iPS向肝脏细胞定向分化操作系统iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System酶试剂盒Takara Clontech


iPS向肝脏细胞定向分化操作系统iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Cellartis Y30055 Cellartis® iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System 1 Kit ¥15,704 iPS向肝脏细胞定向分化操作系统iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System iPS向肝脏细胞定向分化操作系统iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System iPS向肝脏细胞定向分化操作系统iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System
Cellartis Y30051 Cellartis® Hepatocyte Maintenance Medium 100 ml ¥2,521 iPS向肝脏细胞定向分化操作系统iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System iPS向肝脏细胞定向分化操作系统iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System iPS向肝脏细胞定向分化操作系统iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System
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(Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System)
以肝脏细胞为模型的实验越来越受到重视,在肝脏病变机理研究、药物代谢研究、药物毒理评估等方面有广阔的应用前景。然而,以个体原代肝细胞为材料来源会产生如取材困难、材料批间差大、无法长期稳定供应等一系列难以克服的问题。因此,通过iPS批量转化生产肝细胞的方法就显示出特别的优势。Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System可以稳定地、规模化地实现iPS向hepatocyte的诱导转化生产,而且诱导转化出的肝细胞能够稳定表达药物代谢相关酶系统和药物转运系统。
Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System是一套Do-It-Yourself系统,客户既可以对某个特殊病人来源的iPS实现转化,也可以利用cellartis供应的iPS进行标准化操作。使用本产品的过程起始于诱导人iPS转化成为确定性内胚层(Definitive Endoderm (DE))细胞,然后诱导转化DE至肝细胞。本产品是All-In-One型产品,实验所需的培养基、基质(coating)等包括在内。应用本产品转化约3 × 106 hiPS cells,可以获得约5 × 106 肝细胞(大约50 cm2面积的单层贴壁细胞)。
利用Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System转化得到的肝细胞除了清晰表现出肝细胞的必备特征外(如肝细胞特异性标志物、CYP系列酶等),还保留了原始细胞供体者的遗传基因背景。另外,相比较从组织切除获得的原代肝脏细胞(通常需要低温保存),通过本产品系统转化获得的肝细胞在更长的时间跨度上保持着生理功能的稳定性。这一点对于毒理学评估和病毒感染评估具有显著的意义。为长时间维持培养hiPS转化而来的肝细胞,我们推荐Cellartis Hepatocyte Maintenance Medium (Cat. No. Y30051)。
关于Cellartis 卓越的iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation技术的专项说明,请点击:
■ 产品特点
· Highly reproducible, robust system—the exact same protocol has been shown to work across 25 different iPS cell lines, so no need to optimize for your lines.
· Ideal for drug metabolism and safety studies—consistently generate panels of >90% pure, functional, hiPS cell-derived hepatocytes with diverse genetic backgrounds.
· Customized starting materials—start with any disease-relevant iPS cell lines and create accurate liver disease models.
· Ready for personalized medicine—make patient-specific, disease-specific cells for therapeutic applications.
· Extended experimental window—hepatocytes can be used for a minimum of 11 days for functional tests.
■ 产品成分
· Cellartis DEF-CS 100 Culture System (Y30020, not sold separately)
· Cellartis Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Kit (Y30030, not sold separately)
· Cellartis Hepatocyte Differentiation Kit (Y30050)
■ 产品详情请点击:iPS向肝脏细胞定向分化操作系统iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System
iPS向肝脏细胞定向分化操作系统iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System
Immunocytochemistry analysis of hepatocyte differentiation. hiPS cells were differentiated into functional hepatocytes using the Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System. Hepatocytes were immunostained to detect early hepatic markers HNF4α (red, nuclear) and CK18 (green) on days 14 and 21. As the hepatocytes matured, expression of liver-specific markers CYP3A (red, cytoplasmic) and Albumin (green) increased as seen on day 28, as expected. Cell nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue).
Asplund, Annika, et al.One Standardized Differentiation Procedure Robustly Generates Homogenous Hepatocyte Cultures Displaying? Metabolic Diversity from a Large Panel of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells. Stem Cell Rev and Rep (2015).
◆ 东海大学医学部-纸谷聪英教授
   利用人iPS细胞体外构建多囊性肝病(Polycystic liver disease)模型
iPS向肝脏细胞定向分化操作系统iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System
纸谷聪英教授使用Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System(Y30055)构建肝脏疾病模型的研究成果已刊登在Stem Cell Research。
Akihide, K., Hiromi, C., Kinuyo, I., Emi, A., Kota, T., & Tatehiro, K., et al. (2018). An in vitro model of polycystic liver disease using genome-edited human inducible pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cell Research, 32, 17-24.
iPS向肝脏细胞定向分化操作系统iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System
图:使用 Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System(Y30055)获得的人iPSC来源肝前体细胞(iPS-HPCs)诱导分化为胆管状Cyst结构。
(引用自文献Akihide Kamiya et al., Stem Cell Research, 2018)
1. 开始使用Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System(Y30055)的契机是什么?
很多研究组已经报道了多种从人iPS细胞诱导分化形成肝脏细胞的方法,我们研究组也在做相关工作。由于细胞分化不稳定,我担心使用饲养层细胞培养人iPS细胞会对肝脏分化产生影响,因此决定尝试使用Cellartis iPS细胞无饲养层培养系统Cellartis DEF-CS™ 500 Culture System(Y30010)和肝脏分化系统Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System(Y30055)。
3. 对暂未使用该制品的用户有什么寄语?
◆ 东京医科齿科大学-柿沼晴教授
iPS向肝脏细胞定向分化操作系统iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System
柿沼晴教授使用Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System(Y30055)构建肝脏疾病模型的研究成果已刊登在Journal of Hepatology。
Tsunoda, T., Kakinuma, S., Miyoshi, M., Kamiya, A., Kaneko, S., & Sato, A., et al. (2019). Loss of fibrocystin promotes interleukin-8-dependent proliferation and ctgf production of biliary epithelium. Journal of Hepatology.
1.开始使用Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System(Y30055)的契机是什么?
一起进行研究的老师使用后能够进行稳定的培养,我们研究室也正好想利用无饲养层培养系统,所以开始使用了Cellartis DEF-CS™ 500 Culture System(Y30010)和肝脏分化系统Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System(Y30055)。
3. 对暂未使用该制品的用户有什么寄语?

