抗人类细胞质蛋白的小鼠抗体Stem121酶试剂盒Takara Clontech


品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Cellartis Y40410 STEM121® 50 μg ¥2,281 抗人类细胞质蛋白的小鼠抗体Stem121 抗人类细胞质蛋白的小鼠抗体Stem121 抗人类细胞质蛋白的小鼠抗体Stem121
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抗人类细胞质蛋白的小鼠抗体(mouse Ab against a protein in cytoplasm of human cell)
Isotype: IgG1
Form: Unconjugated
抗人类细胞质蛋白的小鼠抗体Stem121 抗人类细胞质蛋白的小鼠抗体Stem121
在小鼠脑部海马体中,使用Stem121检测到移植进入的人类神经干细胞的迁移和分化。 在小鼠肝脏中,使用STEM121检测到移植进入的人类肝脏移植细胞 (hLEC)。
STEM121特异性地与人类细胞细胞质中的某个蛋白反应,该抗体在人类脑组织、肝脏组织、胰腺组织中都有表达。 其中,该抗体在中枢神经细胞出现最高水平的表达。该抗体与小鼠、大鼠、猴子的脑组织或其他组织提取物无交叉反应。
STEM121是从小鼠腹水获取并采用Protein A亲和纯化。
本产品溶解于含有0.02 % NaN3的PBS(pH 7.4)中。
本产品在2 – 8℃中保存。
STEM121应用于检测被移植进入小鼠、大鼠等动物体内的人类细胞的移植、迁移、分化情况。本抗体可以检测被移植的人类细胞的位置,可以用来评估被移植细胞的数量,还可以用来监控被移植细胞的形态(进行免疫组化检测时, 通常1:1,000稀释;进行免疫荧光检测时,通常1:500稀释)1, 2, 3, 4, 5。我们建议用户自行摸索合适的本抗体产品的实验条件。
■ 产品详情请点击:抗人类细胞质蛋白的小鼠抗体Stem121
This product is for research use only(本产品只用于研究用途). It is not intended for use in therapeutic or diagnostic procedures for humans or animals. Also, do not use this product as food, cosmetic, or household item, etc. Takara products may not be resold or transferred, modified for resale or transfer, or used to manufacture commercial products without written approval from TAKARA BIO INC. If you require licenses for other use, please contact us by phone at +81 77 565 6973 or from our website at www.takara-bio.com. Your use of this product is also subject to compliance with any applicable licensing requirements described on the product web page. It is your responsibility to review, understand and adhere to any restrictions imposed by such statements. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Certain trademarks may not be registered in all jurisdictions.
1. Kelly S, et al. (2004) Transplanted human fetal neural stem cells survive, migrate, and differentiate in ischemic rat cerebral cortex. PNAS. 101: 11839- 11844.
2. Cummings BJ, et al. (2005) Human neural stem cells differentiate and promote locomotor recovery in spinal cord-injured mice. PNAS. 102: 14069-14074.
3. Tamaki SJ, et al. (2009) Neuroprotection of host cells by human central nervous system stem cells in a mouse model of infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis. Cell Stem Cell. 5: 310-319.
4. Kallur T, et al. (2006) Human fetal cortical and striatal neural stem cells generate region-specific neurons in vitro and differentiate extensively to neurons after intrastriatal transplantation in neonatal rats. J Neurosci Res . 84: 1630-1644.
5. Salazar DL, et al. (2010) Human neural stem cells differentiate and promote locomotor recovery in an early chronic spinal cord injury NOD-scid mouse model. PLoS ONE. 5: e12272.

页面更新:2024-02-29 10:57:27

内胚层干细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Definitive Endoderm Cells酶试剂盒Takara Clontech


内胚层干细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Definitive Endoderm Cells
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Cellartis Y10040 Cellartis® Definitive Endoderm Cells (from ChiPSC18) 1 Vial 询价 内胚层干细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Definitive Endoderm Cells 内胚层干细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Definitive Endoderm Cells 内胚层干细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Definitive Endoderm Cells
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[Cellartis Definitive Endoderm Cells (from ChiPSC18)]
Cellartis定型内胚层干细胞(DE cell)是从hiPS细胞株ChiPSC18经体外诱导分化得来。该产品中,大于90%的细胞显示表达SOX17蛋白。该产品为低温冷冻保存的细胞悬浮形式。本产品适合用于进一步诱导分化成为肝脏细胞类型或是胰脏细胞类型。特别地,Cellartis的肝脏细胞诱导分化试剂盒(Cellartis Hepatocyte Differentiation Kit,Cat. No. Y30050)适合用于DE向肝脏细胞类型的诱导分化工作。
■ 产品特点
· Definitive endoderm cells with >90% SOX17-positive cells
· Can be used for generating further-specified cells of endodermal origin, such as hepatocytes or pancreatic endoderm
■ 关联产品
Code No. Product Size
Y10052 Cellartis® HEP Coat 3 ml
Y30012 Cellartis® DEF-CS 500 COAT-1 4 ml
T303 iMatrix-511 2 × 175 μg
T304 iMatrix-511 6 × 175 μg
Y30050 Cellartis® Hepatocyte Differentiation Kit 1 Kit
■ 产品详情请点击:内胚层干细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Definitive Endoderm Cells
内胚层干细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Definitive Endoderm Cells
Immunocytochemistry of Cellartis Definitive Endoderm Cells (from ChiPSC18). Cells were thawed, cultured for two days, fixed, and stained for the pluripotency marker OCT4, the definitive endoderm marker SOX17, and the nuclear marker DAPI. Results show that more than 90% of the cell population are definitive endoderm cells and have lost pluripotency.

