人神经干细胞Human Neural Stem Cells酶试剂盒Takara Clontech


人神经干细胞Human Neural Stem Cells
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Cellartis Y40060 Human Neural Hindbrain Stem Cell Line Kit(库存销售完毕即终卖) 1 Kit ¥16,901 人神经干细胞Human Neural Stem Cells 人神经干细胞Human Neural Stem Cells 人神经干细胞Human Neural Stem Cells
Cellartis Y40070 Human Neural Mid Forebrain Stem Cell Line Kit(库存销售完毕即终卖) 1 Kit ¥16,901 人神经干细胞Human Neural Stem Cells 人神经干细胞Human Neural Stem Cells 人神经干细胞Human Neural Stem Cells
Cellartis Y40080 Human Neural Spinal Cord Stem Cell Line Kit(库存销售完毕即终卖) 1 Kit ¥16,901 人神经干细胞Human Neural Stem Cells 人神经干细胞Human Neural Stem Cells 人神经干细胞Human Neural Stem Cells
Cellartis Y40090 Human Neural Temporal Lobe Stem Cell Line Kit(库存销售完毕即终卖) 1 Kit ¥16,901 人神经干细胞Human Neural Stem Cells 人神经干细胞Human Neural Stem Cells 人神经干细胞Human Neural Stem Cells
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(Human Neural Stem Cells)
Cellartis提供一系列的神经干细胞。这些产品包括从人中枢神经系统起源的神经细胞,如the neural hindbrain, mid-forebrain, spinal cord, and temporal lobe。这些神经细胞产品可以应用于神经科学研究后视神经相关的药物测试。产品包括细胞 (~1.5 × 106 cells) 和无血清培养基两部分。
■ 产品特点
· High-purity cells derived from human donor tissue from the hindbrain, spinal cord, or mid-forebrain
· Includes serum-free media (RHB-A media) optimized for NS cell culture to ensure stable and reproducible results
■ 产品应用
· Deriving neural lineage cell types
· Investigating the biological, functional, and differentiation properties of NS cells isolated from distinct CNS regions
· Evaluating signaling pathways involved in NS cell differentiation
· Drug compound library screening*
  *Products are for research use only.
■ 产品列表
Code No. Product Size
Y40060 Human Neural Hindbrain Stem Cell Line Kit 1 Kit
Y40070 Human Neural Mid Forebrain Stem Cell Line Kit 1 Kit
Y40080 Human Neural Spinal Cord Stem Cell Line Kit 1 Kit
Y40090 Human Neural Temporal Lobe Stem Cell Line Kit 1 Kit
■ 关联产品
Code No. Product Size
Y40001 RHB-A (神经干细胞培养基) 500 ml
■ 产品详情请点击:人神经干细胞Human Neural Stem Cells
1. Conti L, et al. Niche-independent symmetrical self-renewal of a mammalian tissue stem cell. PLos Biol.2005;3(9):e283.
2. Hook L, et al, Non-immortalized human neural stem(NS) cells as a scalable platform for cellular assays. Neurochem lnt.2011;59(3):432-444
3. McLaren D, et al. Automated large-scale culture and medium-throughput chemical screen for modulators of proliferation and viability of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neuroepithelial-like stem cells. J Biomol Screen.2013;18(3):258-268.

页面更新:2024-04-24 10:01:04

小鼠ES干细胞向神经细胞分化诱导培养基Mouse Neural Differentiation Media (Ndiff 227)酶试剂盒Takara Clontech