页面更新:2024-02-29 10:59:23

小鼠ES干细胞向神经细胞分化诱导培养基Mouse Neural Differentiation Media (Ndiff 227)酶试剂盒Takara Clontech


小鼠ES干细胞向神经细胞分化诱导培养基Mouse Neural Differentiation Media (Ndiff 227)
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Cellartis Y40002 NDiff® 227 500 ml ¥4,718 小鼠ES干细胞向神经细胞分化诱导培养基Mouse Neural Differentiation Media (Ndiff 227) 小鼠ES干细胞向神经细胞分化诱导培养基Mouse Neural Differentiation Media (Ndiff 227) 小鼠ES干细胞向神经细胞分化诱导培养基Mouse Neural Differentiation Media (Ndiff 227)
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小鼠ES干细胞向神经细胞分化诱导培养基 NDiff 227
■ 产品特点
· A complete, serum-free, ready‐to‐use medium for neural differentiation of mouse ES cells
· Supplemented with N2 and B-27
■ 产品应用
· Neural differentiation of mouse ES cells in monoculture
· Refer to the Data Sheet for additional examples of use
■ 产品详情请点击:小鼠ES干细胞向神经细胞分化诱导培养基Mouse Neural Differentiation Media (Ndiff 227)
小鼠ES干细胞向神经细胞分化诱导培养基Mouse Neural Differentiation Media (Ndiff 227)
Neural differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells cultured in adherent monoculture conditions with NDiff 227 medium.
1. Ying QL, et al. (2003) Conversion of embryonic stem cells into neuroectodermal precursors in adherent monoculture. Nature Biotechnology 21:183-186.
2. Ying QL, et al. (2003) BMP induction of Id proteins suppresses differentiation and sustains embryonic stem cell self-renewal in collaboration with STAT3. Cell 115:281-292.
3. Li Y, et al. (2005) Expansion of Human Embryonic Stem Cells in Defined Serum-Free Medium Devoid of Animal-Derived Products. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 91:688-698.
4. Yao S, et al (2006) Long-term self-renewal and directed differentiation of human embryonic stem cells in chemically defined conditions. PNAS 103(18):6907–6912.
5. Morrison G, et al. (2008) Anterior definitive endoderm from ESCs reveals a role for FGF signaling. Cell Stem Cell 3:402-415.
6. Engelen E, et al. (2011) Sox2 cooperates with Chd7 to regulate genes that are mutated in human syndromes. Nat Genet. 43(6):607-11.
7. Hook L, et al. (2011) Non-immortalized human neural stem (NS) cells as a scalable platform for cellular assays. Neurochem Int. 59(3): 432-44.
8. Tavares L, et al. (2012) RYBP-PRC1 Complexes Mediate H2A Ubiquitylation at Polycomb Target Sites Independently of PRC2 and H3K27me3. Cell .148:664–678.
9. Takashima Y, et al.Resetting transcription factor control circuitry toward ground-state pluripotency in human. Cell. 2014 Sep;158(6):1254-1269.

页面更新:2024-02-29 10:56:00

肝脏细胞分化标识蛋白抗体Hepatic Cell Differentiation Antibodies酶试剂盒Takara Clontech


肝脏细胞分化标识蛋白抗体Hepatic Cell Differentiation Antibodies
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Takara M225 Anti-Human Alpha Fetoprotein, Monoclonal 0.1 mg Inquire 肝脏细胞分化标识蛋白抗体Hepatic Cell Differentiation Antibodies 肝脏细胞分化标识蛋白抗体Hepatic Cell Differentiation Antibodies 肝脏细胞分化标识蛋白抗体Hepatic Cell Differentiation Antibodies
Takara M226 Anti-Human Albumin, Monoclonal (Clone hAlb3-7A) 0.1 mg Inquire 肝脏细胞分化标识蛋白抗体Hepatic Cell Differentiation Antibodies 肝脏细胞分化标识蛋白抗体Hepatic Cell Differentiation Antibodies 肝脏细胞分化标识蛋白抗体Hepatic Cell Differentiation Antibodies
Takara M234 Anti-Mouse Albumin, Monoclonal (Clone M-Alb 151-1) 0.1 mg Inquire 肝脏细胞分化标识蛋白抗体Hepatic Cell Differentiation Antibodies 肝脏细胞分化标识蛋白抗体Hepatic Cell Differentiation Antibodies 肝脏细胞分化标识蛋白抗体Hepatic Cell Differentiation Antibodies
Takara M235 Anti-Rat Albumin, Monoclonal (Clone R-Alb 214A-1) 0.1 mg Inquire 肝脏细胞分化标识蛋白抗体Hepatic Cell Differentiation Antibodies 肝脏细胞分化标识蛋白抗体Hepatic Cell Differentiation Antibodies 肝脏细胞分化标识蛋白抗体Hepatic Cell Differentiation Antibodies
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(Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) and Albumin Detection)