页面更新:2024-02-29 10:54:51

人源干细胞增殖用培养基Human Stem Cell Culture System (DEF-CS, all-in-one format)酶试剂盒Takara Clontech


人源干细胞增殖用培养基Human Stem Cell Culture System (DEF-CS, all-in-one format)
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Cellartis Y30010 Cellartis® DEF-CS 500 Culture System 1 Kit ¥6,546 人源干细胞增殖用培养基Human Stem Cell Culture System (DEF-CS, all-in-one format) 人源干细胞增殖用培养基Human Stem Cell Culture System (DEF-CS, all-in-one format) 人源干细胞增殖用培养基Human Stem Cell Culture System (DEF-CS, all-in-one format)
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Human iPS和Human ES增殖用培养基
(DEF-CS Culture System, all-in-one format)
作为一款高端创新型的产品,Cellartis DEF-CS培养系统使得单细胞干细胞操作成为常规的操作。该产品是专门针对人类诱导干细胞(hiPS)和人类胚胎干细胞(hES)研发的高效率增殖用培养基产品体系。该产品系统为all-in-one型,包括了所有组分,客户不需要另外求购组分。该产品是成分确定的培养基产品,而且不需要饲养层。DEF-CS既可以实现单细胞培养,也可以用于传统的iPS培养模式以及大规模干细胞增殖。在使用DEF-CS培养基增殖干细胞时,几乎没有背景分化的问题,这使得细胞筛选不再必需。作为一款创新产品,利用DEF-CS培养干细胞时,可以使用酶消化法(enzymatic passaging)实现需要单细胞操作,这一特点十分有利于高通量细胞鉴别筛选(high-throughput screening)、转染(transfection)、框架接种(scaffold seeding)等。
■ 产品特点
· Feeder-free and chemically defined culture system for efficient expansion of human iPS cells
· Ideal system for culturing iPS cells; cells maintain pluripotency and long-term potential for self-renewal and differentiation
· Complete kit includes 500 ml basal medium, additives, and coating compound
· Robust system provides high reproducibility and stable growth
· Maintains cells in an undifferentiated state with virtually no background differentiation
■ 产品应用
· Scale-up and mass production of human iPS cells
· Single-cell culture of human iPS cells
· Transfection and reprogramming
· High-throughput screening
· Tissue engineering (seeding cells on a scaffold)
■ 产品详情请点击:人源干细胞增殖用培养基Human Stem Cell Culture System (DEF-CS, all-in-one format)
人源干细胞增殖用培养基Human Stem Cell Culture System (DEF-CS, all-in-one format)
Robust growth of human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells in the Cellartis DEF-CS Culture System. The number of iPS cells was quantified after being cultured for three weeks using either the Cellartis DEF-CS Culture System, a reference feeder system, or four other stem cell culture systems.
1. Sivertsson, Louise, et al. "Hepatic differentiation and maturation of human embryonic stem cells cultured in a perfused three-dimensional bioreactor." Stem cells and development 22.4 (2012): 581-594.
2. Hanson, Charles, et al. "Transplantation of human embryonic stem cells onto a partially wounded human cornea in vitro." Acta ophthalmologica 91.2 (2013): 127-130.
3. Norrman, Karin, et al. "Distinct gene expression signatures in human embryonic stem cells differentiated towards definitive endoderm at single-cell level." Methods 59.1 (2013): 59-70.
4. Ulvestad, Maria, et al. "Drug metabolizing enzyme and transporter protein profiles of hepatocytes derived from human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells." Biochemical pharmacology 86.5 (2013): 691-702.
5. Ramirez JM, et al. Side scatter intensity is highly heterogeneous in undifferentiated pluripotent stem cells and predicts clonogenic self-renewal. Stem Cells Dev.2013 Jun 15;22(12):1851-1860.
6. Borestrom, Cecilia, et al. “Footprint-free human induced pluripotent stem cells from articular cartilage with redifferentiation capacity: A first step toward a clinical-grade cell source.” Stem Cells Trans. Med. (2014) 3, 433-447.
7. Kia, Richard, et al. "MicroRNA-122: a novel hepatocyte-enriched in vitro marker of drug-induced cellular toxicity." Toxicological Sciences (2014): kfu269.
8. Valton, Julien, et al. "Efficient strategies for TALEN-mediated genome editing in mammalian cell lines."  Methods 69.2 (2014): 151-170.
9. Zandén, Carl, et al. "Stem cell responses to plasma surface modified electrospun polyurethane scaffolds." Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine 10.5 (2014): 949-958.
10. Asplund, Annika, et al. “One Standardized Differentiation Procedure Robustly Generates Homogenous Hepatocyte Cultures Displaying? Metabolic Diversity from a Large Panel of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells” Stem Cell Rev and Rep (2015)

页面更新:2024-01-25 16:05:42

肝细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Hepatocytes酶试剂盒Takara Clontech


