Thermo Multiskan GO全波长读数仪/超微量分光光度计

Thermo Multiskan GO全波长读数仪/超微量分光光度计

Thermo Multiskan GO全波长读数仪/超微量分光光度计

  • 商品品牌: Thermo热电
  • 商品价格: 请与我们联系
  • Thermo Multiskan GO全波长读数仪/超微量分光光度计-Thermo热电-GO

    • 类型:全波长酶标仪
    • 波长范围:200-1000nm
    • 滤光片位:
    • 内置打印机:
    • 孵育器:
    • 品牌属性:进口
    超微量分光光度计 全波长酶标仪

    Thermo Multiskan GO全波长读数仪/超微量分光光度计



    波长范围200 – 1000nm,包括UV和近红外,1nm步进,任何波长都可以自由选择


    ※ 光路设计应用最新一代单色器,可生成2nm的检测带宽,确保出色的光谱分辨率

    ※ 双光束光学系统,包括内建的参比检测通道,确保任何检测情况下均可获得一致的结果


    ※ 仪器启动后自动运行诊断程序,对光源、单色器、检测器、载板位置等进行检查,


    ※ 快速波长扫描功能,从200到1000nm(1nm步进)的光谱扫描,时间仅需10秒

    ※ 可对微孔板和比色杯进行孵育,非常适于温度敏感的实验,如酶动力学和细胞学实验

    ※ 微孔板可进行线性振荡,三档速度可调,确保样品混匀


    ※ 专为独立使用而设计,通过大屏幕彩色液晶显示屏和图形化用户界面,程序编辑十分简单

    ※ 任何检测数据都可以通过USB连接接口导出,数据导出方便快捷

    ※ 逻辑化和易于使用的SkanIt软件,具有模拟演示功能(simulator)

    ※ 数据分析功能包括:定量曲线拟合、定性分析、动力学计算、自定义方程以及平行线分析(PLA,符合欧盟法规要求)等


    • 类型:全波长酶标仪
    • 波长范围:200-1000nm
    • 滤光片位:
    • 内置打印机:
    • 孵育器:
    • 品牌属性:进口
    商品名称 Thermo Multiskan GO全波长读数仪/超微量分光光度计-GO-Thermo热电
    型号 GO
    类别 生命科学仪器|||生化免疫|||酶标仪|||ThermoMultiskanGO全波长读数仪/超微量分光光度计
    品牌 Thermo热电
    品牌简介 Thermo热电
    关键字 超微量分光光度计 全波长酶标仪,波长,步进,光度计,微孔,微量,功能

    Thermo Multiskan GO全波长读数仪/超微量分光光度计

    Thermo Fisher品牌代理商

    上海金畔生物科技有限公司是Thermo Fisher品牌代理商 ,欢迎访问官网了解更多产品信息和订购。
    Thermo Fisher


    Fluoromount-G™ 是一种澄清的液体介质,设计用于在免疫荧光染色后封片使用。这种水溶性Fluoromount-G™ 可用于在水性染色的后一步封片步骤。它可以形成密封,延长玻片在2-8°C 下的储存时间。Fluoromount-G™ 不发荧光,在荧光显微镜检查期间可减少荧光染料的淬灭量。

    Fluoromount-G™ 是一种澄清的液体介质,设计用于在免疫荧光染色后封片使用。这种水溶性Fluoromount-G™ 可用于在水性染色的后一步封片步骤。它可以形成密封,延长玻片在2-8°C 下的储存时间。Fluoromount-G™ 不发荧光,在荧光显微镜检查期间可减少荧光染料的淬灭量。


    Mounting Solution

    aqueous buffer, 0.09% sodium azide

    Fluoromount-G has been reported for use in immunohistochemical staining (IHC), and immunocytochemistry (ICC).

    Fluoromount-G™ has been tested for immunohistochemistry (IHC) and immunocytochemistry (ICC) using eFluor® Nanocrystal-conjugated, organic dye-conjugated, and unconjugated antibodies.

    Thermo Scientific Heraeus Pico 21 微量离心机

    Thermo Scientific Heraeus Pico 21 微量离心机

    Thermo Scientific Heraeus Pico 21 微量离心机

  • 商品品牌: Thermo赛默飞世尔
    商品编号:Pico 21
  • 商品价格: 请与我们联系
  • Thermo Scientific Heraeus Pico 21 微量离心机-Thermo赛默飞世尔-Pico 21

    • 主机最高转速:10001~20000rpm
    • 品牌属性:进口
    • 类型:高速离心机
    进口微量离心机 低速离心机 热电离心机 Thermo离心机 高速离心机

    Thermo Scientific Heraeus Pico 21 微量离心机

    Thermo Scientific Heraeus Pico & Fresco微量离心机是一款紧凑、操作方便的仪器。


    通风型和冷冻型各具有17,000 x g and 21,000 x g两种型号可供选择。


    新的24 x 2 mL 转头带有 ClickSeal通过CAMR认证的防生物污染转头.


    多样的转头选择和17,000/21,000 x g两种规格的选择,赋予Thermo Scientific Heraeus Pico & Fresco系列离心机




    Thermo Scientific Heraeus Pico & Fresco最广泛的转头选择,可以兼容各种微量离心管.

    24孔微量转头可用于各种1.5到2.0 mL微量管,包括带过滤柱的离心管

    新的18-孔双排转头可容纳2.0 mL和0.5 mL微量离心管, 免除了更换适配器的繁琐步骤.

    其他转头可容纳0.5 mL 及 0.2 mL PCR 管及血比容管.


    独特的 ClickSeal™ 防生物污染转头保证优异的安全性和方便性





    注意:Thermo Scientific Hereaus PICO/FRESCO 17 和 21 标配一个24 孔1.5 / 2.0 mL CAMR认证防生物污染的转头 .


    Part Number



    Heraeus Fresco 17, Refrigerated, 230V 50/60Hz, w/24 x 2mL Rotor and ClickSeal Biocontainment Lid


    Heraeus Pico 17, Ventilated, 230V 50/60Hz, w/24 x 2mL Rotor and ClickSeal Biocontainment Lid


    Heraeus Pico 21, Ventilated, 230V 50/60Hz, w/24 x 2mL Rotor and ClickSeal Biocontainment Lid


    Heraeus Fresco 17, Refrigerated, 230V 50/60Hz, w/24 x 2mL Rotor and ClickSeal Biocontainment Lid


    Heraeus Fresco 21, Refrigerated, 230V 50/60Hz, w/24 x 2mL Rotor and ClickSeal Biocontainment Lid


    Heraeus Pico 21, Ventilated, 230V 50/60Hz, w/24 x 2mL Rotor and ClickSeal Biocontainment Lid and Dual Row 18 x 0.5/18 x 2mL Rotor and Scew-on Lid


    Heraeus Fresco 21, Refrigerated, 230V 50/60Hz, w/24 x 2mL Rotor and ClickSeal Biocontainment Lid and Dual Row 18 x 0.5/18 x 2mL Rotor and Screw-on Lid


    Heraeus Pico 17, Ventilated, 230V 50/60Hz, w/Hematocrit Rotor


    Heraeus Pico 17, Ventilated, 120V 60Hz, w/24 x 2mL Rotor and ClickSeal Biocontainment Lid


    Heraeus Pico 21, Ventilated, 120V 60Hz, w/24 x 2mL Rotor and ClickSeal Biocontainment Lid


    Heraeus Fresco 21, Refrigerated, 120V 60Hz, w/24 x 2mL Rotor and ClickSeal Biocontainment Lid and Dual Row 18 x 0.5/18 x 2mL Rotor and Screw-on Lid


    Heraeus Pico 21, Ventilated, 120V 60Hz, w/24 x 2mL Rotor and ClickSeal Biocontainment Lid and Dual Row 18 x 0.5/18 x 2mL Rotor and Scew-on Lid


    Heraeus Pico 17, Ventilated, 120V 60Hz, w/Hematocrit Rotor


    Heraeus Fresco 21, Refrigerated, 120V 60Hz, w/24 x 2mL Rotor and ClickSeal Biocontainment Lid


    • 主机最高转速:10001~20000rpm
    • 品牌属性:进口
    • 类型:高速离心机
    商品名称 Thermo Scientific Heraeus Pico 21 微量离心机-Pico 21-Thermo赛默飞世尔
    型号 Pico 21
    类别 实验室常用设备|||混合分离|||离心机|||ThermoScientificHeraeusPico21微量离心机
    品牌 Thermo赛默飞世尔
    品牌简介 Thermo赛默飞世尔
    关键字 进口微量离心机 低速离心机 热电离心机 Thermo离心机 高速离心机,离心机,微量,离心管,方便性,通用性,转速

    Thermo Scientific Heraeus Pico 21 微量离心机

    Thermo 台式离心机 Biofuge Primo R

    Thermo 台式离心机 Biofuge Primo R

    Thermo 台式离心机 Biofuge Primo R

  • 商品品牌: Thermo赛默飞世尔
    商品编号:Biofuge Primo R
  • 商品价格: 请与我们联系
  • Thermo 台式离心机 Biofuge Primo R-Thermo赛默飞世尔-Biofuge Primo R

    • 类型:高速离心机
    • 品牌属性:进口
    • 主机最高转速:10001~20000rpm
    Thermo热电 台式离心机 高速离心机 进口台式高速离心机 不带冷冻高速离心机
    Thermo 台式离心机 Biofuge Primo R


    应用的灵活性– 6种转头(水平, 定角及微量) 选择, Biofuge Primo 应用广泛.