在从干细胞到肝脏细胞的分化过程中,检测alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)albumin被用来监控定向细胞分化的效果。在胚胎发育过程中,肝脏和卵黄囊中生成AFP,对于胎儿出生前的造血功能非常重要。在胎儿出生后,AFP的功能被albumin取代,因而在成人血液中罕见高水平的AFP。但是,高水平的AFP却常见于各种肝病病例中,如急性肝炎、肝硬化、肝癌等。
■ 产品特点
Target Code No. Application Host Species Clone and Source Cross-eactivityo.
M225 WB, ICC, IHC Mouse Clone # AFP 16
Antibody raised against purified AFP obtained from human plasma
Cross-reacts with porcine AFP, and weakly cross-reacts with mouse AFP
Does not cross-react with rat or bovine AFP
M226 WB, ICC, IHC Mouse Clone #  hAlb 3-7A
Antibody raised against purified albumin obtained from human plasma
Does not cross-react with bovine, porcine, rabbit, rat, mouse, or monkey albumin
Does not react with ovalbumin
M234 WB, ICC, IHC Mouse Clone # M-Alb 151-1
Antibody raised against purified albumin obtained from mouse plasma
Does not cross-react with human, bovine, rat, porcine, or goat albumin
Rat Albumin M235 WB, ICC, IHC Mouse Clone # R-Alb 214A-1
Antibody raised against purified albumin obtained from rat plasma
Does not cross-react with human, bovine, mouse, porcine, or goat albumin

页面更新:2024-02-29 10:57:36

iPS向血管内皮细胞定向分化系统iPS Cell to Endothelial Cell Differentiation System酶试剂盒Takara Clontech


iPS向血管内皮细胞定向分化系统iPS Cell to Endothelial Cell Differentiation System
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Cellartis Y50300 MiraCell® iPS Cell to Endothelial Cell Differentiation Kit 1 Kit ¥16,398 iPS向血管内皮细胞定向分化系统iPS Cell to Endothelial Cell Differentiation System iPS向血管内皮细胞定向分化系统iPS Cell to Endothelial Cell Differentiation System iPS向血管内皮细胞定向分化系统iPS Cell to Endothelial Cell Differentiation System
Cellartis Y50301 MiraCell® iPS Cell to Endothelial Cell Differentiation Kit with DEF-CS 500 Culture System 1 Kit ¥18,627 iPS向血管内皮细胞定向分化系统iPS Cell to Endothelial Cell Differentiation System iPS向血管内皮细胞定向分化系统iPS Cell to Endothelial Cell Differentiation System iPS向血管内皮细胞定向分化系统iPS Cell to Endothelial Cell Differentiation System
Cellartis Y50053 MiraCell® EC Culture Medium 500 ml ¥5,177 iPS向血管内皮细胞定向分化系统iPS Cell to Endothelial Cell Differentiation System iPS向血管内皮细胞定向分化系统iPS Cell to Endothelial Cell Differentiation System iPS向血管内皮细胞定向分化系统iPS Cell to Endothelial Cell Differentiation System