小鼠ES干细胞向神经细胞分化诱导培养基Mouse Neural Differentiation Media (Ndiff 227)
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Cellartis Y40002 NDiff® 227 500 ml ¥4,718 小鼠ES干细胞向神经细胞分化诱导培养基Mouse Neural Differentiation Media (Ndiff 227) 小鼠ES干细胞向神经细胞分化诱导培养基Mouse Neural Differentiation Media (Ndiff 227) 小鼠ES干细胞向神经细胞分化诱导培养基Mouse Neural Differentiation Media (Ndiff 227)
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小鼠ES干细胞向神经细胞分化诱导培养基 NDiff 227
■ 产品特点
· A complete, serum-free, ready‐to‐use medium for neural differentiation of mouse ES cells
· Supplemented with N2 and B-27
■ 产品应用
· Neural differentiation of mouse ES cells in monoculture
· Refer to the Data Sheet for additional examples of use
■ 产品详情请点击:小鼠ES干细胞向神经细胞分化诱导培养基Mouse Neural Differentiation Media (Ndiff 227)
小鼠ES干细胞向神经细胞分化诱导培养基Mouse Neural Differentiation Media (Ndiff 227)
Neural differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells cultured in adherent monoculture conditions with NDiff 227 medium.
1. Ying QL, et al. (2003) Conversion of embryonic stem cells into neuroectodermal precursors in adherent monoculture. Nature Biotechnology 21:183-186.
2. Ying QL, et al. (2003) BMP induction of Id proteins suppresses differentiation and sustains embryonic stem cell self-renewal in collaboration with STAT3. Cell 115:281-292.
3. Li Y, et al. (2005) Expansion of Human Embryonic Stem Cells in Defined Serum-Free Medium Devoid of Animal-Derived Products. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 91:688-698.
4. Yao S, et al (2006) Long-term self-renewal and directed differentiation of human embryonic stem cells in chemically defined conditions. PNAS 103(18):6907–6912.
5. Morrison G, et al. (2008) Anterior definitive endoderm from ESCs reveals a role for FGF signaling. Cell Stem Cell 3:402-415.
6. Engelen E, et al. (2011) Sox2 cooperates with Chd7 to regulate genes that are mutated in human syndromes. Nat Genet. 43(6):607-11.
7. Hook L, et al. (2011) Non-immortalized human neural stem (NS) cells as a scalable platform for cellular assays. Neurochem Int. 59(3): 432-44.
8. Tavares L, et al. (2012) RYBP-PRC1 Complexes Mediate H2A Ubiquitylation at Polycomb Target Sites Independently of PRC2 and H3K27me3. Cell .148:664–678.
9. Takashima Y, et al.Resetting transcription factor control circuitry toward ground-state pluripotency in human. Cell. 2014 Sep;158(6):1254-1269.