    用户友好的操作– “Easycontrol II”控制面板清晰的显示所有运行及设定参数。按键图标直观、布局合理,操作起来安全、方便

    高性能– 低噪音 (< 60 dBA)提供无干扰的工作环境;快的加速/减速时间确保快速的样品处理.

    不平衡检测 –具有电子不平衡监测功能, 无论是在上样时,还是在离心过程中因为离心管破裂导致的不平衡均能检测到。 离心机会自动停机,防止机器损坏。

    操作安全– 第三方生物安全认证,可放心地离心危险性的生物样品


    • 类型:高速离心机
    • 品牌属性:进口
    • 主机最高转速:10001~20000rpm
    商品名称 Thermo 台式离心机 Biofuge Primo R-Biofuge Primo R-Thermo赛默飞世尔
    型号 Biofuge Primo R
    类别 实验室常用设备|||混合分离|||离心机|||Thermo台式离心机BiofugePrimoR
    品牌 Thermo赛默飞世尔
    品牌简介 Thermo赛默飞世尔
    关键字 Thermo热电 台式离心机 高速离心机 进口台式高速离心机 不带冷冻高速离心机,离心机,微量,不平衡,用途,操作,转速

    Thermo 台式离心机 Biofuge Primo R

    Thermo Scientific Heraeus MicroCL 21 微量离心机

    Thermo Scientific Heraeus MicroCL 21 微量离心机

    Thermo Scientific Heraeus MicroCL 21 微量离心机

  • 商品品牌: Thermo赛默飞世尔
    商品编号:MicroCL 21
  • 商品价格: 请与我们联系
  • Thermo Scientific Heraeus MicroCL 21 微量离心机-Thermo赛默飞世尔-MicroCL 21

    • 主机最高转速:10001~20000rpm
    • 品牌属性:进口
    • 类型:高速离心机
    进口微量离心机 低速离心机 热电离心机 Thermo离心机 高速离心机

    Thermo Scientific Heraeus MicroCL 21 微量离心机

    Thermo Scientific IEC MicroCL 17 & 21 系列离心机结合了高效性、通用性、安全性及方便性等特点。

    结构紧凑、使用方便. 具有 17,000 x g 和21,000 x g 型号可选, 提供广泛选择的转头,用于各种离心应用,如核酸提取,蛋白纯化等。

    新型的24 x 2 mL ‘ClickSeal?’ 生物安全转头通过 CAMR认证。


    广泛选择的转头, 两种 17,000 和 21,000 x g 型号选择,满足从简单到复杂的离心过程的需要 .快减速/快加速能力 (≈12 seconds) 用更少的时间离心更多的样品


    IEC MicroCL 17 & 21 提供各种大通量的转头,满足各种离心管/板离心的需要。

    标准24-位转头可容纳所有 1.5及2.0 mL微量离心管,包括过滤管

    新的18-位双排转头可同时容纳 2.0 mL 和 0.5 mL微量管,不需要适配器

    特殊的大通量转头,用于离心 0.5 mL ,0.2 mL PCR 管以及血比容毛细管


    独特的 ClickSeal™防生物污染转头盖 在安装中可自动“卡紧” ,提供安全性及方便性的离心操作



    平滑, 轻体积的设计节省实验室空间,易于清洗及维护



    Part Number



    MicroCL 17 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and biocontainment lid, 120V 60Hz


    MicroCL 17 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and biocontainment lid, 230V 50/60Hz


    MicroCL 17 with hematocrit rotor, 120V 60Hz


    MicroCL 17 with hematocrit rotor, 230V 50/60Hz


    MicroCL 17R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and biocontainment lid, 120V 60Hz


    MicroCL 17R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and biocontainment lid, 230V 50/60Hz


    MicroCL 21 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and lid; 120V 60Hz


    MicroCL 21 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and lid; 230V 50/60Hz


    MicroCL 21R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and lid; 120V 60Hz


    MicroCL 21R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and lid; 230V 50/60Hz


    • 主机最高转速:10001~20000rpm
    • 品牌属性:进口
    • 类型:高速离心机
    商品名称 Thermo Scientific Heraeus MicroCL 21 微量离心机-MicroCL 21-Thermo赛默飞世尔
    型号 MicroCL 21
    类别 实验室常用设备|||混合分离|||离心机|||ThermoScientificHeraeusMicroCL21微量离心机
    品牌 Thermo赛默飞世尔
    品牌简介 Thermo赛默飞世尔
    关键字 进口微量离心机 低速离心机 热电离心机 Thermo离心机 高速离心机,离心机,微量,方便性,离心管,通量,通用性