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(iPS Cell to Endothelial Cell Differentiation System)
MiraCell iPS Cell to Endothelial Cell Differentiation Kit用于人iPS细胞向血管内皮细胞定向分化诱导,试剂盒中包含2种包被剂、2种分化用基础培养基和6种培养基添加剂,足够支持1个T25培养瓶 (1.5×105 Cells)或3个6孔板单孔(1.8×105 cells)的iPS细胞进行内皮方向分化诱导,分化周期为12天(Day0至Day11)。建议分化起始的iPS细胞先使用Cellartis® DEF-CS 500 Culture System(Y30010)驯化3-5代,以确保iPS细胞处于良好的多能性状态。
诱导分化获得的高纯度(CD31阳性率>80%*)血管内皮细胞,经鉴定表达CD31、CD144、Tie2、VEGFR2等血管内皮标志物和具备小管(Tube)形成能力。分化好的血管内皮细胞(Day12以后)可以使用MiraCell EC Culture Medium(Y50053)长期扩大培养,也可以冷冻保存备用。(*起始的人iPS细胞株不同,得到的血管内皮细胞性能可能不同。)
本产品使用京都大学iPS细胞研究所开发的人血管内皮细胞的制备技术,由Takara和iHeart Japan公司共同研发,由Takara制造并销售。
■ 产品特点
· 完整的试剂盒,支持人iPS细胞-中胚层细胞-血管内皮细胞定向分化
· 多个iPS细胞株测试验证,支持高效分化诱导(>80%)
· 无需基因修饰和药物筛选过程,操作简便
· 获得的血管内皮细胞,可冷冻保存和扩大培养
■ 产品组成
MiraCell® iPS Cell to Endothelial Cell Differentiation Kit,Y50300
· Coating Reagent 1 (Day0 & 2);Coating Reagent 2 (Day11)
· EC Differentiation Basal Medium 1 (Day3~9);EC Differentiation Basal Medium 2 (Day11)
· Supplement 1 (Day3);Supplement 2 (Day4);Supplement 3 (Day7);Supplement 4 (Day8);Supplement 5 (Day9);Supplement 6 (Day11)
iPS向血管内皮细胞定向分化系统iPS Cell to Endothelial Cell Differentiation System
MiraCell® iPS Cell to Endothelial Cell Differentiation Kit with DEF-CS 500 Culture System,Y50301
· MiraCell® iPS Cell to Endothelial Cell Differentiation Kit,Y50300
· Cellartis® DEF-CS 500 Culture System,Y30010
iPS向血管内皮细胞定向分化系统iPS Cell to Endothelial Cell Differentiation System
■ 实验例
iPS向血管内皮细胞定向分化系统iPS Cell to Endothelial Cell Differentiation System
图1. 3种人iPS细胞株使用MiraCell iPS Cell to Endothelial Cell Differentiation Kit分化诱导,获得的血管内皮细胞的形态比较(A)和标志蛋白质(B)比较。
iPS向血管内皮细胞定向分化系统iPS Cell to Endothelial Cell Differentiation System
图2. 3种人iPS细胞株使用MiraCell iPS Cell to Endothelial Cell Differentiation Kit分化诱导,获得的血管内皮细胞继续使用MiraCell EC Culture Medium维持培养,可长时间维持高纯度。()内的数值表示Day32的细胞扩大倍数,以Day8的细胞数为1。
iPS向血管内皮细胞定向分化系统iPS Cell to Endothelial Cell Differentiation System
图3. 冷冻保存的、使用MiraCell iPS Cell to Endothelial Cell Differentiation Kit分化诱导的血管内皮细胞(Day16),在解冻复苏培养Day8后的小管形成实验结果。