肝细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Hepatocytes
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Cellartis Y10133 Cellartis® Enhanced hiPS-HEP v2 (from ChiPSC12) Kit 1 kit 询价 肝细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Hepatocytes 肝细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Hepatocytes 肝细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Hepatocytes
Cellartis Y10134 Cellartis® Enhanced hiPS-HEP v2 (from ChiPSC18) Kit 1 kit 询价 肝细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Hepatocytes 肝细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Hepatocytes 肝细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Hepatocytes
Cellartis Y10135 Cellartis® Enhanced hiPS-HEP v2 (from ChiPSC22) Kit 1 kit 询价 肝细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Hepatocytes 肝细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Hepatocytes 肝细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Hepatocytes
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Cellartis enhanced hiPS-HEP v2 kits 提供了可持续供应的、成熟的人诱导多能干细胞(hiPS)来源的肝脏细胞。在超过14天的检测窗口期,hiPS-HEP细胞拥有功能性的药物代谢机制,使其成为体外药物研发、药物代谢、和相关毒性研究的理想选择;具备成熟、稳健的代谢特征,支持其作为代谢疾病模型。方便使用的试剂盒包括完全的培养基和组份,用于长期检测。与其他肝脏细胞模型相比,培养的Cellartis hiPS-HEP细胞存活时间更长,进而拥有更长的检测窗口用于慢性-毒性实验和作为代谢疾病模型研究。
■ 产品特点
· Complete kit for thawing, plating, and culturing the provided cells
· Highly homogeneous population with consistent performance between batches and over time
· Cells are functional and stable for a 14-day assay window
· Cells show long-term, stable CYP450 activities
· Cells express key hepatocyte proteins, including α1AT, Alb, CK18, HNF4α, and E-cadherin
· Cells secrete physiologically relevant levels of albumin and urea
· Cells demonstrate functional insulin and glucose regulation
· Cells show phase I and II enzyme activities
· Cells demonstrate LDL uptake
■ 产品组成
· 1 vial of ~1.2 × 107 cells
· Hepatocyte thawing medium
· Hepatocyte coating
· Hepatocyte plating medium
· Hepatocyte washing medium
· Hepatocyte long-term maintenance medium
■ 产品应用
· Toxicity testing, including chronic toxicity assays
· Drug discovery and development
· Metabolic studies
· Metabolic disease modeling
■ 产品详情请点击:肝细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Hepatocytes
肝细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Hepatocytes
Cellartis 人iPS细胞来源的肝脏细胞可以作为长期的、可靠的肝脏疾病模型。
Cellartis human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell-derived hepatocytes are a long-lasting, reliable liver disease model. Ideal for long-term studies, these mature, functional, pure hepatocytes allow you to generate consistent results with low batch-to-batch variability. Cellartis iPSC-derived hepatocytes can be used for extended culture significantly longer than human primary hepatocytes—allowing you to get more data from your chronic toxicity studies.
肝细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Hepatocytes
Cellartis enhanced hiPS-HEP cells可以稳定表达CYP450 活性超过21天。
CYP450 activity is stable in enhanced hiPS-HEP cells over 21 days. LC/MS was used to analyze CYP450 activity in cultured enhanced hiPS-HEP cells previously derived from the hiPS cell lines ChiPSC12, ChiPSC18, and ChiPSC22 (abbreviated as C12, C18, and C22). CYP3A (Panel A), CYP2C9 (Panel B), CYP1A (Panel C), and CYP2C19 (Panel D) activities in enhanced hiPS-HEP cells are stable over an extended culture time. Cryopreserved human primary hepatocytes (hphep), which are functional in culture for a significantly shorter time than enhanced hiPS-HEP cells, were thawed and cultured for 20 hours, and their data are shown as the black bar in each panel.
肝细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Hepatocytes
Cellartis enhanced hiPS-HEP细胞在20天的培养中表达白蛋白(Albumin)。
Albumin is present in enhanced hiPS-HEP cells through 20 days in culture. Panel A. Representative images of enhanced hiPS-HEP cells from human iPS cell line ChiPSC18 (C18) taken 12 days after thawing (right), compared to cryopreserved human primary hepatocytes (hphep) taken 24 hr after thawing (left). Cells were stained for albumin and DAPI. Panel B. Albumin secretion as measured by ELISA; n=2 for enhanced hiPS-HEP cells, with the exception of C18 at 20 days (n=1), and n=3 donors for hphep.
(以上图片均来源于Takara Bio USA, Inc.)
1. Heins et al. Stem Cells 2004; 22: 367-376.United States National Stem Cell Bank; http://www.nationalstemcellbank.org.
2. Mantel N et al. Potential markers of attenuation of YF virus after infection of stem cell-derived human hepatocytes with wild-type Asibi or live-attenuated YF17D virus.Supplement to The American Journal of tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Volume 83, November 2010, Number 5, abstract 12.
3. Yildirimman R et al. Human embryonic stem cell derived hepatocyte-like cells as a tool for in vitro hazard assessment of chemical carcinogenicity. Toxicol. Sci. 2011 Dec; 124(2): 278-90.
4. Ulvestad M et al. Drug metabolizing enzyme and transporter protein profi les of hepatocytes derived from human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells. Biochem Pharmacol. 2013 Sep 1; 86(5):691-702.