    Thermo Scientific Heraeus MicroCL 21 微量离心机

    Thermo ebioscience产品目录2022年 价格优惠-Thermo Fisher

    Thermo Fisher

    THOME ebioscience产品目录2022年 价格优惠
    Thermo ebioscience产品目录2022年 价格优惠-Thermo Fisher
    货号 产品名称 包装 品牌
    47-0118-41 Anti-Human CD11b APC-eFluor? 780 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    47-0118-42 Anti-Human CD11b APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    47-0128-41 Anti-CD11c APC-eFluor? 780 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    47-0128-42 Anti-CD11c APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    47-0149-41 Anti-Human CD14 APC-eFluor? 780 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    47-0149-42 Anti-Human CD14 APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    47-0168-41 Anti-Human CD16 APC-eFluor? 780 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    47-0168-42 Anti-Human CD16 APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    47-0193-80 Anti-Mouse CD19 APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-0193-82 Anti-Mouse CD19 APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-0198-41 Anti-Human CD19 APC-eFluor? 780 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    47-0198-42 Anti-Human CD19 APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    47-0199-41 Anti-Human CD19 APC-eFluor? 780 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    47-0199-42 Anti-Human CD19 APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    47-0209-41 Anti-Human CD20 APC-eFluor? 780 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    47-0209-42 Anti-Human CD20 APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    47-0211-80 Anti-Mouse CD21/CD35 APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-0211-82 Anti-Mouse CD21/CD35 APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-0238-41 Anti-Human CD23 APC-eFluor? 780 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    47-0238-42 Anti-Human CD23 APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    47-0242-80 Anti-Mouse CD24 APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-0242-82 Anti-Mouse CD24 APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-0247-41 Anti-Human CD24 APC-eFluor? 780 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    47-0247-42 Anti-Human CD24 APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
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    47-0251-82 Anti-Mouse CD25 APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-0259-41 Anti-Human CD25 APC-eFluor? 780 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    47-0259-42 Anti-Human CD25 APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
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    47-0271-82 Anti-CD27 APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-0279-41 Anti-Human CD27 APC-eFluor? 780 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    47-0279-42 Anti-Human CD27 APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
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    47-0289-42 Anti-Human CD28 APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
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    47-0291-82 Anti-Mouse/Rat CD29 (Integrin beta 1) APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-0319-41 Anti-Human CD31 (PECAM-1) APC-eFluor? 780 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    47-0319-42 Anti-Human CD31 (PECAM-1) APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    47-0349-41 Anti-Human CD34 APC-eFluor? 780 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    47-0349-42 Anti-Human CD34 APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    47-0389-41 Anti-Human CD38 APC-eFluor? 780 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    47-0389-42 Anti-Human CD38 APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    47-0411-80 Anti-Mouse CD41 APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-0411-82 Anti-Mouse CD41 APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-0441-80 Anti-Human/Mouse CD44 APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-0441-82 Anti-Human/Mouse CD44 APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-0451-80 Anti-Mouse CD45 APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-0451-82 Anti-Mouse CD45 APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-0452-80 Anti-Human/Mouse CD45R (B220) APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-0452-82 Anti-Human/Mouse CD45R (B220) APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-0453-80 Anti-Mouse CD45.1 APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-0453-82 Anti-Mouse CD45.1 APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
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    47-0454-82 Anti-Mouse CD45.2 APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
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    47-0458-42 Anti-Human CD45RA APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
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    47-0459-42 Anti-Human CD45 APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
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    47-0461-82 Anti-Rat CD45 APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
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    47-0481-82 Anti-Mouse CD48 APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
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    47-0567-42 Anti-Human CD56 (NCAM) APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
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    47-0621-82 Anti-Mouse CD62L (L-Selectin) APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-0629-42 Anti-Human CD62L (L-Selectin) APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    47-0691-80 Anti-Mouse CD69 APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-0691-82 Anti-Mouse CD69 APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-0792-41 Anti-CD79a APC-eFluor? 780 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    47-0792-42 Anti-CD79a APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    47-0900-80 Anti-Mouse/Rat CD90.1 (Thy-1.1) APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-0900-82 Anti-Mouse/Rat CD90.1 (Thy-1.1) APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-0902-80 Anti-Mouse CD90.2 (Thy-1.2) APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-0902-82 Anti-Mouse CD90.2 (Thy-1.2) APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-1171-80 Anti-Mouse CD117 (c-Kit) APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-1171-82 Anti-Mouse CD117 (c-Kit) APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-1172-80 Anti-Mouse CD117 (c-Kit) APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-1172-82 Anti-Mouse CD117 (c-Kit) APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-1271-80 Anti-Mouse CD127 APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-1271-82 Anti-Mouse CD127 APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-1278-41 Anti-Human CD127 APC-eFluor? 780 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    47-1278-42 Anti-Human CD127 APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    47-1548-41 Anti-Human CD154 (CD40 Ligand) APC-eFluor? 780 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    47-1548-42 Anti-Human CD154 (CD40 Ligand) APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    47-1979-41 Anti-Human CD197 (CCR7) APC-eFluor? 780 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    47-1979-42 Anti-Human CD197 (CCR7) APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    47-2799-41 Anti-Human CD279 (PD-1) APC-eFluor? 780 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    47-2799-42 Anti-Human CD279 (PD-1) APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    47-4031-80 Rat IgG2b K Isotype Control APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-4031-82 Rat IgG2b K Isotype Control APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-4301-80 Rat IgG1 K Isotype Control APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-4317-82 Streptavidin APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-4321-80 Rat IgG2a K Isotype Control APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-4321-82 Rat IgG2a K Isotype Control APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-4714-80 Mouse IgG1 K Isotype Control APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-4714-82 Mouse IgG1 K Isotype Control APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-4724-82 Mouse IgG2a K Isotype Control APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-4732-80 Mouse IgG2b K Isotype Control APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-4732-82 Mouse IgG2b K Isotype Control APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-4801-80 Anti-Mouse F4/80 Antigen APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-4801-82 Anti-Mouse F4/80 Antigen APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-4888-80 Armenian Hamster IgG Isotype Control APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-5321-80 Anti-Mouse MHC Class II (I-A/I-E) APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-5321-82 Anti-Mouse MHC Class II (I-A/I-E) APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-5790-80 Anti-Mouse IgM APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-5790-82 Anti-Mouse IgM APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-5791-80 Anti-Mouse CD326 (EpCAM) APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-5791-82 Anti-Mouse CD326 (EpCAM) APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-5812-80 Anti-Mouse V alpha 2 TCR APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-5812-82 Anti-Mouse V alpha 2 TCR APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-5921-80 Anti-Mouse TER-119 APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-5921-82 Anti-Mouse TER-119 APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-5931-80 Anti-Mouse Ly-6G (Gr-1) APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-5931-82 Anti-Mouse Ly-6G (Gr-1) APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-5932-80 Anti-Mouse Ly-6C APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-5932-82 Anti-Mouse Ly-6C APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-5941-80 Anti-Mouse NK1.1 APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-5941-82 Anti-Mouse NK1.1 APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-5961-80 Anti-Mouse TCR beta APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-5961-82 Anti-Mouse TCR beta APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-5971-80 Anti-Mouse CD49b (Integrin alpha 2) APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-5971-82 Anti-Mouse CD49b (Integrin alpha 2) APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    47-7179-41 Anti-Human IL-17A APC-eFluor? 780 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    47-7179-42 Anti-Human IL-17A APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    47-7319-41 Anti-Human IFN gamma APC-eFluor? 780 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    47-7319-42 Anti-Human IFN gamma APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    47-9948-41 Anti-Human CD278 (ICOS) APC-eFluor? 780 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    47-9948-42 Anti-Human CD278 (ICOS) APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    47-9956-41 Anti-Human HLA-DR APC-eFluor? 780 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    47-9956-42 Anti-Human HLA-DR APC-eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    47-9980 Anti-Mouse CD279 (PD-1) APC-eFluor? 780 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    47-9982 Anti-Mouse CD279 (PD-1) APC-eFluor? 780 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0019-41 Anti-Human CD1a eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0019-42 Anti-Human CD1a eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0029-41 Anti-Human/Non-Human Primate CD2 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0029-42 Anti-Human/Non-Human Primate CD2 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0031-80 Anti-Mouse CD3e eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0031-82 Anti-Mouse CD3e eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0032-80 Anti-Mouse CD3 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0032-82 Anti-Mouse CD3 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0033-80 Anti-Mouse CD3e eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0033-82 Anti-Mouse CD3e eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0036-41 Anti-Human CD3 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0036-42 Anti-Human CD3 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0037-41 Anti-Human CD3 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0037-42 Anti-Human CD3 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0038-41 Anti-Human CD3 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0038-42 Anti-Human CD3 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0038-80 Anti-Human CD3 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0038-82 Anti-Human CD3 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0041-80 Anti-Mouse CD4 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0041-82 Anti-Mouse CD4 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0042-80 Anti-Mouse CD4 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0042-82 Anti-Mouse CD4 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0047-41 Anti-Human CD4 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0047-42 Anti-Human CD4 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0048-41 Anti-Human CD4 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0048-42 Anti-Human CD4 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0049-41 Anti-Human CD4 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0049-42 Anti-Human CD4 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0051-80 Anti-Mouse CD5 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0051-82 Anti-Mouse CD5 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0079-41 