页面更新:2024-02-29 10:56:00

神经干细胞培养基Adherent Neural Stem Cell Culture Media酶试剂盒Takara Clontech


神经干细胞培养基Adherent Neural Stem Cell Culture Media
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Cellartis Y40001 RHB-A® 500 ml ¥4,338 神经干细胞培养基Adherent Neural Stem Cell Culture Media 神经干细胞培养基Adherent Neural Stem Cell Culture Media 神经干细胞培养基Adherent Neural Stem Cell Culture Media
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Neural Stem Cell Culture Media
RHB-A和RHB-Basal是两款无血清、成分完全确定的培养基,用于人类或小鼠神经干细胞(NS)的定向分化获取、维持培养、扩增、诱导分化成神经细胞等用途。RHB-A可用来培养扩增贴壁的人或小鼠的神经干细胞。在RHB-A中培养的神经干细胞保持着稳定的神经干细胞分化发育成为成熟的神经细胞的能力 (1-3) 。另外,RHB-A还用来定向分化小鼠胚胎干细胞(mouse ES)至神经前体细胞 (neural precursors) (4-6)。
■ 产品特点
· RHB-A is a proprietary, fully defined, and serum-free medium designed to maintain pure populations of adherent human and mouse NS cells
· RHB-Basal medium is animal component-free and contains no neuronal supplements; the media can be customized by the addition of supplements
■ 产品应用
· Derivation of mouse and human NS cells from ES cells and fetal and adult tissues
· Maintenance and propagation of adherent mouse and human NS cells
· Differentiation of mouse and human NS cells into functional neurons
· Differentiation of mouse ES cells to neuronal precursors
· Refer to the Data Sheet for additional examples of use
■ 产品详情请点击:神经干细胞培养基Adherent Neural Stem Cell Culture Media
神经干细胞培养基Adherent Neural Stem Cell Culture Media
Adherent mouse neural stem cells cultured in RHB-A medium supplemented with epidermal growth factor and fibroblast growth factor-2 express neural stem cell markers, including Nestin, Vimentin (3CB2), radial glial cell marker-2 (RC2), glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), and microtubule associate protein (MAP).
1. Ying QL, et al. (2003) Conversion of embryonic stem cells into neuroectodermal precursors in adherent monoculture. Nature Biotechnology 21:183-186.
2. Conti L, et al. (2005) Niche-Independent symmetrical self-renewal of a mammalian tissue stem cell. PLoS Biology 3(9):e283.
3. Pollard SM, et al. (2006) Adherent Neural Stem (NS) cells from fetal and adult forebrain. Cerebral Cortex 16:112-120. 4. Diogo MM, et al. (2008) Optimization and integration of expansion and neural commitment of mouse embryonic stem cells. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry 49:105-112.
5. Pollard SM, et al. (2008) Fibroblast growth factor induces a neural stem cell phenotype in foetal forebrain progenitors and during embryonic stem cell differentiation. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 38:393:403.
6. Sun Y, et al. (2008) Long-term tripotent differentiation capacity of human neural stem (NS)cells in adherent culture. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 38:245-258.
7. Pollard SM, et al. (2009) Glioma stem cell lines expanded in adherent culture have tumor-specific phenotypes and are suitable for chemical and genetic screens. Cell Stem Cell 4:568-580.
8. Abranches E, et al. (2009) Neural differentiation of embryonic stem cells in vitro: A road map to neurogenesis in the embryo. PLoS ONE 4(7): e6286.
9. Fernandes et al. (2010) Hypoxia enhances proliferation of mouse embryonic stem cell-derived neural stem cells. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 106: 260–270.
10. Fernandes, T.G., et al. (2010) Different stages of pluripotency determine distinct patterns of proliferation, metabolism, and lineage commitment of embryonic stem cells under hypoxia. Stem Cell Research 5(1):76-89.
11. Fernandes et al. (2010) Three-dimensional cell culture microarray for high-throughput studies of stem cell fate. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 106: 106-118.
12. Hansen, et al. (2010) Neurogenic radial glia in the outer subventricular zone of human neocortex. Nature doi: 10.1038/nature08845.
13. Hook L, et al. (2011) Non-immortalized human neural stem (NS) cells as a scalable platform for cellular assays. Neurochem Int. 59(3): 432-44.