页面更新:2024-02-29 10:59:19

定向分化获取内胚层细胞试剂盒Cellartis Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Kit酶试剂盒Takara Clontech


定向分化获取内胚层细胞试剂盒Cellartis Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Kit
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Cellartis Y30035 Cellartis® Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Kit with DEF-CS Culture System 1 Kit ¥6,436 定向分化获取内胚层细胞试剂盒Cellartis Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Kit 定向分化获取内胚层细胞试剂盒Cellartis Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Kit 定向分化获取内胚层细胞试剂盒Cellartis Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Kit
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(Cellartis Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Kit)
The Cellartis Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Kit用于定向分化hiPS获取definitive endoderm (DE) cells。本产品包含所有必需的培养基和coating材料。本产品还包括新一代的Cellartis DEF-CS 100 Culture System用于起始hiPS的维持培养用。使用本产品获得的DE细胞,可以作为起始材料进行定向分化至内胚层来源的细胞类型(如肝细胞,胰腺细胞)。Cellartis也提供分化DE细胞获取肝细胞的试剂盒(Cellartis Hepatocyte Differentiation Kit (Cat. No. Y30050);Cellartis也提供诱导分化hiPS获取肝细胞的试剂盒(Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System (Cat. No. Y30055)。
■ 产品特点
· Efficient differentiation—generates >80% SOX17-positive cells
· Robust protocol—successful definitive endoderm (DE) cell generation from more than 25 different hiPS cell lines
· Complete kit—media and ready-to-use coating for a seven-day protocol to reproducibly differentiate hiPS cells into DE cells
· Start with a homogeneous population of hiPS cells—kit includes the Cellartis DEF-CS 100 Culture System to maintain undifferentiated cells prior to the start of DE cell differentiation
■ 产品详情请点击:定向分化获取内胚层细胞试剂盒Cellartis Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Kit
定向分化获取内胚层细胞试剂盒Cellartis Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Kit
mRNA expression profiles of definitive endoderm cells being generated from two hiPS cell lines (ChiPSC18 and P11025) using the Cellartis Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Kit with DEF-CS Culture Medium. These graphs track the relative temporal mRNA expression levels of various markers during differentiation from hiPS cells (starting on Day 0) into DE cells (by Day 7), as measured by RT-qPCR.