Anti-Human CD7 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0079-42 Anti-Human CD7 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0081-80 Anti-Mouse CD8a eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0081-82 Anti-Mouse CD8a eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0083-80 Anti-Mouse CD8b eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0083-82 Anti-Mouse CD8b eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0086-41 Anti-Human CD8a eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0086-42 Anti-Human CD8a eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0087-41 Anti-Human CD8a eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0087-42 Anti-Human CD8a eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0088-41 Anti-Human CD8a eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0088-42 Anti-Human CD8a eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0111-80 Anti-Mouse CD11a eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0111-82 Anti-Mouse CD11a eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0112-80 Anti-Mouse CD11b eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0112-82 Anti-Mouse CD11b eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0114-80 Anti-Mouse CD11c eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0114-82 Anti-Mouse CD11c eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0116-41 Anti-Human CD11c eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0116-42 Anti-Human CD11c eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0149-41 Anti-Human CD14 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0149-42 Anti-Human CD14 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0158-41 Anti-Human CD15 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0158-42 Anti-Human CD15 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0159-41 Anti-Human CD15 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0159-42 Anti-Human CD15 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0161-80 Anti-Mouse CD16/CD32 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0161-82 Anti-Mouse CD16/CD32 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0168-41 Anti-Human CD16 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0168-42 Anti-Human CD16 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0193-80 Anti-Mouse CD19 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0193-82 Anti-Mouse CD19 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0198-41 Anti-Human CD19 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0198-42 Anti-Human CD19 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0199-41 Anti-Human CD19 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0199-42 Anti-Human CD19 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0209-41 Anti-Human CD20 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0209-42 Anti-Human CD20 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0212-80 Anti-Mouse CD21/CD35 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0212-82 Anti-Mouse CD21/CD35 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0232-80 Anti-Mouse CD23 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0232-82 Anti-Mouse CD23 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0238-41 Anti-Human CD23 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0238-42 Anti-Human CD23 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0242-80 Anti-Mouse CD24 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0242-82 Anti-Mouse CD24 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0247-41 Anti-Human CD24 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0247-42 Anti-Human CD24 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0251-80 Anti-Mouse CD25 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0251-82 Anti-Mouse CD25 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0253-80 Anti-Mouse CD25 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0253-82 Anti-Mouse CD25 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0257-41 Anti-Human/Non-Human Primate CD25 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0257-42 Anti-Human/Non-Human Primate CD25 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0259-41 Anti-Human CD25 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0259-42 Anti-Human CD25 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0279-41 Anti-Human CD27 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0279-42 Anti-Human CD27 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0289-41 Anti-Human CD28 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0289-42 Anti-Human CD28 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0291-80 Anti-Mouse/Rat CD29 (Integrin beta 1) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0291-82 Anti-Mouse/Rat CD29 (Integrin beta 1) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0311-80 Anti-Mouse CD31 (PECAM-1) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0311-82 Anti-Mouse CD31 (PECAM-1) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0319-41 Anti-Human CD31 (PECAM-1) eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0319-42 Anti-Human CD31 (PECAM-1) eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0333-80 Anti-Mouse Siglec H eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0333-82 Anti-Mouse Siglec H eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0337-41 Anti-Human CD33 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0337-42 Anti-Human CD33 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0341-80 Anti-Mouse CD34 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0341-82 Anti-Mouse CD34 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0349-41 Anti-Human CD34 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0349-42 Anti-Human CD34 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0381-80 Anti-Mouse CD38 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0381-82 Anti-Mouse CD38 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0388-41 Anti-Human CD38 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0388-42 Anti-Human CD38 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0389-41 Anti-Human CD38 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0389-42 Anti-Human CD38 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0409-41 Anti-Human CD40 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0409-42 Anti-Human CD40 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0411-80 Anti-Mouse CD41 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0411-82 Anti-Mouse CD41 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0419-41 Anti-Human CD41a eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0419-42 Anti-Human CD41a eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0428-41 Anti-Human CD42a eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0428-42 Anti-Human CD42a eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0441-80 Anti-Human/Mouse CD44 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0441-82 Anti-Human/Mouse CD44 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0451-80 Anti-Mouse CD45 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0451-82 Anti-Mouse CD45 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0452-80 Anti-Human/Mouse CD45R (B220) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0452-82 Anti-Human/Mouse CD45R (B220) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0453-80 Anti-Mouse CD45.1 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0453-82 Anti-Mouse CD45.1 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0454-80 Anti-Mouse CD45.2 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0454-82 Anti-Mouse CD45.2 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0457-41 Anti-Human CD45RO eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0457-42 Anti-Human CD45RO eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0458-41 Anti-Human CD45RA eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0458-42 Anti-Human CD45RA eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0459-41 Anti-Human CD45 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0459-42 Anti-Human CD45 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0461-80 Anti-Rat CD45 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0461-82 Anti-Rat CD45 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0481-80 Anti-Mouse CD48 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0481-82 Anti-Mouse CD48 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0495-80 Anti-Human/Mouse CD49f (Integrin alpha 6) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0495-82 Anti-Human/Mouse CD49f (Integrin alpha 6) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0577-41 Anti-Human CD57 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0577-42 Anti-Human CD57 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0621-80 Anti-Mouse CD62L (L-Selectin) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0621-82 Anti-Mouse CD62L (L-Selectin) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0629-41 Anti-Human CD62L (L-Selectin) eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0629-42 Anti-Human CD62L (L-Selectin) eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0639-41 Anti-Human CD63 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0639-42 Anti-Human CD63 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0691-80 Anti-Mouse CD69 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0691-82 Anti-Mouse CD69 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0699-41 Anti-Human CD69 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0699-42 Anti-Human CD69 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0711-80 Anti-Mouse CD71 (Transferrin Receptor) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0711-82 Anti-Mouse CD71 (Transferrin Receptor) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0731-80 Anti-Mouse CD73 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0731-82 Anti-Mouse CD73 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0739-41 Anti-Human CD73 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0739-42 Anti-Human CD73 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-0900-80 Anti-Mouse/Rat CD90.1 (Thy-1.1) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0900-82 Anti-Mouse/Rat CD90.1 (Thy-1.1) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0902-80 Anti-Mouse CD90.2 (Thy-1.2) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0902-82 Anti-Mouse CD90.2 (Thy-1.2) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0941-80 Anti-Mouse CD94 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-0941-82 Anti-Mouse CD94 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-0959-41 Anti-Human CD95 (APO-1/Fas) eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-0959-42 Anti-Human CD95 (APO-1/Fas) eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-1021-80 Anti-Mouse CD102 (ICAM-2) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-1021-82 Anti-Mouse CD102 (ICAM-2) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-1031-80 Anti-Mouse CD103 (Integrin alpha E) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 tests ebioscience
    48-1031-82 Anti-Mouse CD103 (Integrin alpha E) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 tests ebioscience
    48-1051-80 Anti-Mouse CD105 (Endoglin) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-1051-82 Anti-Mouse CD105 (Endoglin) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-1057-41 Anti-Human CD105 (Endoglin) eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-1057-42 Anti-Human CD105 (Endoglin) eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-1061-80 Anti-Mouse CD106 (VCAM-1) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-1061-82 Anti-Mouse CD106 (VCAM-1) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-1071-80 Anti-Mouse CD107a (LAMP-1) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-1071-82 Anti-Mouse CD107a (LAMP-1) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-1171-80 Anti-Mouse CD117 (c-Kit) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-1171-82 Anti-Mouse CD117 (c-Kit) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-1178-41 Anti-Human CD117 (c-Kit) eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-1178-42 Anti-Human CD117 (c-Kit) eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-1222-80 Anti-Mouse CD122 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-1222-82 Anti-Mouse CD122 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-1238-41 Anti-Human/Non-Human Primate CD123 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-1238-42 Anti-Human/Non-Human Primate CD123 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-1239-41 Anti-Human CD123 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-1239-42 Anti-Human CD123 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-1271-80 Anti-Mouse CD127 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-1271-82 Anti-Mouse CD127 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-1278-41 Anti-Human CD127 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-1278-42 Anti-Human CD127 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-1299-41 Anti-Human Myeloperoxidase (MPO) eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-1299-42 Anti-Human Myeloperoxidase (MPO) eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-1371-80 Anti-Mouse CD137 (4-1BB) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-1371-82 Anti-Mouse CD137 (4-1BB) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-1441-80 Anti-Mouse CD144 (VE-Cadherin) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-1441-82 Anti-Mouse CD144 (VE-Cadherin) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-1469-41 Anti-CD146 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-1469-42 Anti-CD146 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-1548-41 Anti-Human CD154 (CD40 Ligand) eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-1548-42 Anti-Human CD154 (CD40 Ligand) eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-1589-41 Anti-Human CD158a eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-1589-42 Anti-Human CD158a eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-1619-41 Anti-Human CD161 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-1619-42 Anti-Human CD161 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-1971-80 Anti-Mouse CD197 (CCR7) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-1971-82 Anti-Mouse CD197 (CCR7) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-1991-80 Anti-Mouse CD199 (CCR9 ) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-1991-82 Anti-Mouse CD199 (CCR9 ) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-2069-41 Anti-Human CD206 (MMR) eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-2069-42 Anti-Human CD206 (MMR) eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-2231-80 Anti-Mouse CD223 (Lag-3) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-2231-82 Anti-Mouse CD223 (Lag-3) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-3049-41 Anti-Human CD304 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-3049-42 Anti-Human CD304 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-3109-41 Anti-Human TIM3 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-3109-42 Anti-Human TIM3 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-3172-80 Anti-Mouse CD317 (BST2, PDCA-1) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-3172-82 Anti-Mouse CD317 (BST2, PDCA-1) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-3351-80 Anti-Mouse CD335 (NKp46) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-3351-82 Anti-Mouse CD335 (NKp46) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-3359-41 Anti-Human CD335 (NKp46) eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-3359-42 Anti-Human CD335 (NKp46) eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-3379-41 Anti-Human CD337 (NKp30) eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-3379-42 Anti-Human CD337 (NKp30) eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-4015-80 Anti-Mouse IgG1 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-4015-82 Anti-Mouse IgG1 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-4031-80 Rat IgG2b K Isotype Control eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-4031-82 Rat IgG2b K Isotype Control eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-4301-80 Rat IgG1 K Isotype Control eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-4301-82 Rat IgG1 K Isotype Control eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-4317-82 Streptavidin eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-4321-80 Rat IgG2a K Isotype Control eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-4321-82 Rat IgG2a K Isotype Control eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-4341-80 Rat IgM Isotype Control eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-4714-80 Mouse IgG1 K Isotype Control eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-4714-82 Mouse IgG1 K Isotype Control eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-4724-80 Mouse IgG2a K Isotype Control eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-4724-82 Mouse IgG2a K Isotype Control eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-4732-80 Mouse IgG2b K Isotype Control eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-4732-82 Mouse IgG2b K Isotype Control eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-4752-80 Mouse IgM Isotype Control eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-4776-41 Anti-Human Foxp3 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-4776-42 Anti-Human Foxp3 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-4777-41 Anti-Human Foxp3 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-4777-42 Anti-Human Foxp3 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-4801-80 Anti-Mouse F4/80 Antigen eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-4801-82 Anti-Mouse F4/80 Antigen eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-4875-80 Anti-Mouse EOMES eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-4875-82 Anti-Mouse EOMES eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-4888-80 Armenian Hamster IgG Isotype Control eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-4888-82 Armenian Hamster IgG Isotype Control eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-4914-80 Golden Syrian Hamster IgG Isotype Control eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-5071-41 Anti-BrdU eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-5071-42 Anti-BrdU eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-5080-41 Anti-Canine CD8a eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-5080-42 Anti-Canine CD8a eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-5320-80 Anti-Mouse MHC Class II I-Ab eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-5320-82 Anti-Mouse MHC Class II I-Ab eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-5321-80 Anti-Mouse MHC Class II (I-A/I-E) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-5321-82 Anti-Mouse MHC Class II (I-A/I-E) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-5450-41 Anti-Canine CD45 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-5450-42 Anti-Canine CD45 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-5698-80 Anti-Mouse/Rat Ki-67 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-5698-82 Anti-Mouse/Rat Ki-67 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-5699-41 Anti-Human Ki-67 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-5699-42 Anti-Human Ki-67 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-5711-80 Anti-Mouse gamma delta TCR eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-5711-82 Anti-Mouse gamma delta TCR eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-5773-80 Anti-Mouse/Rat Foxp3 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-5773-82 Anti-Mouse/Rat Foxp3 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-5790-80 Anti-Mouse IgM eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-5790-82 Anti-Mouse IgM eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-5791-80 Anti-Mouse CD326 (EpCAM) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-5791-82 Anti-Mouse CD326 (EpCAM) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-5806-41 Anti-Human V alpha 24 J alpha 18 TCR eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-5806-42 Anti-Human V alpha 24 J alpha 18 TCR eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-5812-80 Anti-Mouse V alpha 2 TCR eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-5812-82 Anti-Mouse V alpha 2 TCR eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-5823-80 Anti-Mouse V beta 9 TCR eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-5831-80 Anti-Mouse Granzyme A eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-5831-82 Anti-Mouse Granzyme A eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-5874-80 Anti-Mouse CD357 (GITR) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-5874-82 Anti-Mouse CD357 (GITR) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-5875-41 Anti-Human CD357 (AITR/GITR) eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-5875-42 Anti-Human CD357 (AITR/GITR) eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-5890-80 Anti-Mouse IgM eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-5890-82 Anti-Mouse IgM eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-5892-80 Anti-Mouse CD93 (AA4.1) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-5893-80 Anti-Mouse KLRG1 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-5893-82 Anti-Mouse KLRG1 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-5898-80 Anti-Mouse Fc epsilon Receptor I alpha (FceR1) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-5898-82 Anti-Mouse Fc epsilon Receptor I alpha (FceR1) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-5899-41 Anti-Human Fc epsilon Receptor I alpha (FceR1) eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-5899-42 Anti-Human Fc epsilon Receptor I alpha (FceR1) eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-5902-80 Anti-Human/Mouse GL7 (T and B Cell Activation Marker) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-5902-82 Anti-Human/Mouse GL7 (T and B Cell Activation Marker) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-5921-80 Anti-Mouse TER-119 eFluor 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-5921-82 Anti-Mouse TER-119 eFluor 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-5931-80 Anti-Mouse Ly-6G (Gr-1) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-5931-82 Anti-Mouse Ly-6G (Gr-1) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-5932-80 Anti-Mouse Ly-6C eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-5932-82 Anti-Mouse Ly-6C eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-5940-80 Anti-Mouse MHC Class I (H-2Kk) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-5940-82 Anti-Mouse MHC Class I (H-2Kk) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-5941-80 Anti-Mouse NK1.1 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-5941-82 Anti-Mouse NK1.1 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-5957-80 Anti-Mouse MHC Class I (H-2Kd) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-5957-82 Anti-Mouse MHC Class I (H-2Kd) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-5958-80 Anti-Mouse MHC Class I (H-2Kb) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-5958-82 Anti-Mouse MHC Class I (H-2Kb) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-5961-80 Anti-Mouse TCR beta eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-5961-82 Anti-Mouse TCR beta eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-5971-80 Anti-Mouse CD49b (Integrin alpha 2) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-5971-82 Anti-Mouse CD49b (Integrin alpha 2) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-5974-80 Anti-Mouse Ly-6D eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-5993-80 Anti-Mouse IgD eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-5993-82 Anti-Mouse IgD eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-7021-80 Anti-Mouse IL-2 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-7021-82 Anti-Mouse IL-2 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-7029-41 Anti-Human IL-2 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-7029-42 Anti-Human IL-2 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-7069-41 Anti-Human IL-6 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-7069-42 Anti-Human IL-6 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-7108-41 Anti-Human IL-10 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-7108-42 Anti-Human IL-10 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-7114-80 Anti-Mouse IL-1 beta Pro-form eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-7114-82 Anti-Mouse IL-1 beta Pro-form eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-7123-80 Anti-Mouse IL-12/IL-23 p40 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-7123-82 Anti-Mouse IL-12/IL-23 p40 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-7129-41 Anti-Human IL-12/IL-23 p40 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-7129-42 Anti-Human IL-12/IL-23 p40 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-7133-80 Anti-Mouse IL-13 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-7133-82 Anti-Mouse IL-13 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-7177-80 Anti-Mouse/Rat IL-17A eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-7177-82 Anti-Mouse/Rat IL-17A eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-7179-41 Anti-Human IL-17A eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-7179-42 Anti-Human IL-17A eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-7229-41 Anti-Human IL-22 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-7229-42 Anti-Human IL-22 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-7311-80 Anti-Mouse IFN gamma eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-7311-82 Anti-Mouse IFN gamma eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-7319-41 Anti-Human IFN gamma eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-7319-42 Anti-Human IFN gamma eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-7321-80 Anti-Mouse TNF alpha eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-7321-82 Anti-Mouse TNF alpha eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-7349-41 Anti-Human TNF alpha eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-7349-42 Anti-Human TNF alpha eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-7539-41 Anti-Human CCL3 (MIP-1 alpha) eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-7539-42 Anti-Human CCL3 (MIP-1 alpha) eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-8088-41 Anti-Human IL-8 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-8088-42 Anti-Human IL-8 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-8898-80 Anti-Mouse Granzyme B eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-8898-82 Anti-Mouse Granzyme B eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-9024-80 Anti-Human/Mouse CD282 (TLR2) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-9024-82 Anti-Human/Mouse CD282 (TLR2) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-9179-41 Anti-Human IL-17AF eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-9179-42 Anti-Human IL-17AF eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-9459-41 Anti-Human CD45 eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-9459-42 Anti-Human CD45 eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-9818-41 Anti-Human CD303a eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-9818-42 Anti-Human CD303a eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-9829-41 Anti-Human LAP (Latency Associated Peptide) eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-9829-42 Anti-Human LAP (Latency Associated Peptide) eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-9858-80 Anti-Human/Mouse IRF4 eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-9858-82 Anti-Human/Mouse IRF4 eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-9883-41 Anti-Helios eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-9883-42 Anti-Helios eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-9884-41 Anti-Human Glycophorin A (M) eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-9884-42 Anti-Human Glycophorin A (M) eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-9890-41 Anti-Human V beta 8 TCR eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-9890-42 Anti-Human V beta 8 TCR eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-9891-80 Anti-Mouse GARP eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-9891-82 Anti-Mouse GARP eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-9948-41 Anti-Human CD278 (ICOS) eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-9948-42 Anti-Human CD278 (ICOS) eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-9952-41 Anti-Human HLA-DR eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-9952-42 Anti-Human HLA-DR eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-9956-41 Anti-Human HLA-DR eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-9956-42 Anti-Human HLA-DR eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-9970-41 Anti-Human Ig kappa Light Chain eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-9970-42 Anti-Human Ig kappa Light Chain eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-9981-80 Anti-Mouse CD279 (PD-1) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-9981-82 Anti-Mouse CD279 (PD-1) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-9980 Anti-Mouse CD279 (PD-1) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-9982 Anti-Mouse CD279 (PD-1) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-9990-41 Anti-Human Ig lambda Light Chain eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-9990-42 Anti-Human Ig lambda Light Chain eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    48-9991-80 Anti-Mouse CD184 (CXCR4) eFluor? 