页面更新:2024-02-29 10:53:51

小肠上皮细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Intestinal Epithelial Cells酶试剂盒Takara Clontech


小肠上皮细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Intestinal Epithelial Cells
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Cellartis Y50035 Cellartis® Intestinal Epithelial Cells (from ChiPSC18) Kit 1 Kit ¥23,991 小肠上皮细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Intestinal Epithelial Cells 小肠上皮细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Intestinal Epithelial Cells 小肠上皮细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Intestinal Epithelial Cells
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(Intestinal Epithelial Cells Derived from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells)
Cellartis Intestinal Epithelial Cells (from ChiPSC18) 是来源于人iPS细胞的小肠上皮细胞,具备肠上皮样特征,包括形成紧密连接、表达绒毛蛋白villin和肠转录因子CDX2。与人结肠癌Caco-2细胞系相比,该细胞具有更高的代谢酶CYP3A4和转运蛋白PEPT1的表达,为药物代谢吸收、药物相互作用评估提供更好的预测结果。
Cellartis Intestinal Epithelial Cells (from ChiPSC18) Kit 包括1管冻存的细胞Cellartis Intestinal Epithelial Cells (from ChiPSC18)和1个试剂盒Cellartis IEC Maturation Kit。解冻的Cellartis Intestinal Epithelial Cells (from ChiPSC18)使用Cellartis IEC Maturation Kit预先培养5天后,可用于各种检测。
■ 产品特点
· 解冻5天内细胞形成紧密连接,解冻5-8天后可用于检测
· 细胞高表达肠上皮标志物 (villin、CDX2等)
· 与Caco-2细胞相比,拥有更高的代谢酶CYP3A4和转运蛋白PEPT1的表达
· 细胞形成一个功能性的、可渗透的屏障,可用于预测药物在体内的渗透性和吸收
■ 产品应用
· 药物在小肠的吸收和代谢评价
· 药物研发中的ADME分析
· 药物渗透性检测
■ 产品组成
· 1 vial of~4.8 x 106 cells
· 1 Cellartis IEC Maturation Kit(IEC Maturation Basal Medium;IEC Supplement A;IEC Supplement B;IEC Supplement C;IEC Supplement D)
小肠上皮细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Intestinal Epithelial Cells
小肠上皮细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Intestinal Epithelial Cells
图1. 紧密连接蛋白ZO-1的免疫荧光染色结果显示,解冻后第5天,hiPSC-derived intestinal epithelial cells (IEC)细胞间形成紧密连接(如闭锁小带zonula occludens)。
小肠上皮细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Intestinal Epithelial Cells
图2. 在解冻后第7天,与Caco-2细胞相比,hiPSC-derived intestinal epithelial cells (IEC)中高表达肠上皮标志物villin和CDX2。
小肠上皮细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Intestinal Epithelial Cells
图3. 在解冻后第7天,与Caco-2细胞相比,hiPSC-derived intestinal epithelial cells (IEC)中高表达药物代谢酶CYP3A4和药物转运蛋白PEPT1。
■ 产品详情请点击:小肠上皮细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Intestinal Epithelial Cells

页面更新:2024-02-29 10:53:34

胰腺β细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Beta Cells酶试剂盒Takara Clontech


