ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS608/4 Mouse TGF-beta1 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS608/4FIVE Mouse TGF-beta1 Platinum ELISA 5 x 96 tests 5 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS608/4TEN Mouse TGF-beta1 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS608/4TWO Mouse TGF-beta1 Platinum ELISA 2 x 96 tests 2 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS609 Mouse IFN gamma Platinum ELISA (extra sensitive) 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS609TEN Mouse IFN gamma Platinum ELISA (extra sensitive) 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS610 Mouse IL-5 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS610TEN Mouse IL-5 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS611 Mouse IL-1alpha Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS611MST Mouse IL-1 alpha Matched Antibody Pairs 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS611TEN Mouse IL-1alpha Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS612 Mouse GM-CSF Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS612TEN Mouse GM-CSF Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS613 Mouse IL-4 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS613HS Mouse IL-4 High Sensitivity ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS613INST Mouse IL-4 Instant ELISA 128 tests 128 tests eBioscience
    BMS613TEN Mouse IL-4 Platinum ELISA 10 x 96 tests 10 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS613TWO Mouse IL-4 Platinum ELISA 2 x 96 tests 2 x 96 tests eBioscience
    BMS614/2 Mouse IL-10 Platinum ELISA 96 tests 96 tests eBioscience

    Thermo热电 Wellwash 4 Mk2洗板机

    Thermo热电 Wellwash 4 Mk2洗板机

    Thermo热电 Wellwash 4 Mk2洗板机

  • 商品品牌: Thermo热电
    商品编号:Wellwash 4 Mk2
  • 商品价格: 请与我们联系
  • Thermo热电 Wellwash 4 Mk2洗板机-Thermo热电-Wellwash 4 Mk2

    • 残液量:≤2μl/孔
    • 洗液通道:1个
    • 品牌属性:进口
    Thermo热电 Wellwash 4Mk2






















    • 残液量:≤2μl/孔
    • 洗液通道:1个
    • 品牌属性:进口
    商品名称 Thermo热电 Wellwash 4 Mk2洗板机-Wellwash 4 Mk2-Thermo热电
    型号 Wellwash 4 Mk2
    类别 生命科学仪器|||生化免疫|||洗板机|||Thermo热电Wellwash4Mk2洗板机
    品牌 Thermo热电
    品牌简介 Thermo热电
    关键字 自动酶标洗板机,同轴,套管,快速,内圈,简单,程序

    Thermo热电 Wellwash 4 Mk2洗板机