450 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    48-9991-82 Anti-Mouse CD184 (CXCR4) eFluor? 450 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    48-9998-41 Anti-Human IgM eFluor? 450 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    48-9998-42 Anti-Human IgM eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    49-4317-80 Streptavidin eFluor? 710 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    49-4317-82 Streptavidin eFluor? 710 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    50-0019-41 Anti-Human CD1a eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    50-0019-42 Anti-Human CD1a eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    50-0032-80 Anti-Mouse CD3 eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    50-0032-82 Anti-Mouse CD3 eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    50-0037-41 Anti-Human CD3 eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 replacement) 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    50-0037-42 Anti-Human CD3 eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 replacement) 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    50-0041-80 Anti-Mouse CD4 eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    50-0041-82 Anti-Mouse CD4 eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    50-0048-41 Anti-Human CD4 eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 replacement) 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    50-0048-42 Anti-Human CD4 eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 replacement) 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    50-0081-80 Anti-Mouse CD8a eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    50-0081-82 Anti-Mouse CD8a eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    50-0110-80 Anti-Rat CD11b/c eFluor? 660 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    50-0110-82 Anti-Rat CD11b/c eFluor? 660 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    50-0112-80 Anti-Mouse CD11b eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    50-0112-82 Anti-Mouse CD11b eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    50-0114-80 Anti-Mouse CD11c eFluor? 660 (Alexa? 647 Replacement) 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    50-0114-82 Anti-Mouse CD11c eFluor? 660 (Alexa? 647 Replacement) 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    50-0115-41 Anti-Human Mature Macrophage Marker eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 replacement) 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    50-0115-42 Anti-Human Mature Macrophage Marker eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 replacement) 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    50-0193-80 Anti-Mouse CD19 eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    50-0193-82 Anti-Mouse CD19 eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    50-0202-80 Anti-Human CD20 eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    50-0202-82 Anti-Human CD20 eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    50-0232-80 Anti-Mouse CD23 eFluor? 660 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    50-0232-82 Anti-Mouse CD23 eFluor? 660 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    50-0250-41 Anti-Canine CD25 eFluor? 660 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    50-0250-42 Anti-Canine CD25 eFluor? 660 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    50-0252-80 Anti-Mouse CD25 eFluor? 660 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    50-0252-82 Anti-Mouse CD25 eFluor? 660 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    50-0310-80 Anti-Rat CD31 (PECAM-1) eFluor? 660 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    50-0310-82 Anti-Rat CD31 (PECAM-1) eFluor? 660 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    50-0333-80 Anti-Mouse Siglec H eFluor? 660 (Alexa? 647 Replacement) 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    50-0333-82 Anti-Mouse Siglec H eFluor? 660 (Alexa? 647 Replacement) 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    50-0341-80 Anti-Mouse CD34 eFluor ? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    50-0341-82 Anti-Mouse CD34 eFluor ? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    50-0369-41 Anti-Human CD36 eFluor? 660 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    50-0369-42 Anti-Human CD36 eFluor? 660 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    50-0391-80 Anti-Mouse CD39 eFluor? 660 (Alexa? 647 Replacement) 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    50-0391-82 Anti-Mouse CD39 eFluor? 660 (Alexa? 647 Replacement) 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    50-0443-80 Anti-Mouse Lyve-1 eFluor? 660 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    50-0443-82 Anti-Mouse Lyve-1 eFluor? 660 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    50-0452-80 Anti-Human/Mouse CD45R (B220) eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    50-0452-82 Anti-Human/Mouse CD45R (B220) eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    50-0623-80 Anti-Rat CD62L (L-Selectin) eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    50-0623-82 Anti-Rat CD62L (L-Selectin) eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    50-0639-41 Anti-Human CD63 eFluor? 660 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    50-0639-42 Anti-Human CD63 eFluor? 660 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    50-0709-41 Anti-Human CD70 eFluor? 660 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    50-0709-42 Anti-Human CD70 eFluor? 660 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    50-0729-41 Anti-Human CD72 eFluor? 660 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    50-0729-42 Anti-Human CD72 eFluor? 660 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    50-0747-80 Anti-Human CD74 eFluor? 660 (Alexa? 647 Replacement) 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    50-0747-82 Anti-Human CD74 eFluor? 660 (Alexa? 647 Replacement) 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    50-0759-41 Anti-Human CD75 eFluor? 660 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    50-0759-42 Anti-Human CD75 eFluor? 660 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    50-0791-80 Anti-Mouse CD79a eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    50-0791-82 Anti-Mouse CD79a eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    50-0831-80 Anti-Mouse CD83 eFluor? 660 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    50-0831-82 Anti-Mouse CD83 eFluor? 660 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    50-1049-80 Anti-Human CD104 (Integrin beta 4) eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    50-1049-82 Anti-Human CD104 (Integrin beta 4) eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    50-1061-80 Anti-Mouse CD106 (VCAM-1) eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    50-1061-82 Anti-Mouse CD106 (VCAM-1) eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    50-1071-80 Anti-Mouse CD107a (LAMP-1) eFluor? 660 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    50-1071-82 Anti-Mouse CD107a (LAMP-1) eFluor? 660 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    50-1072-80 Anti-Mouse CD107b (LAMP-2) eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    50-1072-82 Anti-Mouse CD107b (LAMP-2) eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    50-1078-41 Anti-Human CD107b (LAMP-2) eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    50-1078-42 Anti-Human CD107b (LAMP-2) eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    50-1079-41 Anti-Human CD107a (LAMP-1) eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    50-1079-42 Anti-Human CD107a (LAMP-1) eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    50-1271-80 Anti-Mouse CD127 eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    50-1271-82 Anti-Mouse CD127 eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    50-1278-41 Anti-Human CD127 eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    50-1278-42 Anti-Human CD127 eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    50-1441-80 Anti-Mouse CD144 (VE-Cadherin) eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    50-1441-82 Anti-Mouse CD144 (VE-Cadherin) eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    50-1601-80 Anti-Mouse CD160 eFluor? 660 (Alexa? 647 Replacement) 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    50-1601-82 Anti-Mouse CD160 eFluor? 660 (Alexa? 647 Replacement) 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    50-1609-41 Anti-Human CD160 eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 replacement) 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    50-1609-42 Anti-Human CD160 eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 replacement) 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    50-1839-41 Anti-Human CD183 (CXCR3) eFluor? 660 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    50-1839-42 Anti-Human CD183 (CXCR3) eFluor? 660 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    50-2073-80 Anti-Mouse CD207 (Langerin) eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor 647 Replacement) 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    50-2073-82 Anti-Mouse CD207 (Langerin) eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor 647 Replacement) 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    50-2094-80 Anti-Mouse CD209a (DC-SIGN) eFluor? 660 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    50-2094-82 Anti-Mouse CD209a (DC-SIGN) eFluor? 660 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    50-2567-41 Anti-Human/Mouse beta-Catenin eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    50-2567-42 Anti-Human/Mouse beta-Catenin eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    50-2949-41 Anti-Human CD294 (CRTH2) eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    50-2949-42 Anti-Human CD294 (CRTH2) eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    50-3006-41 Anti-Human CD300c eFluor? 660 (Alexa? 647 Replacement) 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    50-3006-42 Anti-Human CD300c eFluor? 660 (Alexa? 647 Replacement) 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    50-3008-41 Anti-Human CD300f (IREM-1) eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    50-3008-42 Anti-Human CD300f (IREM-1) eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    50-3009-80 Anti-Mouse CXCL9 (MIG) eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    50-3009-82 Anti-Mouse CXCL9 (MIG) eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    50-3078-41 Anti-Human CD307e (FcRL5) eFluor? 660 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    50-3078-42 Anti-Human CD307e (FcRL5) eFluor? 660 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    50-3179-41 Anti-Human CD317 (BST2, PDCA-1) eFluor? 660 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    50-3179-42 Anti-Human CD317 (BST2, PDCA-1) eFluor? 660 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    50-3249-80 Anti-CD324 (E-Cadherin) eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    50-3249-82 Anti-CD324 (E-Cadherin) eFluor? 660 (Alexa Fluor? 647 Replacement) 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    50-3300-80 Anti-Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) eFluor? 660 (Alexa? 647 Replacement) 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    61-0459-42 Anti-Human CD45 PE-eFluor? 610 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    61-2799-41 Anti-Human CD279 (PD-1) PE-eFluor? 610 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    61-2799-42 Anti-Human CD279 (PD-1) PE-eFluor? 610 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    61-4321-80 Rat IgG2a K Isotype Control PE-eFluor? 610 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    61-4321-82 Rat IgG2a K Isotype Control PE-eFluor? 610 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    61-4341-80 Rat IgM Isotype Control PE-eFluor? 610 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    61-4341-82 Rat IgM Isotype Control PE-eFluor? 610 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    61-4714-80 Mouse IgG1 K Isotype Control PE-eFluor? 