胰腺β细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Beta Cells
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Cellartis Y10100 Cellartis® hiPS Beta Cells (from ChiPSC12) Kit 1 Kit 询价 胰腺β细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Beta Cells 胰腺β细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Beta Cells 胰腺β细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Beta Cells
Cellartis Y10106 Cellartis® hiPS Beta Cells (from ChiPSC22) Kit 1 Kit ¥25,928 胰腺β细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Beta Cells 胰腺β细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Beta Cells 胰腺β细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Beta Cells
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(Pancreatic Beta Cells Derived from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells)
Cellartis® hiPS Beta Cells Kit是由hiPS诱导而来的、通过体外标准化的模拟胚胎发育获得的β细胞。这些细胞分泌大量的胰岛素和C-肽,并且大量表达胰岛素/C-肽、 MAFA、NKX6.1、PDX1、UCN3等蛋白质。完整的试剂盒可以作为理想的实验工具,应用于研究β细胞功能、糖尿病/疾病模型构建、以及胰岛素分泌和调节的化合物筛选。
Cellartis®β细胞是由我们的人iPS细胞系(ChiPSC12;ChiPSC22)分化而来,制备成单细胞悬液,冻存在管中。该试剂盒含有β细胞,包被涂层,基础培养基,以及补充剂。目前提供两种试剂盒供选择,每个试剂盒中的β细胞都来自健康人供体,其中Cellartis hiPS Beta Cells (from ChiPSC22) Kit(Code No. Y10106)的供体细胞是对糖尿病易感的HLA(human leukocyte antigen人类白细胞抗原)类型,HLA-A*02:01。
■ 产品特点
· Beta cells from ChiPSC12 and ChiPSC22 originate from healthy human donors
· Beta cells from ChiPSC22 originate from a donor with a diabetes-susceptible HLA type, HLA-A*02:01 (Marron et al. 2002)
· Beta cells from ChiPSC22 can be used alone or in combination with beta cells from ChiPSC12, which have an alternate HLA type
· Cells show protein expression of insulin/C-peptide, MAFA, NKX6-1, PDX1, and UCN3
· Cells demonstrate insulin and C-peptide secretion
· Cells were derived with a protocol that mimics embryonic development
· Cells provide reproducible and biologically relevant data
■ 更多信息
Donor information
The tissues used for the reprogramming of somatic cells into hiPSCs are from donors who have signed informed consent which outlines in detail the purpose of the donation and the procedure for processing of the donated tissue. In order to protect the privacy and the confidentiality of the donors, all identifiers associated with the donors have been removed. The donor consent was obtained for commercial use. The donation did not result in any financial gain for the donors.
· ChiPSC12 was sourced from skin fibroblasts from a healthy 24-year-old European/North African male volunteer (77 kg/177 cm).
· ChiPSC22 was sourced from skin fibroblasts from a healthy 32-year-old European/North African male volunteer (74 kg/179 cm) with a diabetes-susceptible HLA type, HLA-A*02:01.
HLA typification data for each line is shown below.
胰腺β细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Beta Cells
■ 产品应用
· Disease modeling for diabetes
· Compound screening for insulin secretion and regulation
· Beta-cell functionality
· GSIS (glucose-stimulated insulin secretion) analysis
· Incretin response studies
· Autoimmune beta-cell destruction
· Pancreatitis and beta-cell function
· Transdifferentiation
■ 产品组成
· 1 vial (4.8 x 106 viable cells) of Cellartis hiPS Beta Cells (from ChiPSC12) or ChiPSC22
· 11 vials (360 μl/vial) of Cellartis Beta Cell Supplement
· 1 tube (4 ml) of Cellartis Beta Cell Coating
· 1 bottle (160 ml) of Cellartis Beta Cell Basal Medium
· 1 bottle (30 ml) of Cellartis Beta Cell Basal Medium 2
[Cellartis hiPS Beta Cells (from ChiPSC12) 的胰岛素和 C-肽免疫荧光染色]
胰腺β细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Beta Cells
解冻后两周的β细胞进行成熟标志胰岛素(A图) 和 C-肽 (B图)免疫荧光染色。合并数据显示了胰岛素和 C-肽共表达细胞 (C图)。细胞核使用DAPI 染色(D图)。
  (图片来源于Takara Bio USA, Inc.)
■ 技术资料
胰腺β细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Beta Cells
Cellartis human iPS cell-derived beta cells for diabetes drug discovery and disease modeling
Studying diabetes and metabolic disorders using hiPSC-derived beta cells.
■ 参考文献
Marron, M. et al. Functional evidence for the mediation of diabetogenic T cell responses by HLA-A2.1 MHC class I molecules through transgenic expression in NOD mice. Proc Nat Acad Sci U. S. A. 99, 13753–8 (2002).
■ 产品详情请点击:胰腺β细胞Human Stem Cell Derived Beta Cells

页面更新:2024-02-29 10:53:42

人神经干细胞Human Neural Stem Cells酶试剂盒Takara Clontech


人神经干细胞Human Neural Stem Cells
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Cellartis Y40060 Human Neural Hindbrain Stem Cell Line Kit(库存销售完毕即终卖) 1 Kit ¥16,901 人神经干细胞Human Neural Stem Cells 人神经干细胞Human Neural Stem Cells 人神经干细胞Human Neural Stem Cells
Cellartis Y40070 Human Neural Mid Forebrain Stem Cell Line Kit(库存销售完毕即终卖) 1 Kit ¥16,901 人神经干细胞Human Neural Stem Cells 人神经干细胞Human Neural Stem Cells 人神经干细胞Human Neural Stem Cells
Cellartis Y40080 Human Neural Spinal Cord Stem Cell Line Kit(库存销售完毕即终卖) 1 Kit ¥16,901 人神经干细胞Human Neural Stem Cells 人神经干细胞Human Neural Stem Cells 人神经干细胞Human Neural Stem Cells
Cellartis Y40090 Human Neural Temporal Lobe Stem Cell Line Kit(库存销售完毕即终卖) 1 Kit ¥16,901 人神经干细胞Human Neural Stem Cells 人神经干细胞Human Neural Stem Cells 人神经干细胞Human Neural Stem Cells
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(Human Neural Stem Cells)
Cellartis提供一系列的神经干细胞。这些产品包括从人中枢神经系统起源的神经细胞,如the neural hindbrain, mid-forebrain, spinal cord, and temporal lobe。这些神经细胞产品可以应用于神经科学研究后视神经相关的药物测试。产品包括细胞 (~1.5 × 106 cells) 和无血清培养基两部分。
■ 产品特点
· High-purity cells derived from human donor tissue from the hindbrain, spinal cord, or mid-forebrain
· Includes serum-free media (RHB-A media) optimized for NS cell culture to ensure stable and reproducible results
■ 产品应用
· Deriving neural lineage cell types
· Investigating the biological, functional, and differentiation properties of NS cells isolated from distinct CNS regions
· Evaluating signaling pathways involved in NS cell differentiation
· Drug compound library screening*
  *Products are for research use only.
■ 产品列表
Code No. Product Size
Y40060 Human Neural Hindbrain Stem Cell Line Kit 1 Kit
Y40070 Human Neural Mid Forebrain Stem Cell Line Kit 1 Kit
Y40080 Human Neural Spinal Cord Stem Cell Line Kit 1 Kit
Y40090 Human Neural Temporal Lobe Stem Cell Line Kit 1 Kit
■ 关联产品
Code No. Product Size
Y40001 RHB-A (神经干细胞培养基) 500 ml
■ 产品详情请点击:人神经干细胞Human Neural Stem Cells
1. Conti L, et al. Niche-independent symmetrical self-renewal of a mammalian tissue stem cell. PLos Biol.2005;3(9):e283.
2. Hook L, et al, Non-immortalized human neural stem(NS) cells as a scalable platform for cellular assays. Neurochem lnt.2011;59(3):432-444
3. McLaren D, et al. Automated large-scale culture and medium-throughput chemical screen for modulators of proliferation and viability of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neuroepithelial-like stem cells. J Biomol Screen.2013;18(3):258-268.