页面更新:2024-02-29 10:56:09

抗体Neural Progenitor Cell Antibodies酶试剂盒Takara Clontech


抗体Neural Progenitor Cell Antibodies
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Takara M194 Anti-Mouse L7/Pcp2, Polyclonal 0.2 mg ¥3,341 抗体Neural Progenitor Cell Antibodies 抗体Neural Progenitor Cell Antibodies 抗体Neural Progenitor Cell Antibodies
Takara M195 Anti-Mouse Otp, Polyclonal(库存销售完毕即终卖) 0.2 mg ¥3,341 抗体Neural Progenitor Cell Antibodies 抗体Neural Progenitor Cell Antibodies 抗体Neural Progenitor Cell Antibodies
Takara M196 Anti-Mouse Emx1, Polyclonal 0.2 mg ¥3,341 抗体Neural Progenitor Cell Antibodies 抗体Neural Progenitor Cell Antibodies 抗体Neural Progenitor Cell Antibodies
Takara M198 Anti-Mouse Otx2, Polyclonal 0.2 mg ¥3,341 抗体Neural Progenitor Cell Antibodies 抗体Neural Progenitor Cell Antibodies 抗体Neural Progenitor Cell Antibodies
Takara M227 Anti-Human/Mouse Bf1, Polyclonal 0.2 mg ¥3,341 抗体Neural Progenitor Cell Antibodies 抗体Neural Progenitor Cell Antibodies 抗体Neural Progenitor Cell Antibodies
Takara M228 Anti-Mouse Rx, Polyclonal 0.2 mg ¥3,341 抗体Neural Progenitor Cell Antibodies 抗体Neural Progenitor Cell Antibodies 抗体Neural Progenitor Cell Antibodies
Takara M229 Anti-Human/Mouse Rx, Polyclonal (Guinea Pig) 0.2 mg ¥3,341 抗体Neural Progenitor Cell Antibodies 抗体Neural Progenitor Cell Antibodies 抗体Neural Progenitor Cell Antibodies
Takara M230 Anti-Mouse Irx3, Polyclonal 0.2 mg ¥3,373 抗体Neural Progenitor Cell Antibodies 抗体Neural Progenitor Cell Antibodies 抗体Neural Progenitor Cell Antibodies
Takara M231 Anti-Human Crx, Polyclonal 0.2 mg ¥3,341 抗体Neural Progenitor Cell Antibodies 抗体Neural Progenitor Cell Antibodies 抗体Neural Progenitor Cell Antibodies
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Antibodies to Neural Progenitor Cells: Bf1, Crx, Emx1, Irx3,
L7/Pcp2, Otp, Otx2 and Rx

神经前体细胞(Neural progenitor cells)表达特异性的蛋白标志物,因此,这些标志物的抗体被应用于干细胞分化过程的研究,比如胚胎发育和器官发育。在再生医学研究中,这些抗体被用做干细胞神经分化的标记物。在免疫组织化学中,这些抗体用于组织辨别和Western blotting。
Antibody to Cell type detected Antigen Species Specificity Code No.
Bf1 Cerebral neural progenitor cells in the telencephalon C-terminal peptide of human/mouse Bf1 conjugated with bovine thyroglobulin Human
C-terminal region of human and mouse Bf1 M227
Crx Retinal photoreceptor cells(cone and rod cells) during embryonic development KLH-conjugated peptide fragments of human Crx Human Human Crx M231
Emx1 Cerebral cortex neurons during embryonic development KLH-conjugated peptide of mouse Emx1 Mouse C-terminal region of mouse Emx1 M196
Irx3 Neural plate progenitor cells involved in caudal nerve development KLH-conjugated peptide from the C-terminal region of mouse Irx3 Mouse Mouse Irx3 M230
L7/Pcp2 Purkinje progenitor cells KLH-conjugated peptide from the C-terminal region of L7/Pcp2 Mouse C-terminal region of mouse L7/Pcp2 M194
Otp Hindbrain and hypothalamic neurons during embryonic development KLH-conjugated peptide from the C-terminal region of mouse Otp Mouse C-terminal region of mouse Otp M195
Otx2 Retinal photoreceptor cells during embryonic development KLH-conjugated peptide from the C-terminal region of Otx2 Mouse C-terminal region of mouse Otx2 M198
Rx Retinal progenitor cells KLH-conjugated peptide fragments of Rx Mouse Mouse Rx M228
Human & mouse Rx M229
■ 产品应用
· Immunohistochemical staining on fixed tissue
· Western blotting under reducing conditions (Cat. # M196, M228, M229, M230, M231)
抗体Neural Progenitor Cell Antibodies
Immunohistochemical Staining with Polyclonal Antibody to Mouse Otx2 (Cat. No. M198) and DAPI. Tissue: Embryonic mouse, day 10 (E10), forebrain to midbrain. Fixation: 4% paraformaldehyde, 6 h. Permeabilization: 0.3% Triton X-100 in PBS. Blocking: 2% skim milk in PBS. Blue, DAPI stain; red, anti-Otx2 antibody.

页面更新:2024-02-29 10:57:07