610 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    61-4714-82 Mouse IgG1 K Isotype Control PE-eFluor? 610 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    61-4732-80 Mouse IgG2b K Isotype Control PE-eFluor? 610 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    61-4732-82 Mouse IgG2b K Isotype Control PE-eFluor? 610 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    61-4776-41 Anti-Human Foxp3 PE-eFluor? 610 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    61-4776-42 Anti-Human Foxp3 PE-eFluor? 610 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    61-4801-80 Anti-Mouse F4/80 Antigen PE-eFluor? 610 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    61-4801-82 Anti-Mouse F4/80 Antigen PE-eFluor? 610 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    61-4875-80 Anti-Mouse EOMES PE-eFluor? 610 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    61-4875-82 Anti-Mouse EOMES PE-eFluor? 610 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    61-4877-41 Anti-Human EOMES PE-eFluor? 610 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    61-4877-42 Anti-Human EOMES PE-eFluor? 610 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    61-4888-80 Armenian Hamster IgG Isotype Control PE-eFluor? 610 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    61-4888-82 Armenian Hamster IgG Isotype Control PE-eFluor? 610 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    61-4914-80 Golden Syrian Hamster IgG Isotype Control PE-eFluor? 610 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    61-4914-82 Golden Syrian Hamster IgG Isotype Control PE-eFluor? 610 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    61-5698-80 Anti-Mouse/Rat Ki-67 PE-eFluor? 610 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    61-5698-82 Anti-Mouse/Rat Ki-67 PE-eFluor? 610 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    61-5699-41 Anti-Human Ki-67 PE-eFluor? 610 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    61-5699-42 Anti-Human Ki-67 PE-eFluor? 610 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    61-5773-80 Anti-Mouse/Rat Foxp3 PE-eFluor? 610 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    61-5773-82 Anti-Mouse/Rat Foxp3 PE-eFluor? 610 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    61-5893-80 Anti-Mouse KLRG1 PE-eFluor? 610 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    61-5893-82 Anti-Mouse KLRG1 PE-eFluor? 610 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    61-5971-80 Anti-Mouse CD49b (Integrin alpha 2) PE-eFluor? 610 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    61-5971-82 Anti-Mouse CD49b (Integrin alpha 2) PE-eFluor? 610 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    61-7177-80 Anti-Mouse/Rat IL-17A PE-eFluor? 610 25 ug 25 ug ebioscience
    61-7177-82 Anti-Mouse/Rat IL-17A PE-eFluor? 610 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    61-9141 Anti-Human CD185 (CXCR5) PE-eFluor? 610 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    61-9142 Anti-Human CD185 (CXCR5) PE-eFluor? 610 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    65-0840-85 Cell Proliferation Dye eFluor? 670 500 ug 500 ug ebioscience
    65-0840-90 Cell Proliferation Dye eFluor? 670 4 x 500 ug 4 x 500 ug ebioscience
    65-0842-85 Cell Proliferation Dye eFluor? 450 500 ug 500 ug ebioscience
    65-0842-90 Cell Proliferation Dye eFluor? 450 4 x 500 ug 4 x 500 ug ebioscience
    65-0850-84 CFSE 5 x 500 ug 5 x 500 ug ebioscience
    65-0851-38 JC-1 Mitochondrial Membrane Potential Dye 5 mg 5 mg ebioscience
    65-0853-39 Calcein AM Viability Dye (UltraPure Grade) 1 mg 1 mg ebioscience
    65-0853-78 Calcein AM Viability Dye (UltraPure Grade) 20 x 50 ug 20 x 50 ug ebioscience
    65-0854-39 Calcein Violet 450 AM Viability Dye 1 mg 1 mg ebioscience
    65-0855-39 Calcein Blue AM Viability Dye 1 mg 1 mg ebioscience
    65-0856-39 Indo-1 AM Calcium Sensor Dye 1 mg 1 mg ebioscience
    65-0857-78 Indo-1 AM Calcium Sensor Dye (UltraPure Grade) 20 x 50 ug 20 x 50 ug ebioscience
    65-0858-39 Fura-2 AM Dye 1 mg 1 mg ebioscience
    65-0859-39 Calcium Sensor Dye eFluor? 514 1 mg 1 mg ebioscience
    65-0859-70 Calcium Sensor Dye eFluor? 514 10 x 50 ug 10 x 50 ug ebioscience
    65-0863-14 Fixable Viability Dye eFluor? 450 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    65-0863-18 Fixable Viability Dye eFluor? 450 500 tests 500 tests ebioscience
    65-0864-14 Fixable Viability Dye eFluor? 660 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    65-0864-18 Fixable Viability Dye eFluor? 660 500 tests 500 tests ebioscience
    65-0865-14 Fixable Viability Dye eFluor? 780 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    65-0865-18 Fixable Viability Dye eFluor? 780 500 tests 500 tests ebioscience
    65-0866-14 Fixable Viability Dye eFluor? 506 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    65-0866-18 Fixable Viability Dye eFluor? 506 500 tests 500 tests ebioscience
    65-0867-14 Fixable Viability Dye eFluor? 520 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    65-0867-18 Fixable Viability Dye eFluor? 520 500 tests 500 tests ebioscience
    65-0868-14 Fixable Viability Dye eFluor? 455 (UV) 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    65-0868-18 Fixable Viability Dye eFluor? 455 (UV) 500 tests 500 tests ebioscience
    65-0880-92 DRAQ5? 50 uL 50 uL ebioscience
    65-0880-96 DRAQ5? 200 uL 200 uL ebioscience
    65-0881-92 CyTRAK Orange? 50 uL 50 uL ebioscience
    65-2860-40 Fixable Viability Dye eFluor? 506/780 Sample Pack Kit Kit ebioscience
    68-8700-39 SAFE? Human KGF Recombinant Animal Free Protein 1 mg 1 mg ebioscience
    68-8700-63 SAFE? Human KGF Recombinant Animal Free Protein 10 ug 10 ug ebioscience
    68-8700-82 SAFE? Human KGF Recombinant Animal Free Protein 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    68-8773-39 SAFE? Human Activin A Recombinant Animal Free Protein 1 mg 1 mg ebioscience
    68-8773-63 SAFE? Human Activin A Recombinant Animal Free Protein 10 ug 10 ug ebioscience
    68-8773-82 SAFE? Human Activin A Recombinant Animal Free Protein 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    68-8774-39 SAFE? Human Activin B Recombinant Animal Free Protein 1 mg 1 mg ebioscience
    68-8774-63 SAFE? Human Activin B Recombinant Animal Free Protein 10 ug 10 ug ebioscience
    68-8774-82 SAFE? Human Activin B Recombinant Animal Free Protein 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    68-8775-39 SAFE? Human BMP-2 Recombinant Animal Free Protein 1 mg 1 mg ebioscience
    68-8775-63 SAFE? Human BMP-2 Recombinant Animal Free Protein 10 ug 10 ug ebioscience
    68-8775-82 SAFE? Human BMP-2 Recombinant Animal Free Protein 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    68-8776-39 SAFE? Human Flt3 Ligand Recombinant Animal Free Protein 1 mg 1 mg ebioscience
    68-8776-63 SAFE? Human Flt3 Ligand Recombinant Animal Free Protein 10 ug 10 ug ebioscience
    68-8776-82 SAFE? Human Flt3 Ligand Recombinant Animal Free Protein 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    68-8777-39 SAFE? Human GM-CSF Recombinant Animal Free Protein 1 mg 1 mg ebioscience
    68-8777-63 SAFE? Human GM-CSF Recombinant Animal Free Protein 10 ug 10 ug ebioscience
    68-8777-82 SAFE? Human GM-CSF Recombinant Animal Free Protein 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    68-8779-39 SAFE? Human IL-2 Recombinant Animal Free Protein 1 mg 1 mg ebioscience
    68-8779-82 SAFE? Human IL-2 Recombinant Animal Free Protein 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    68-8780-39 SAFE Human IL-4 Recombinant Animal Free Protein 1 mg 1 mg ebioscience
    68-8780-63 SAFE Human IL-4 Recombinant Animal Free Protein 10 ug 10 ug ebioscience
    68-8780-82 SAFE Human IL-4 Recombinant Animal Free Protein 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    68-8781-39 SAFE Mouse LIF Recombinant Animal Free Protein 1 mg 1 mg ebioscience
    68-8781-63 SAFE Mouse LIF Recombinant Animal Free Protein 10 ug 10 ug ebioscience
    68-8781-82 SAFE Mouse LIF Recombinant Animal Free Protein 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    68-8782-39 SAFE Human LIF Recombinant Animal Free Protein 1 mg 1 mg ebioscience
    68-8782-63 SAFE Human LIF Recombinant Animal Free Protein 10 ug 10 ug ebioscience
    68-8782-82 SAFE Human LIF Recombinant Animal Free Protein 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    68-8783-39 SAFE? Human M-CSF Recombinant Animal Free Protein 1 mg 1 mg ebioscience
    68-8783-63 SAFE? Human M-CSF Recombinant Animal Free Protein 10 ug 10 ug ebioscience
    68-8783-82 SAFE? Human M-CSF Recombinant Animal Free Protein 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    68-8784-39 SAFE? Human VEGF165 Recombinant Animal Free Protein 1 mg 1 mg ebioscience
    68-8784-63 SAFE? Human VEGF165 Recombinant Animal Free Protein 10 ug 10 ug ebioscience
    68-8784-82 SAFE? Human VEGF165 Recombinant Animal Free Protein 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    68-8739 SAFE? Human FGF basic Recombinant Animal Free Protein 1 mg 1 mg ebioscience
    68-8763 SAFE? Human FGF basic Recombinant Animal Free Protein 10 ug 10 ug ebioscience
    68-8782 SAFE? Human FGF basic Recombinant Animal Free Protein 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    68-8786-39 SAFE? Human TNF alpha Recombinant Animal Free Protein 1 mg 1 mg ebioscience
    68-8786-63 SAFE? Human TNF alpha Recombinant Animal Free Protein 10 ug 10 ug ebioscience
    68-8786-82 SAFE? Human TNF alpha Recombinant Animal Free Protein 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    68-8787-39 SAFE? Human IL-3 Recombinant Animal Free Protein 1 mg 1 mg ebioscience
    68-8787-63 SAFE? Human IL-3 Recombinant Animal Free Protein 10 ug 10 ug ebioscience
    68-8787-82 SAFE? Human IL-3 Recombinant Animal Free Protein 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    68-8788-39 SAFE? Human G-CSF Recombinant Animal Free Protein 1 mg 1 mg ebioscience
    68-8788-63 SAFE? Human G-CSF Recombinant Animal Free Protein 10 ug 10 ug ebioscience
    68-8788-82 SAFE? Human G-CSF Recombinant Animal Free Protein 100 ug 100 ug ebioscience
    71-5775-40 Anti-Mouse/Rat Foxp3 Staining Set FITC Kit Kit ebioscience
    71-5776-40 Anti-Human Foxp3 Staining Set FITC Kit Kit ebioscience
    72-5774-40 Anti-Human Foxp3 Staining Set PE Kit Kit ebioscience
    72-5775-40 Anti-Mouse/Rat Foxp3 Staining Set PE Kit Kit ebioscience
    72-5776-40 Anti-Human Foxp3 Staining Set PE Kit Kit ebioscience
    73-5776-40 Anti-Human Foxp3 Staining Set Alexa Fluor? 488 Kit Kit ebioscience
    77-5774-40 Anti-Human Foxp3 Staining Set APC Kit Kit ebioscience
    77-5775-40 Anti-Mouse/Rat Foxp3 Staining Set APC Kit Kit ebioscience
    77-5776-40 Anti-Human Foxp3 Staining Set APC Kit Kit ebioscience
    82-9895-41 Anti-Biotin eFluor? 585NC 25 tests 25 tests ebioscience
    82-9895-42 Anti-Biotin eFluor? 585NC 100 tests 100 tests ebioscience
    86011-11 ERK 1/2 (Total) InstantOne? ELISA 96 Tests 96 Tests ebioscience
    86012-103 phospho-ERK 1/2 (Thr202/Tyr204, Thr185/Tyr187) InstantOne? ELISA 10 x 384 tests 10 x 384 tests ebioscience
    86012-11 phospho-ERK 1/2 (Thr202/Tyr204, Thr185/Tyr187) InstantOne? ELISA 96 Tests 96 Tests ebioscience
    86012-253 phospho-ERK 1/2 (Thr202/Tyr204, Thr185/Tyr187) InstantOne? ELISA 25 x 384 tests 25 x 384 tests ebioscience
    86012-503 phospho-ERK 1/2 (Thr202/Tyr204, Thr185/Tyr187) InstantOne? ELISA 50 x 384 tests 50 x 384 tests ebioscience
    86013-11 ERK 1/2 (Total/Phospho) InstantOne? ELISA 96 tests 96 tests ebioscience
    86014-11 AKT/ERK Activation InstantOne? ELISA 96 tests 96 tests ebioscience
    86015-11 MAPK Family (ERK, p38, JNK) Activation InstantOne? ELISA 96 tests 96 tests ebioscience
    86018-11 ERK/AKT/p70 S6K Activation InstantOne? ELISA 96 tests 96 tests ebioscience
    86021-11 p38 MAPK (Total) InstantOne? ELISA 96 tests 96 tests ebioscience
    86022-11 phospho-p38 MAPK (Thr180/Tyr182) InstantOne? ELISA 96 tests 96 tests ebioscience
    86023-11 p38 MAPK (Total/Phospho) InstantOne? ELISA 96 tests 96 tests ebioscience
    86031-11 JNK 1/2/3 (Total) InstantOne? ELISA 96 tests 96 tests ebioscience
    86032-11 phospho-JNK 1/2/3 (Thr183/Tyr185) InstantOne? ELISA 96 tests 96 tests ebioscience
    86033-11 JNK (Total/Phospho) InstantOne? ELISA 96 tests 96 tests ebioscience
    86041-11 AKT 1/2/3 (Total) InstantOne? ELISA 96 tests 96 tests ebioscience
    86042-103 phospho-AKT 1/2/3 (Ser473) InstantOne? ELISA 10 x 384 tests 10 x 384 tests ebioscience
    86042-11 phospho-AKT 1/2/3 (Ser473) InstantOne? ELISA 96 tests 96 tests ebioscience
    86042-253 phospho-AKT 1/2/3 (Ser473) InstantOne? ELISA 25 x 384 tests 25 x 384 tests ebioscience
    86042-503 phospho-AKT 1/2/3 (Ser473) InstantOne? ELISA 50 x 384 tests 50 x 384 tests ebioscience
    86043-11 AKT (Total/Phospho) InstantOne? ELISA 96 tests 96 tests ebioscience
    86044-11 phospho-AKT 1/2/3 (Thr308) InstantOne? ELISA 96 tests 96 tests ebioscience
    86045-11 AKT Activation InstantOne? ELISA 1 96 tests 96 tests ebioscience
    86048-11 AKT Pathway Activation Profile InstantOne? ELISA 96 tests 96 tests ebioscience
    86051-11 p70 S6K (Total) InstantOne? ELISA 96 tests 96 tests ebioscience
    86052-11 phospho-p70 S6K (Thr389) InstantOne? ELISA 96 tests 96 tests ebioscience
    86053-11 p70 S6K (Total/Phospho) InstantOne? ELISA 96 tests 96 tests ebioscience
    86061-11 IkBa (Total) InstantOne? ELISA 96 tests 96 tests ebioscience
    86062-11 phospho-IkBa (Ser32/36) InstantOne? ELISA 96 tests 96 tests ebioscience
    86063-11 IkBa (Total/Phospho) InstantOne? ELISA 96 tests 96 tests ebioscience
    86071-11 IKKa (Total) InstantOne? ELISA 96 tests 96 tests ebioscience
    86073-11 IKKa (Total/Phospho) InstantOne? ELISA 96 tests 96 tests ebioscience
    86081-11 NFkB p65 (Total) InstantOne? ELISA 96 tests 96 tests ebioscience
    86082-11 phospho-NFkB p65 (Ser536) InstantOne? ELISA 96 tests 96 tests ebioscience
    86083-11 NFkB p65 (Total/Phospho) InstantOne? ELISA 96 tests 96 tests ebioscience
    86092-11 phospho-STAT1 (Tyr701) InstantOne? ELISA 96 tests 96 tests ebioscience