页面更新:2024-04-24 10:01:04

人iPS细胞Human Pluripotent Stem Cells酶试剂盒Takara Clontech


人iPS细胞Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Cellartis Y00275 Cellartis® human iPS cell line 7 (ChiPSC7) Kit 1 Kit ¥26,001 人iPS细胞Human Pluripotent Stem Cells 人iPS细胞Human Pluripotent Stem Cells 人iPS细胞Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
Cellartis Y00285 Cellartis® human iPS cell line 12 (ChiPSC12) Kit 1 kit ¥26,001 人iPS细胞Human Pluripotent Stem Cells 人iPS细胞Human Pluripotent Stem Cells 人iPS细胞Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
Cellartis Y00325 Cellartis® human iPS cell line 22 (ChiPSC22) Kit 1 kit ¥26,001 人iPS细胞Human Pluripotent Stem Cells 人iPS细胞Human Pluripotent Stem Cells 人iPS细胞Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
Cellartis Y00305 Cellartis® human iPS cell line 18 (ChiPSC18) Kit 1 Kit ¥25,341 人iPS细胞Human Pluripotent Stem Cells 人iPS细胞Human Pluripotent Stem Cells 人iPS细胞Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
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(Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells)
Cellartis人iPS细胞(Human iPS Cell Line)产品是达到了工业客户使用标准生产的干细胞产品。该产品包括细胞和用于增殖培养的Cellartis DEF-CS Culture System培养体系。iPS细胞已经在制品化时完成了对DEF-CS培养体系的适应。Cellartis DEF-CS Culture System培养体系是组分明确而且不依赖饲养层的便捷的干细胞培养体系。Cellartis DEF-CS Culture System适合高效率地增殖培养干细胞,并且保持干细胞在增殖过程中几乎无分化地生长,这使得不需要在大规模增殖培养过程中进行细胞筛选。因此,Cellartis人iPS细胞(Human iPS Cell Line)产品是一套完整的产品体系,对于科研级别和工业规模的需求都适合。
■ 产品特点
· Cell lines were created by reprogramming human skin fibroblasts using defective polycistronic retrovirus technology to deliver Oct-4, SOX2, KLF4, and c-Myc
· Cell lines are extensively analyzed for purity and stem-cell characteristics, including recovery after thawing, absence of mycoplasma and bacteria, expression of stem cell-specific markers (Oct-4, NANOG, SSEA-3, SSEA-4, TRA-1-60, TRA-1-81), absence of differentiation markers (Beta-3 tubulin, FOXA2, ASMA), and expected karyotype
· Optimized for culture with the Cellartis DEF-CS Culture System
· Suitable for all major applications; cells can form derivatives of all three germ layers when differentiated
· Kits include the Cellartis DEF-CS 100 Culture System
■ 关联产品
Code No. Product Size
Y30010 Cellartis® DEF-CS 500 Culture System 1 Kit
■ 产品详情请点击:人iPS细胞Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
人iPS细胞Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
Characteristics of Cellartis human iPS cells. The cell lines were generated from fibroblasts using defective polycistronic retrovirus technology to deliver Oct-4, Sox-2, KLF-4, and c-Myc. The skin fibroblasts were obtained from donors of varying age and gender, have a normal karyotype, and have been confirmed to differentiate into specific cell lineages. Consent was obtained from all donors for commercial use.
1. de Peppo GM, et al. Osteogenic potential of human mesenchymal stem cells and human embryonic stem cell-derived mesodermal progenitors: a tissue engineering perspective. Tissue Eng Part A.2010 Nov;16(11):3413-3426.
2. Both SK, et al. Differential bone-forming capacity of osteogenic cells from either embryonic stem cells or bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells. J Tissue Eng Regen Med.2011 Mar;5(3):180-190.
3. de Peppo GM, et al. Free-form-fabricated commercially pure Ti and Ti6A14V Porous Scaffolds support the growth of human embryonic stem cell-derived mesodermal progenitors. ScientificWorldJournal. 2012;2012:646417.Epub 2012 Jan 4.
4. Ou Li, et al. Human embryonic stem cell-derived mesenchymal stroma cells(hES-MSCs) engraft in vivo and support hematopoiesis without suppression immune function: implications for off –the shelf ES-MSC therapies. PLOS ONE.2013; 8(1):e55319.