页面更新:2024-02-29 10:59:27

分化获取肝细胞试剂盒Cellartis Hepatocyte Differentiation Kit酶试剂盒Takara Clontech


分化获取肝细胞试剂盒Cellartis Hepatocyte Differentiation Kit
品牌 Code No. 产品名称 包装量 价格(元) 说明书 数量
Cellartis Y30050 Cellartis® Hepatocyte Differentiation Kit 1 Kit ¥9,234 分化获取肝细胞试剂盒Cellartis Hepatocyte Differentiation Kit 分化获取肝细胞试剂盒Cellartis Hepatocyte Differentiation Kit 分化获取肝细胞试剂盒Cellartis Hepatocyte Differentiation Kit
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(Cellartis Hepatocyte Differentiation Kit)
The Cellartis Hepatocyte Differentiation Kit用于诱导内胚层细胞(definitive endoderm (DE))获取肝细胞。通过使用本产品获取的肝细胞表现出符合预期的代谢酶表达,从而可以用于药物代谢研究和毒理学筛选。本产品包含足够的维持培养基用于正常为期11天的实验。
The Cellartis Hepatocyte Differentiation Kit可以对广泛来源的DE细胞进行定向分化:客户自己的DE细胞,或是Cellartis提供的标准化DE细胞,或是客户利用Cellartis Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Kit获得的DE细胞。据估计,现在已经有28种发源于人类干细胞的DE细胞被成功测试可以使用本产品。特别地,如果客户是用于大规模、要求持续稳定获得肝细胞的相关用途,Cellartis推荐Definitive Endoderm Cells (from ChiPSC18),用作起始DE细胞材料,或是用作阳性对照品。如果客户要求的DE是来自于自有的样本材料(patient-specific, or disease-specific),建议使用Cellartis iPS Cell to Hepatocyte Differentiation System (Cat. No. Y30055)。
■ 产品特点
· Complete kit—includes four different media sets and a ready-to-use coating, sufficient for
   23-day protocol for differentiating definitive endoderm (DE) cells into hepatocytes
· Robust protocol—tested with more than 25 different stem cell lines
· Efficient differentiation—yields >90% pure hepatocytes
■ 关联产品
Code No. Product Size
Y10040 Cellartis® Definitive Endoderm Cells (from ChiPSC18) 1 Vial
Y30051 Cellartis® Hepatocyte Maintenance Medium 100 ml
■ 产品详情请点击:分化获取肝细胞试剂盒Cellartis Hepatocyte Differentiation Kit
分化获取肝细胞试剂盒Cellartis Hepatocyte Differentiation Kit
Definitive endoderm (DE) cells were differentiated into hepatocytes using the Cellartis Hepatocyte Differentiation Kit. The first field of view, labeled “Definitive Endoderm Day 7,” shows DE cells seven days after differentiation from human pluripotent cells. These DE cells became the starting material for the differentiation kit. The remaining progression from DE cells to hepatocytes shows the expected morphology over a 14-day time period. The morphological features present in the last field of view, labeled “Hepatocyte Day 21+,” continue stably past Day 21.

页面更新:2024-02-29 10:59:33