    Thermo 台式离心机 Biofuge Primo R

    Thermo 台式离心机 Biofuge Primo R

    Thermo 台式离心机 Biofuge Primo R

  • 商品品牌: Thermo赛默飞世尔
    商品编号:Biofuge Primo R
  • 商品价格: 请与我们联系
  • Thermo 台式离心机 Biofuge Primo R-Thermo赛默飞世尔-Biofuge Primo R

    • 类型:高速离心机
    • 品牌属性:进口
    • 主机最高转速:10001~20000rpm
    Thermo热电 台式离心机 高速离心机 进口台式高速离心机 不带冷冻高速离心机
    Thermo 台式离心机 Biofuge Primo R


    应用的灵活性– 6种转头(水平, 定角及微量) 选择, Biofuge Primo 应用广泛.

    用户友好的操作– “Easycontrol II”控制面板清晰的显示所有运行及设定参数。按键图标直观、布局合理,操作起来安全、方便

    高性能– 低噪音 (< 60 dBA)提供无干扰的工作环境;快的加速/减速时间确保快速的样品处理.

    不平衡检测 –具有电子不平衡监测功能, 无论是在上样时,还是在离心过程中因为离心管破裂导致的不平衡均能检测到。 离心机会自动停机,防止机器损坏。

    操作安全– 第三方生物安全认证,可放心地离心危险性的生物样品


    • 类型:高速离心机
    • 品牌属性:进口
    • 主机最高转速:10001~20000rpm
    商品名称 Thermo 台式离心机 Biofuge Primo R-Biofuge Primo R-Thermo赛默飞世尔
    型号 Biofuge Primo R
    类别 实验室常用设备|||混合分离|||离心机|||Thermo台式离心机BiofugePrimoR
    品牌 Thermo赛默飞世尔
    品牌简介 Thermo赛默飞世尔
    关键字 Thermo热电 台式离心机 高速离心机 进口台式高速离心机 不带冷冻高速离心机,离心机,微量,不平衡,用途,操作,转速

    Thermo 台式离心机 Biofuge Primo R

    Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 17微量离心机

    Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 17微量离心机

    Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 17微量离心机

  • 商品品牌: Thermo赛默飞世尔
    商品编号:Sorvall Legend Micro 17
  • 商品价格: 请与我们联系
  • Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 17微量离心机-Thermo赛默飞世尔-Sorvall Legend Micro 17

    • 主机最高转速:10001~20000rpm
    • 品牌属性:进口
    • 类型:高速离心机
    进口微量离心机 低速离心机 热电离心机 Thermo离心机 高速离心机

    Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 17 微量离心机

    Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 17 & 21 系列离心机提供更出众的处理能力, 有通风型和制冷型两种产品规格,各有 17,000 x g和 21,000 x g 两种型号。



    Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 17 & 21 系列离心机结合出众的功能、大的样品处理量提供快速、高效的微量离心管离心。

    广泛选择的转头, 两种 17,000 和 21,000 x g 型号选择,满足从简单到复杂的离心过程的需要。

    快减速/快加速能力 (≈12 seconds) 用更少的时间离心更多的样品。


    Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 17 & 21 系列离心机提供各种大通量的转头,满足各种离心管/板离心的需要。

    标准24-位转头可容纳所有 1.5及2.0 mL微量离心管,包括过滤管

    新的18-位双排转头可同时容纳 2.0 mL 和 0.5 mL微量管,不需要适配器

    特殊的大通量转头,用于离心 0.5 mL ,0.2 mL PCR 管以及血比容毛细管.

    有通风型及制冷型两种规格,Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 17 & 21可用于几乎所有的微量离心应用。


    Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 17 & 21 为所有人及所有实验室安全、方便地离心微量样品而设计。

    独特的 ClickSeal?防生物污染转头盖 在安装中可自动“卡紧” ,确保您的样品在离心过程中处于密封状态。



    平滑, 轻体积的设计节省实验室空间,易于清洗及维护。



    Part Number



    Sorvall Legend Micro 17 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and biocontainment lid, 120V 60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 17R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and biocontainment lid, 120V 60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 17 with hematocrit rotor, 120V 60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 21 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and lid; 120V 60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 21R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and lid; 120V 60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 21 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and dual 18 x 0.5mL/18 x2.0mL rotor; 120V 60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 21R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and dual 18 x 0.5mL/18 x2.0mL rotor; 120V 60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 17 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and biocontainment lid, 230V 50/60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 17 with hematocrit rotor, 230V 50/60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 21 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and lid; 230V 50/60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 17R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and biocontainment lid, 230V 50/60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 21R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and lid; 230V 50/60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 21 with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and dual 18 x 0.5mL/18 x2.0mL rotor; 230V 60Hz


    Sorvall Legend Micro 21R with 24 x 1.5/2.0mL rotor and dual 18 x 0.5mL/18 x2.0mL rotor; 120V 60Hz


    • 主机最高转速:10001~20000rpm
    • 品牌属性:进口
    • 类型:高速离心机
    商品名称 Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 17微量离心机-Sorvall Legend Micro 17-Thermo赛默飞世尔
    型号 Sorvall Legend Micro 17
    类别 实验室常用设备|||混合分离|||离心机|||ThermoScientificSorvallLegendMicro17微量离心机
    品牌 Thermo赛默飞世尔
    品牌简介 Thermo赛默飞世尔
    关键字 进口微量离心机 低速离心机 热电离心机 Thermo离心机 高速离心机,离心机,微量,离心管,样品,通量,出众

    Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend Micro 17微量离心机

    Thermo Scientific Forma 900系列超低温冰箱 906

    Thermo Scientific Forma 900系列超低温冰箱 906

    Thermo Scientific Forma 900系列超低温冰箱 906

  • 商品品牌: Thermo热电
  • 商品价格: 请与我们联系
  • Thermo Scientific Forma 900系列超低温冰箱 906-Thermo热电-906

    • 产品类型:低温冰箱
    • 温度 :-86℃
    • 容积:501~1000L
    • 外观形状 :立式
    • 品牌属性:进口

    Thermo Scientific Forma 900系列超低温冰箱 906

    赛默飞世尔科技 Forma 900 系列-86°C立式超低温冰箱专为您的样品提供可靠的日常超低温保护;提供单门或双门模型。










    赛默飞世尔科技 Forma 900 系列 -86°C 立式超低温冰箱提供一系列功能,其中包括:





    最先进的制冷系统:提高温度控制性能,增加 BTUH 储冷能力,以获得更稳定的样品保护温度。

    5”(127mm) 原位发泡聚氨酯保温材料:降低功耗,保持设定温度,结合三联点门密封条,以在打开箱门时提供更持久的保温时间。


    1”(25mm) 检修口:可连接外部探头或仪器。






    简化安装和移动:配备新型易滚 2 英寸锁定脚轮。


    可选配 CO2 或 LN2 备份系统:可选配 CO2 或 LN2 安全后备制冷系统,以便在发生电源或机械故障时提供附加样品保护。

    可选图表温度记录仪:可选配内置图表温度记录仪,可安装在 900系列的齐眼线高度。




    • 产品类型:低温冰箱
    • 温度 :-86℃
    • 容积:501~1000L
    • 外观形状 :立式
    • 品牌属性:进口
    商品名称 Thermo Scientific Forma 900系列超低温冰箱 906-906-Thermo热电
    型号 906
    类别 实验室常用设备|||实验箱体|||低温冰箱|||ThermoScientificForma900系列超低温冰箱906
    品牌 Thermo热电
    品牌简介 Thermo热电
    关键字 热电/进口/立式/医用冷藏箱/医用低温箱/-86℃低温冰箱/-86℃医用冰箱,超低温,冰箱,样品,系列,温度,记录仪

    Thermo Scientific Forma 900系列超低温冰箱 906