页面更新:2024-02-29 10:54:39

临床前扩增人干细胞培养基Human Stem Cell Culture Medium (DEF-CS Xeno-Free)酶试剂盒Takara Clontech


临床前扩增人干细胞培养基Human Stem Cell Culture Medium (DEF-CS Xeno-Free)
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Cellartis Y30045 Cellartis® DEF-CS 500 Xeno-Free Culture Medium w/o antibiotics 1 Kit ¥3,719 临床前扩增人干细胞培养基Human Stem Cell Culture Medium (DEF-CS Xeno-Free) 临床前扩增人干细胞培养基Human Stem Cell Culture Medium (DEF-CS Xeno-Free) 临床前扩增人干细胞培养基Human Stem Cell Culture Medium (DEF-CS Xeno-Free)
Cellartis Y30047 Cellartis® DEF-CS 500 Xeno-Free 3D Spheroid Culture Medium 1 Kit ¥5,070 临床前扩增人干细胞培养基Human Stem Cell Culture Medium (DEF-CS Xeno-Free) 临床前扩增人干细胞培养基Human Stem Cell Culture Medium (DEF-CS Xeno-Free) 临床前扩增人干细胞培养基Human Stem Cell Culture Medium (DEF-CS Xeno-Free)
Cellartis Y30071 Cellartis® DEF-CS 500 Xeno-Free GMP Grade Basal Medium (Prototype) 500 ml 询价 临床前扩增人干细胞培养基Human Stem Cell Culture Medium (DEF-CS Xeno-Free) 临床前扩增人干细胞培养基Human Stem Cell Culture Medium (DEF-CS Xeno-Free) 临床前扩增人干细胞培养基Human Stem Cell Culture Medium (DEF-CS Xeno-Free)
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(The Xeno-Free Culture Media Product Family for Preclinical Expansion of Human iPS Cells)
Cellartis DEF-CS (Xeno-free) 培养基系列,完全无任何人源及动物源成分,被用于人类诱导多能干细胞 (iPSCs) 扩增。该款产品不使用饲养层 (feeder),而是使用xeno-free的基质物,比如 新型的iMatrix-511。使用DEF-CS 培养基 (xeno-free) 培养的细胞,拥有高的增殖率和稳定的核型,允许2D-单层培养和3D-悬浮培养进行有效扩增。
· 基础研究和临床前概念研究—Cellartis DEF-CS 500 Xeno-Free Culture Medium帮助您从基础研究过渡到下一阶段相关疾病模型的验证和生产制造战略的开展。
· 扩增到足够的细胞数—Cellartis DEF-CS 500 Xeno-Free 3D Spheroid Culture Medium搭配灌注生物反应器系统,提供了一个产生大量高质量的、未分化的、用作起始细胞治疗材料的理想方法。
· GMP 级生产和下游使用于临床研究—Cellartis DEF-CS 500 Xeno-Free GMP Grade Basal Medium (Prototype)遵循严格的生产准则,确保没有可能损害患者的人类和动物来源的物质。
■ 产品特点
Cellartis DEF-CS 500 Xeno-Free Culture Medium
· Maintains pluripotency and stable karyotype in a 2D non-colony monolayer culture
· Ideal for maintenance of undifferentiated pluripotent cells and scale-up to therapeutically relevant cell numbers
· Fully compatible with the GMP-grade version for a seamless transition to the clinic
Cellartis DEF-CS 500 Xeno-Free 3D Spheroid Culture Medium
· Pluripotent cells in the spheroids retain full differentiation potential and stable karyotype
· Produces 5 × 109 cells in a 1 L bioreactor within 3–4 passages
· Provides a distinct advantage for scale-up to therapeutically relevant cell numbers
Cellartis DEF-CS 500 Xeno-Free GMP Grade Basal Medium (Prototype)
· Optimized for small- or large-scale production of pluripotent cells for downstream use in clinical research settings
· Manufactured as a quality-assured product, according to the guidelines for GMP for investigational products
· Rigorous manufacturing standards ensure quality and consistency; all materials are of clinical quality, with traceable production processes
■ 产品应用
· Culturing human iPS cells in completely xeno-free conditions for preclinical studies.
■ 产品目录
Code No. Product Size
Y30045 Cellartis® DEF-CS 500 Xeno-Free Culture Medium w/o antibiotics 1 kit
Y30042 Cellartis® DEF-CS 500 Xeno-Free Additives 1 kit
Y30046 Cellartis® DEF-CS 500 Xeno-Free Basal Medium w/o antibiotics 500 ml
Code No. Product Size
Y30047 Cellartis® DEF-CS500 Xeno-Free 3D Spheroid Culture Medium w/o antibiotics 1 kit
Y30046 Cellartis® DEF-CS 500 Xeno-Free Basal Medium w/o antibiotics 500 ml
Y30048 Cellartis® DEF-CS500 Xeno-Free 3D Spheroid Additives 1 kit
Code No. Product Size
Y30071 Cellartis® DEF-CS 500 Xeno-Free GMP Grade Basal Medium (Prototype) 500 ml
■ 关联产品
Code No. Product Size
T303 iMatrix-511 2 × 175 μg
■ 产品详情请点击
Y30045:临床前扩增人干细胞培养基Human Stem Cell Culture Medium (DEF-CS Xeno-Free)
Y30047:临床前扩增人干细胞培养基Human Stem Cell Culture Medium (DEF-CS Xeno-Free)
Y30071:临床前扩增人干细胞培养基Human Stem Cell Culture Medium (DEF-CS Xeno-Free)
临床前扩增人干细胞培养基Human Stem Cell Culture Medium (DEF-CS Xeno-Free)
High-quality hiPS cell aggregates grown with Cellartis DEF-CS 500 Xeno-Free 3D Spheroid Culture Medium in stirred tank bioreactors (in perfusion mode). hiPS cell aggregates grown under 4% O2 perfusion conditions were sequentially passaged three times by mechanical disruption (protocol adapted from Otsuji et al. 2014); cells were counted at passage on days 4 and 7, and at the final time point on day 11, to determine the expansion factor relative to the initial seeding number.
临床前扩增人干细胞培养基Human Stem Cell Culture Medium (DEF-CS Xeno-Free)
High-quality hiPS cell aggregates were grown with Cellartis DEF-CS 500 Xeno-Free 3D Spheroid Culture Medium in stirred tank bioreactors (in perfusion mode). After expansion of hiPS cells as aggregates, cells were harvested on day 4 and expression of OCT4, SSEA-4, TRA-1-60 (pluripotency markers) and SSEA-1 and SOX17 (differentiation markers) was analyzed by immunostaining.
  Takara Bio USA, Inc.比较结果

页面更新:2024-02-29 10:55:32

神经干细胞培养基Adherent Neural Stem Cell Culture Media酶试剂盒Takara Clontech


神经干细胞培养基Adherent Neural Stem Cell Culture Media
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Cellartis Y40001 RHB-A® 500 ml ¥4,338 神经干细胞培养基Adherent Neural Stem Cell Culture Media 神经干细胞培养基Adherent Neural Stem Cell Culture Media 神经干细胞培养基Adherent Neural Stem Cell Culture Media
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Neural Stem Cell Culture Media
RHB-A和RHB-Basal是两款无血清、成分完全确定的培养基,用于人类或小鼠神经干细胞(NS)的定向分化获取、维持培养、扩增、诱导分化成神经细胞等用途。RHB-A可用来培养扩增贴壁的人或小鼠的神经干细胞。在RHB-A中培养的神经干细胞保持着稳定的神经干细胞分化发育成为成熟的神经细胞的能力 (1-3) 。另外,RHB-A还用来定向分化小鼠胚胎干细胞(mouse ES)至神经前体细胞 (neural precursors) (4-6)。
■ 产品特点
· RHB-A is a proprietary, fully defined, and serum-free medium designed to maintain pure populations of adherent human and mouse NS cells
· RHB-Basal medium is animal component-free and contains no neuronal supplements; the media can be customized by the addition of supplements
■ 产品应用
· Derivation of mouse and human NS cells from ES cells and fetal and adult tissues
· Maintenance and propagation of adherent mouse and human NS cells
· Differentiation of mouse and human NS cells into functional neurons
· Differentiation of mouse ES cells to neuronal precursors
· Refer to the Data Sheet for additional examples of use
■ 产品详情请点击:神经干细胞培养基Adherent Neural Stem Cell Culture Media
神经干细胞培养基Adherent Neural Stem Cell Culture Media
Adherent mouse neural stem cells cultured in RHB-A medium supplemented with epidermal growth factor and fibroblast growth factor-2 express neural stem cell markers, including Nestin, Vimentin (3CB2), radial glial cell marker-2 (RC2), glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), and microtubule associate protein (MAP).
1. Ying QL, et al. (2003) Conversion of embryonic stem cells into neuroectodermal precursors in adherent monoculture. Nature Biotechnology 21:183-186.
2. Conti L, et al. (2005) Niche-Independent symmetrical self-renewal of a mammalian tissue stem cell. PLoS Biology 3(9):e283.
3. Pollard SM, et al. (2006) Adherent Neural Stem (NS) cells from fetal and adult forebrain. Cerebral Cortex 16:112-120. 4. Diogo MM, et al. (2008) Optimization and integration of expansion and neural commitment of mouse embryonic stem cells. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry 49:105-112.
5. Pollard SM, et al. (2008) Fibroblast growth factor induces a neural stem cell phenotype in foetal forebrain progenitors and during embryonic stem cell differentiation. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 38:393:403.
6. Sun Y, et al. (2008) Long-term tripotent differentiation capacity of human neural stem (NS)cells in adherent culture. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 38:245-258.
7. Pollard SM, et al. (2009) Glioma stem cell lines expanded in adherent culture have tumor-specific phenotypes and are suitable for chemical and genetic screens. Cell Stem Cell 4:568-580.
8. Abranches E, et al. (2009) Neural differentiation of embryonic stem cells in vitro: A road map to neurogenesis in the embryo. PLoS ONE 4(7): e6286.
9. Fernandes et al. (2010) Hypoxia enhances proliferation of mouse embryonic stem cell-derived neural stem cells. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 106: 260–270.
10. Fernandes, T.G., et al. (2010) Different stages of pluripotency determine distinct patterns of proliferation, metabolism, and lineage commitment of embryonic stem cells under hypoxia. Stem Cell Research 5(1):76-89.
11. Fernandes et al. (2010) Three-dimensional cell culture microarray for high-throughput studies of stem cell fate. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 106: 106-118.
12. Hansen, et al. (2010) Neurogenic radial glia in the outer subventricular zone of human neocortex. Nature doi: 10.1038/nature08845.
13. Hook L, et al. (2011) Non-immortalized human neural stem (NS) cells as a scalable platform for cellular assays. Neurochem Int. 59(3): 432-44.

页面更新:2024-02-29 10:56:09